格物,Ge Wu
1)Ge Wu格物
1.The Doctrine of “Ge Wu” in Ming-Qing Era and the Development of Science in China;明清“格物”说和中国科学的发展
2.On Yan Yuan s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi Thought;颜元的“格物致知”思想
3.During this time, scholar of ZHU XUE gave several opinion different from ZHU Xi at LI QI Theory, XIN XING Theory, GE WU Theory and so on.此一时期的朱学者在理气论、心性论、格物说等理论问题上都提出过一些不同于朱熹的看法,这些修正对于明清之际的学术趋向的转变产生了一定影响,也在一定程度上为此后的理学的总结批判思潮提供了思想资料。

1.Research on the Physical Contents of the Two Books-GeWuRuMen and GeWuCeSuan;《格物入门》和《格物测算》的物理学内容分析
2.cellular construction格形构造[建筑物]
3.Prices [Corn, The market]ruleed high [low物价[谷物价格, 市场价格]偏高[低]。
4.price and volume measures价格和物量计算;价格和物量计算法;价格和物量衡量标准
5.Something that renders one legally ineligible; a disqualification.丧失资格某事物使…在法律上无资格;无资格
6.She would judge beyond him on these things.她对事物的看法与他格格不入。
7.Material formed into grilles or a grille.格栅状物格栅形状的东西
8.Strict Nonconformity Product Control, Exaltation the Actual Material Quantity of Product;严格不合格品控制,提高产品实物质量
9.Pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel tablets in beagle dogs氯吡格雷片比格犬体内的药物动力学
10.price line价格相同的一批货物
11.wirehaired pointing griffon硬毛指示猎物格里芬狗
12.She flunked the physics examination.她物理考试不及格。
13."Brighter shopping, brighter prices "明智的购物,透明的价格
14.approved storage facility合格的爆炸物贮存装置
15.Edictum de pretiis rerum venalium关于被卖物价格的告示
16.Eastern architecture东方式建筑物(风格)
17.Fisher's Price and Volume Indices费希尔价格和物量指数
18.certified reference material检定合格标准参考物质

1.ZhuXi’s theory of "GeWu" is important resource of thought in the discourse system of Song-Ming LiXue.朱熹的格物说是宋明理学话语系统中的重要思想资源,在思想史上影响较大。
3)property attribute物格
1.Effect of home laundering on the hand of naturally colored cotton fabrics;家用洗涤对天然彩色棉织物风格的影响
2.The Effect of Naturally Colored Cotton Blend on the Hand of the Woven;天然彩色棉混纺原料对织物风格的影响
3.For better understanding the effect of laundering by detergent containing bleaching agents on the hand of cotton fabrics,two different detergents(Ariel Color and Ariel-Bio) are used to laundery cotton fabrics.为了了解含氧化剂的洗涤剂对洗后织物风格的影响,采用两种不同的洗衣粉(分别为普通洗衣粉和含过氧化物类洗衣粉)对织物进行家用洗涤实验,并对洗后织物进行了白度和风格(FAST)测试。
5)fabric handle织物风格
1.5% respectively, while fabric handle changed from grade 1 to grade 5 in 12 treating method groups.5%,织物风格变化从1级到5级。
2.The way to assess the fabric handle by using EEG is being studied.在纺织服装中,由于舒适性等感觉指标目前很难测量,所以本文试着探讨利用脑电来评价织物风格的可行性。
6)Fabric Style织物风格
1.Application of RBF neural network in evaluating fabric style;RBF神经网络在织物风格评价中的应用
2.Research and application of RBF neural network in fabric style;RBF神经网络在织物风格中的研究与应用
3.The effects of different treatment on the fabric style of wool不同处理方式对羊毛织物风格的影响
