全祖望,Quan Zuwang
1)Quan Zuwang全祖望
1.Motive and Tactics of Compliments Quan Zuwang Gave to Heroes in Ming Dynasty;试论全祖望表彰明季忠烈的动机及策略

1.On Qu Duan;也论曲端——全祖望《鲒埼亭集·曲端论》读后
2.Motive and Tactics of Compliments Quan Zuwang Gave to Heroes in Ming Dynasty;试论全祖望表彰明季忠烈的动机及策略
3.During the Qian long Reign (1709--1764) of the Qing Dynasty (1644--1911) there appeared three great scholars in Li Studies -- Quan Zuwang (1705--1755), Zhao Yiqing (1709--1754) and Dai Zhen (1723--1777).到了清朝乾隆年代,几乎同时出现了三位天才郦学家:全祖望、赵一清和戴振。
4."I will not disappoint the motherland," he was quoted as saying. "I will complete each movement with total concentration."“我将不会让祖国失望,”他被引述说,“我将全神贯注地完成每一个动作。”
5.We place our hopes on the people in Taiwan for the settlement of the Taiwan question and the realization of the complete reunification of China.解决台湾问题、实现祖国的完全统一,我们寄希望于台湾人民。
6.We often go to see grandparents.我们常去看望祖父母。
7.He's visiting his grandparents.他去看望祖父母了。
8.He wished to be interred in the family grave.他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。
9.We hope that the youth and students throughout the country will study diligently, preparing to participate in productive labour, primarily in manual labour, for national development.我们希望全国的青年学生努力学习,积极准备参加建设祖国的生产劳动,首先是体力劳动。
10.The young people of all ethnic groups in China represent the future of our country and nation and the hope for prosperity and development of our cause.全国各族青年,代表着我们祖国和民族的未来,代表着我们事业兴旺发达的希望。
11.Strengthening ethnic solidarity and maintaining national unity and social stability is the common aspiration of our people of all ethnic groups.加强民族团结、维护祖国统一和社会稳定,是全国各族人民的共同愿望。
12.Grandmother looked about in perplexity.祖母茫然不解地朝四处望望。
13.My grandfather is as deaf as a block.我祖父的耳朵完全聋了。
14.The soldiers fought body and soul for their country.战士们全力为祖国而战。
15.I'm going to see my grandparents in the country.我要去乡下看望我的祖父母。
16.He visits his grandpapa every two weeks.他每隔一周就去探望他祖父一次。
17.Looking into the future of our motherland, we see a vista of limitless promise.展望祖国未来,前景无限美好。
18.Exiles long to return to their native land.流亡者们渴望回到自己的祖国.

Quan Zu-wang全祖望
1.Explore the Characteristics of Quan Zu-wang s Annotation;试论全祖望的注释学特点
2.Quan Zu-wang,scholar of the Qing Dynaty,think that "the records of yanyousiming",writen by Yuan Jue is unfairable beause the author wrote biography for those who gave up to Yuan Synisty but not for who didn t.清代学者全祖望认为元代袁桷作《延佑四明志》只给降元者作传而未给抗元人士作传是要颠倒是非,"党于降元之徒也",笔者认为,这种看法有失偏颇。
3)Quɑn Zuwɑng全祖望(1705~1755)
4)A Research on the Epitaphs and Biograhpies by Quan Zuwang全祖望碑传文研究
5)Gan Zuwang干祖望
1.The Academic Thought of Prof. Gan Zuwang on Therapy of Voice s Illness and the Clinical Study of Jiajiansanjiasan on Laryngeal Precancerosis;干祖望辨治喉喑的学术思想及加减三甲散治疗喉癌前病变的疗效研究
6)the work by Qiu Chu-ji全真祖本
