三表,Three meter
1)Three meter三表
1.Through application of energy resources metering networking management systems and three meters in the public utility management automation, the problem of the low automation degree in the public utility management at present is solved, and the work efficiency and management level of transcribing and charging.通过能源计量联网管理系统与三表在公用事业管理自动化中的应用,解决了目前公用事业管理自动化程度低的问题,提高了抄表收费的工作效率和管理水平。
2)table iii表三

1.ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate.ATP代表三磷酸腺苷。
2.The thermometer reads33degrees.温度表显示三十三度。
3.three-phase three-wire watt-hour meter三相三线有功电度表
4.Study and Live up to the Thought of "Three Represent s;学习“三个代表” 实践“三个代表”
5.Correctly grip and earnestly practise the "three reprcsent s;准确把握“三个代表”,认真实践“三个代表”
6.Studying and Carrying oul The Thought of "Three Representatives;学习“三个代表”思想 实践“三个代表”要求
7.Deeply understanding and firmly carrying out the "Three Represents;深刻理解“三个代表”,坚决贯彻“三个代表”
8.A cubic expression, curve, or equation.三次表达式,三次曲线,三次方程
9.international telegraph alphabet NO.3《第三号国际电报字母表》
10.representing three quarters of something.代表某事物的四分之三。
11.Be three minutes out(钟表)相差(快慢)三分钟
12.three dimensional pattern of expression面部表情三维模式图
13.The delegation arrived in Beijing on Wednesday.代表团星期三到达北京。
14.My watch loses three minutes a day.我的表一天慢三分钟。
15.6.4 The Final Entry Forms must be prepared and certified in triplicate:(四)最后报名表一式三份:
16.three-phase four-wire watt-hour meter三相四线有功电度表
17.Neptune Trident Protectus Meter内丘恩三叉保护水表
18.The System Theory of "Three Represent s" --Review on Jiang Zemin s Idea of the "Three Represent s;“三个代表”系统论——学习江泽民“三个代表”重要思想

table iii表三
3)"unity of three forms"三表合一
1.According to experience with the trial run in operating environmental information system of“unity of three forms”,the author presents the pressing problems calling for solution so as to assure the truth and validity of the data obtained from pilot environmental statistic work of“unity of three forms”.根据作者在环境“三表合一”信息系统试运行过程中实际操作的体会,指出要确保环境统计“三表合一”试点工作数据真实有效,有四个方面的问题急待解决。
4)three representations三个代表
1.Fighting SARS and the practicing "three representations;抗击非典斗争与实践“三个代表”
2.Sincerely practice the “three representations”to impetus the work of the Youth league Party;忠诚实践“三个代表”努力推进共青团工作
3.Realizing "Three Representations" by strengthening politics judgement;加强思想政治工作是实现“三个代表”的重要保证
5)3 Cards 1 Table三卡一表
1.Method and Practice of Visitation and Inspection Work of Breast-Feeding out of Hospital with"3 Cards 1 Table;使用“三卡一表”做好院外母乳喂养访视工作的做法和体会
6)3-D Surface三维表面
1.A Drawing Method for Contour Map of 3-D Surface Appearance and Calculating of 3-D Surface Roughness;三维表面微观形貌的等高图绘制及粗糙度3-D评定参数计算方法研究
