儒学伦理,Confucian ethics
1)Confucian ethics儒学伦理
1.Ecological crisis of contemporary journals and balance and operation strategies of Confucian ethics;当代学术期刊生态危机与儒学伦理制衡
2.In light of the present problems in civil morality construction, the paper discusses the modern value in the Confucian ethics in an innovative spirit.针对目前我国公民道德建设方面存在的问题 ,本文试图从继承的角度 ,本着创新的精神 ,探讨传统儒学伦理中具有现代价值的因素 ,以期对今天的公民道德建设提供一些可供借鉴的思想和方法。

1.Catholic Spirit and Confucian Ethics: The Cause of the Confrontation of Chinese and Western Culture in the End of Ming Dynasty天学精神与儒学伦理——明末中西文化冲突探因
2.Ecological crisis of contemporary journals and balance and operation strategies of Confucian ethics;当代学术期刊生态危机与儒学伦理制衡
3.On Modern Value of Confucian Ethics in CivilMorality Construction试论儒学伦理对于公民道德建设的现代价值
4.The Ethical Thought of Modern Neo-Confucianism and Modern Moral Construction;现代新儒学伦理道德思想与现代道德建设
5.The Ethical Thought of Modern Neo-Confucianism and Modern Moral Education.;现代新儒学伦理道德思想与现代道德教育
6.The Neo-Confucian Metaphysics and Ethics of Chou Tun-i周敦颐新儒家形上学与伦理学
7."Promoting Virtue and Respected Knowledge":Traditional Confucian Theory of Knowledge-Ethics;“尊德性而道问学”:传统儒学知识伦理论
8.The Manifesto of New-Confucianism and the Revival of Virtue Ethics;新儒学的《宣言》与德性伦理学的复兴
9.On the Confucian Paradox of Ethics Versus Non-Ethics and Its Influence on Man s All-Round Development;儒学的伦理—非伦理“悖论”与人的全面发展
10.(2) the classic Confucius ethics from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty;(2)汉代至唐代时期的经学儒家伦理。
11.Confucian Ethics and Cultivation of College Students Network Moral Personality;儒家伦理与大学生网络道德人格培养
12.A Random Talk on Confucianism and Family Ethics: Starting from the Love of Relatives;漫谈儒学与家庭伦理——从亲情关系说起
13.The Blend of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism in Sun Simiao's Medical Ethics Thought孙思邈医学伦理思想中儒、道、释的交融
14.Genealogical Self and Confucian Demonstration Ethics系谱学的自我观念与儒家的示范伦理学
15.The Correction of the Principle of Unity of Heaven and Man in the Traditional Confucian--Additionally on its Value to the Environmental Ethics儒学“天人合一”说辨正——兼论其环境伦理学意义
16.The Rise of Lixue and the Revival of Confucian Ethics;理学的兴起和儒家人伦道德学说的回归与振兴
17.Modern Science and the Confucian Ehtics现代科学技术与传统儒家伦理——对儒家伦理思想作科学哲学反思的几个问题
18.The Value and Limitations of Confucian Ethics for Modern Bioethics儒家伦理对当代生命伦理学发展的价值及其局限

the Confucianism儒家伦理学说
3)ethics aesthetic儒家伦理美学
4)Confucianism and Ethical Construction儒学与伦理建设
5)Confucian ethics儒家伦理
1.Confucian ethics and education for all-round development in colleges&universities;儒家伦理思想与高校素质教育
2.Confucian ethics and its contemporary values in the horizon of paradigm of philosophic dialogue;“对话范式”视域中的儒家伦理及其当代价值
3.The analysis of the effect of Confucian ethics on Huizhou WuShu in Ming and Qing Dynasty;儒家伦理对明清徽州武术的影响探析
6)Confucian Ethic儒教伦理
1.Weber s proposition is discovered the tension between religion s ethic and modern civilization, He from a peculiar respect discusses the relationship between Protestant ethic and Capitalism, and Confucian ethic is lack of Protestant ethic s rational spirit, to prove that Confucian will never be given any inner power to the Chinese capitalism.本文从“韦伯命题”这一问题切入,探寻新教和儒教伦理与其社会的关系,并反思我国社会转型期伦理精神与市场经济的关系,揭示我国社会主义市场经济的伦理价值向度。
