学术民主,Academic democracy
1)Academic democracy学术民主
1.The third is promote academic democracy and make discussions and researches into problems concerning academic development.综观我国学术发展的当下视域:一是坚定国有化统一管理思想和信念,整合、优化学术管理,提高学术管理能力;二是对某些实际上并不利于学术发展的措施和办法限时纠正或紧急叫停;三是发扬学术民主精神,对有关学术发展的问题开展讨论与研究;四是应迅速避开一些不利于学术发展的误区,诸如学术与政治关系的纠缠、学术分类的凝固、缓慢和模糊、学术管理就是让研究学术的人来管理、学术要“裁军”、学术必言市场等。
2.He put forward the argument "ju ye sheng er sheng xue wang",in which "jing shi zhi yong" and academic democracy were the core.经世致用与学术民主是黄宗羲心目中“圣学”的核心。

1.Democratic Management of Academic System in Stanford University and its Enlightenment;斯坦福大学学术民主管理系统及其启示
2.Science enables technological innovation, which furthers democracy, which favors open markets.科学促成技术革新,技术革新促进民主,民主有利于开放市
3.Khmer Institute for Democracy高棉民主学社(民主学社)
4.On the Construction of Fork Literature and Arts Copyright Subject System;论民间文学艺术版权主体制度之构建
5.PROBING THE ROAD TO DEMOCRACY IN AFRICA --Summary of the Study of African Democratization Issues in International Academic Circles;探寻非洲民主之路——国际学术界对非洲民主化问题研究概述
6.Academic Freedom and Democracy:the Key to Chinese Scholars Creativity;学术自由、民主:我国学者创新能力的关键
7.On the Subject of Copyright of the Folk Literature and Art Works;民间文学艺术作品的著作权主体问题研究
8.Study on the Origination Background of Business Science of Lund-owner in Qi Min Yao Shu(Essential Ways for Living of the Common People);《齐民要术》中的地主“治生之学”产生背景研究
9.Overviews on Cyber-Democracy Studies of Domestic Academic Field in Recent Years;近年来国内学术界关于网络民主研究的综述
10.On the Nationalized Cultural Orientation of Zhang Taiyan s Linguistic Research Activities;试论章太炎语言学术活动的民族主义文化取向
11.The Origin and the Academic Analysis of Dr.Sun Yat-sen′s Principle of Nationalism;孙中山民族主义的思想渊源及学术解析
12.Reason,Responsibility and Democracy: Views on John S.Brubacher s Academic Authority;理性·责任·民主——论布鲁贝克的学术自治观
13.To make use of in art design teaching the democracy education method considers;对在艺术设计教学中运用民主教育方法的思考
14.On the Connotations of Jiang Zemin's Dialectical and Materialist View on Science and Technology ──Notes on Studying Jiang Zemin's On Science and Technology;论江泽民辩证唯物主义科学技术观的内涵──学习江泽民《论科学技术》一书的札记
15.This global wave of democratisation has been the issue of numerous academic discussions.这个世界民主化的潮流已经成为很多学术研讨的主题。
16.Academic Circle on the Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on the Reform of Democratic Socialism since the Founding of the People's Republic of China建国以来学术界关于工党民主社会主义改革研究的回顾与展望
17.She was dean of the Folk art Department in the Northwest art Institute for many years,50年代初曾任西北艺术学院少数民族艺术系主任多年,
18.The artist adopts the paper-cutting art of folk art as the main format.作者以民间美术中的剪纸艺术为主要艺术形式,并以其多彩多面貌来探讨民族文化的本源哲学。

democratically governed academic system学术民主管理
3)academic democratic power of management学术民主管理权力
4)democratic technology民主技术
1.The realization of democracy depend on the degree of development of democratic technology.民主的实现依赖民主技术的发展程度。
2.Based on analyzing the central theme of the democratic technology thought of contemporary era in the west as well as examining the research framework of it, the paper first examines the theoretical and the practical backgrounds of the emergence of the research on democratic technology thought.本文以当代西方民主技术思想为研究框架,在分析民主技术的中心话语的基础上,首先考察了以技术的民主控制为核心的当代西方民主技术思想兴起的理论背景和现实背景。
5)art democracy艺术民主
1.In this paper,the art democracy is explained by analyzing the different understanding on "aesthetic trend in daily life" to reveal the current situation of the social aesthetic culture in China."日常生活审美化"是一种起源于西方的理论话语,其实质是把日常生活和艺术的界限进一步消弭,此理论的出炉是和当时西方社会语境十分吻合的,它传入中国大陆之后,迅即在学术界掀起一股讨论热潮,文章试着从对"日常生活审美化"的不同理解而引出艺术民主化,从而厘清中国当代社会审美文化的真实状况。

军事民主(见三大民主)军事民主(见三大民主)military democracy lunshi minzhu军事民主(miritary demoeraey)见三大民主。