休闲思想,leisure thought
1)leisure thought休闲思想
1.Marx s leisure thought implies the profound connotation of humanism and stands out the humanism ideal.马克思的休闲思想中蕴涵着深刻的人本内涵,凸现了人本理想。
2.Part 1 discusses mainly that what produced the leisure thoughts in Xian Qing Ou Ji.李渔是明末清初一位多才多艺的文学家,《闲情偶寄》是他一生艺术和生活经验的总结,包含了丰富的休闲思想

1.The Study of the Marxist Leisure Ideology and Leisure Economy Development in China;马克思休闲思想及中国休闲经济发展研究
2.Analysis of Cultural Recreation Thought Relfected in Express Idle Feeling Occasionally by Li Yu李渔《闲情偶寄》中文化休闲思想探析
3.On the Ideas of Leisure in Classical Sociology Theories and Its Reality Denotations;论古典社会学理论中的休闲思想及其现实意义
4.From "The Book of Songs" to "The Art of Life": An Analysis of Leisure Thoughts in Chinese History;从《诗经》到《生活的艺术》:中国古、近代休闲思想探析
5.Leisure as a Practical Form of People s Full-scaled Development--the Statement on Comtemporary Significance of Maxism LeisureThinking;休闲是人的全面发展的实践形态——试论马克思休闲思想及其当代意义
6.Marx's leisure thought implies the profound connotation of humanism and stands out the humanism ideal.马克思的休闲思想中蕴涵着深刻的人本内涵,凸现了人本理想。
7.On Leisure Education and Ideological and Political Undergraduate Work;休闲教育与大学生思想政治工作简论
8.On Marx s Humanism Ideal and the Aim of Leisure Education;论马克思的人本理想与休闲教育目标
9.Study on the Ideological Bases of Leisure Street Planning and Construction休闲文化街规划建设的思想基础研究
10.Leisure Educational Thinking in the Teaching of College Sports Use;休闲教育思想在高校体育教学中的运用
11.Ancient European Leisure Sport Thought--The Soul of the Intangible Cultural Heritage;欧洲古代休闲体育思想——非物质文化遗产的精髓
12.The Evolution of Leisure: Historical Cutural and Philosophical Perspectives;人类文化思想史中的休闲——历史·文化·哲学的视角
13.The humanism thought of Marx is the theory staring point of our research on aim of leisure education.我们对休闲教育目标的理解应该以马克思的人学思想为理论原点。
14.Philosophical contemplation of the essence of sports leisure--Also a discussion about the relations between sports leisure and leisure sports体育休闲本质的哲学思考——兼论体育休闲与休闲体育的关系
15.Culture,Cultural Capital and Leisure--More Reflections on Leisure;文化、文化资本与休闲——对休闲问题的再思考
16.Thoughts on Leisure and Leisure Sports Activity Structure“Doing exercises”“Staying” Unbalance;休闲与休闲体育活动结构“动”“静”失衡的思考
17.Reflection on the Development of China Leisure Sports in the Leisure View休闲视野下我国休闲体育专业建设的思考
18.Possessing Leisure in Self-transcendence--Tao Yuanming's Influence on the Ideology of Song Poetry休闲于自我超越中拥有——论陶渊明对宋词的思想影响

leisure thoughts休闲思想
1.Mainly affected by Taoism,the Chinese traditional culture is full of unique and rich leisure thoughts.中国传统文化有着独特而丰富的休闲思想内涵,主要受到老庄哲学的影响。
3)Chian leisure thought中国休闲思想
4)leisure ideality休闲理想
5)Easy life ideal闲适思想
6)The Ethical Thinking of Leisure休闲的伦理思考

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j