
1.You must create a 4-digit code to block selected programs from being viewed. Enter the code when you want to view a blocked program.必须创建4位代码来阻止观看选中的节目。当您要观看被阻止的节目时请输入该代码。
2.International Years of the Quiet Sun太阳静止期国际观察年
3.We must guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness我们必须防止主观武断。
4.In criticism, it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness.批评要防止主观武断。
5.The spectacle of the icicle in the cave is amazing.石花洞的冰凌奇观让人叹为观止。
6.Objective To study the effect of Reptilase in the burn and plastic surgery.目的观察立止血在烧伤整形手术中的止血效果。
7.Nigara Falls is a wonderful sight.尼亚加拉大瀑布是一个令人叹为观止的景观。
8.We acclaim the consummate skill of the acrobats as the acme of perfection.杂技演员的好身手让我们叹为观止。
9.In these circumstances he must guard against pessimism.在这里,应注意防止悲观情绪的发生。
10.The Beautifully wrought crystal handicrafts receive great praise from people.玲珑剔透的水晶工艺品,令人叹为观止。
11.His collection of paintings is most impressive.他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止.
12.Well, this just about completes our itinerary for today.好了,我们今天的参观行程就到此为止。
13.We must meditate to let go of grasping, to put an end to it.我们必须观照,以释放执取并终止它。
14.have shot some breathtaking films.拍摄了一些令人叹为观止 的电影.
15.The effects of compound pholcodine syrup on 72 children patients with cough澳特斯止咳液治疗72例患儿疗效观察
16.With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump, the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines.开展了微量流速止痛泵临床观察血液中止痛药物浓度的研究。
17.The Effect of Gongxuening Capsules on Pregnant Women after between 10 Weeks and 14 Weeks Drug Abortion宫血宁对药物终止10~14周妊娠后止血效果的观察
18.Observation on the effect of prevention of postoperative tourniquet shock by means of fractional deflation of lower limb pneumatic tourniquet下肢气压止血带分次放气预防术后止血带休克效果观察

Samathavipa Syana止观双修
1.This is embodied in the practice of Samathavipa Syana and Buddhist harmony,in the comprehension of getting rid of delusion and following the truth and in the feeling of nirvana.这些体现在止观双修与理事圆融的修行实践中,体现在对去妄归真的认识中,体现在寂灭为乐的感受中。
3)Gu Wen Guan Zhi《古文观止》
1.A Tentative Analysis of the Translation of "Gu Wen Guan Zhi" by Luo Jingguo in the Frame of Relevance Theory;从关联理论角度试析《古文观止》英译本的翻译策略
2.A thorough analysis of motion verbs in Gu Wen Guan Zhi between its ancient Chinese and its modern Chinese t.本文以《古文观止》为个案,对古代汉语与现代汉语中位移动词的使用情况进行比较,发现古代汉语中的非方式动词明显多于其它的动作动词,而现代汉语中尽管非方式动词仍然最多,但是与方式动词差别并不显著,而且复杂的位移动词也有了明显的增多。
4)Mohe Zhiguan《摩诃止观》
5)The demeanor is worthy of seeing容止可观
6)The Notes of Classical Chinese古文观止
1.The Notes of Classical Chinese was not only a kind of teaching material which was adapted by Private tutor in the period of Kangxi, in Qing Dynasty, but also the most influent ancient writing which spread most extensively until now.《古文观止》是清代康熙年间由私塾先生选编的教科书,也是至今影响最大、流传最广的古文选本。

止观  佛教名词。佛教修习的重要方法。"止",梵文音为奢摩地,意为"止寂"、"禅定"等,谓止息妄念,专心一境;"观"梵文音为毗婆舍那,意为在"止"的基础上所发生的智慧。"止观",即"禅定"和"智慧"的合称。《佛说大安般守意经》有所谓"六妙法",即数、随、止、观、还、净,已有 "止"、"观" 之说。隋代慧远《大乘义章》卷十中说:"止者,外国名奢摩地,此翻名止。守心住缘,离于散动,故名为止。止心不乱,故复名定。观者,外国名毗婆舍那,此翻名观。于法推术,简择名观。观达称慧。"就是说,慧为"观智通达,契会真如"。中国佛教天台宗提倡"止观双修"(或谓"定慧双修"),以此概括一切修习方法。智《摩诃止观》说:"法性寂然名止,寂而常照名观。虽言初后,无二无别,是名圆顿止观。"意谓"止"、"观"虽有先后之分,但并非两回事,两者是不能分离的,这是最圆满的修习方法。天台宗把由定生慧视为修习的根本方法,故智的《修习止观坐禅法要》说:"若夫泥洹之法,入乃多涂。论其急要,不出止观二法。"禅宗从"体用"关系角度阐发止观即定慧学说,谓"定是慧之体,慧是定之用"。并以此作为本宗教理论和实践的基础。