凌廷堪,Ling Tingkan
1)Ling Tingkan凌廷堪
1.A Ritual Approach of the "Cautiousness and Investigation of Things" by Ling Tingkan凌廷堪“慎独格物说”的礼学诠释
2)Ling Tingkan and the Theory of Dai Zhen凌廷堪与戴学
3)A Tentative Research into Ling Tingkan s Textual Criticism凌廷堪考据学发微
4)The room was in a state of chaos.室内凌乱不堪。

1.It's ten minutes after midnight.晨12 点10 分。
2.vanilla ice-cream, essence香草冰激、 香精.
3.an ice-cream wafer,ie for eating with ice-cream冰激威佛饼干(与冰激同吃的).
4.The water here is clear and rippling and can be drunk directly.这里的水清的, 可以直接饮用。
5.after suffering enough she fled into the deep mountain.她不堪辱,逃入深山。
6.Take time to indulge .尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激
7.An overbearing or domineering person.傲慢的或盛气人的人
8.I spotted a clock: 3:00 a.m.我看了一眼钟:晨2点。
9.She passed off the insult.她对这辱置之不理。
10.an untidy desk, kitchen, cupboard, etc乱的书桌、 厨房、 橱柜等
11.Ice is good and ice cream is better,冰块好,冰激更好,
12.The patient expired early this morning.那个患者是晨断气的
13.Two `choc-ices, please.请来两份巧克力冰激.
14.ice-cream topped with chocolate sauce浇上巧克力汁的冰激.
15.a pretentious manner妄自尊大, 盛气
16.Sometimes, it flies up to the sky, and sometimes it is like hiding under the ocean and breaking waves.它如空飞腾,潜海穿浪。
17.Who will be on duty from midnight to five o'clock?午夜到晨5点谁值班?
18.The ledge overhangs by several feet.壁架空伸出几英尺.

Ling Tingkan and the Theory of Dai Zhen凌廷堪与戴学
3)A Tentative Research into Ling Tingkan s Textual Criticism凌廷堪考据学发微
4)The room was in a state of chaos.室内凌乱不堪。
6)Shi Kan史堪

史堪史堪 史堪   宋代医家。字载之。眉州(今四川眉山)人。尝官至郡守,精于医药。治病以法炮制用药,审证精当,常三、四服药即效。不愈即重新审证,检讨其由,改用他法,以符病情。尝治一同邑人,恶闻食臭,神倦消瘦,医莫能愈。史氏依《内经》诊为“食挂”,予以调治而愈。又蔡京患便秘,史氏以紫菀清其肺气调治而愈。著有《史载之方》行世,全书凡三十一门,多论述内、妇科病,另有《史载之指南方》,或云即《史载之方》。