于丹,Yu Dan
1)Yu Dan于丹
1.Yu Dan s Understanding of Confucius Quotations: An Example of Misreading;《于丹〈论语〉心得》:自由化误读的典型
2.An Analysis of the Flaws to Yu Dan's Zhuangzi Experience《于丹〈庄子〉心得》指瑕

1.derived from, or resembling, tan or tannin.从丹宁酸中提取的或类似于丹宁酸的。
2.A person of Danish ancestry.古丹麦人属于丹麦人祖先的人
3.of or relating to or characteristic of Denmark or the Danes.属于或关于丹麦、丹麦人的,或有其特征的。
4.Chun Chun is not as beautiful as Yu?" fans asked in defiance of the results.春春不如于丹漂亮?”玉米们不服地问。
5.of or pertaining to or characteristic of Bhutan or its people or culture or language.属于或关于不丹、不丹人、不丹文化、不丹语的,或有其特点的。
6.Problems Concerning the Interpretation of the "Great Chitan State" in Small Chitan Scropt;关于契丹小字“大契丹国”的释读问题
7.Then they decided to leave for Bhutan, then from Bhutan to Sikkim.于是众等决定前往不丹,再从不丹转往锡金。
8.of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Plumbaginaceae.属于、关于或具有白花丹科植物特征。
9.the largest city of Sudan; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum.苏丹最大的城市;位于苏丹中部白尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。
10.The Left-great-section and the Right-great-section of Khitan--The Third Study on the Zuw Khan of the Yao-nien Tribal league;关于契丹左大部与右大部——契丹遥辇氏阻午可汗二十部研究之三
11.For Jordan, this would have been calculated gamesmanship.对于乔丹,这是一个有计划的搅乱战术。
12.The ship will berth at Rotterdam on Wednesday .本船将于星期三在鹿特丹港停泊。
13.He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street.他在冰雪覆盖的丹佛大街丧生于车祸。
14.He became known as Air Jordan.他以“飞人乔丹”而闻名于世。
15."ABsorbed in painting, you know not old age is coming; indeed, to me wealth and rank are like clouds scudding"丹青不知老将至,宝贵于我如浮云
16.Indeed, we of spear-Danes in the old days,的确,我们关于持矛的丹麦人,在旧日,
17.Danny didn't drive downtown to Dad's dairy.丹尼并没有开车到父亲位于市镇的牧
18.He was given the nickname, "Air Jordan."于是他就被冠上「空中飞人乔丹」的绰号。

Yu Dan phenomenon于丹现象
1.The paper define "Yu Dan Phenomenon", demonstrate conceptions combing with " Yu Dan Phenomenon", define its nature resulting from cultural bacigrounds .本文对“于丹现象”的定义进行了界说,梳理了与“于丹现象”相关的概念,从“于丹现象”产生的文化背景入手,界定了它的性质。
3)Yu Dan's Understanding of Confucius Quotations《于丹〈论语〉心得》
4)An Analysis of "Yu Dan" Phenomenon"于丹现象"浅析
5)Study on Yudan Phenomena于丹现象研究
1.The source of the preposition yu in Oracle Bone inscriptions and in Sino-Tibetan;介词“于”在甲骨文和汉藏语里的起源
2.The word"yan"is explained as "yushi"or "yu+object" in explanations of words in ancient books.“焉”字在古书训诂中解作“于是”或“于 +宾” ;古籍异文中“焉”与“于是”相当 ;“焉”与“于是”对文、互文 ;焉字在语法意义上与“之”或相当于“之”的代词完全不同 ,而同于“于 +宾” ;此外 ,古汉语中的一些动词 ,既有及物动词的用法 ,又有不及物动词的用法 ,后面加“之”或加“焉”词义不同 ;从以上五个方面可以得出结论 :“焉”可以做兼词 ,兼介词“于”和代词“是”之用。
3.Concerning the function of yu between verbs and nouns (pronouns) in the agent sufferer sentences of ancient Chinese language, most of the syntactic scholars tend to consider it a symbol of passive voice.古文献施受句谓语体词间之“于”的性能 ,语法学者大都视“于”为被动式之标志。

《丹台玉案》《丹台玉案》 《丹台玉案》   综合性医书。六卷。明·孙文胤撰。刊于1636年。卷一阐述先天脉镜(专谈脉形),调摄养生,灵兰秘典(主要是脏象图说及各脏用药治法等);卷二-六结合作者多年临床治验,分别介绍伤寒、温病温疫、内科杂病、妇人、小儿、外科、五官、口齿等多种病证。每种病证按因、证、脉、治的次序论述。选方较广泛,对于一些主方的适应症,用法及加减法,叙述比较具体。现存多种明、清刻本,1984年上海科技出版社据明崇祯十年孙氏仁寿堂影印本。