至人,Perfect man
1)Perfect man至人
1.Approaching Juangtzyy s idea of “perfect man”in view of Aesthetic Education;庄子“至人”理想人格的美育思想探微
2.We elucidate, in this thesis, the meaning of "mirror stage" theory which is the jumping-off point of Lacannian theory, and attempt to probe into the unconscious character in the process of formation of Perfect man; Spiritual man as well as True sage and into the unconscious cause of yearning for the Perfect Virtue Society of Chuangtzu.“镜像阶段”是拉康主体理论的起点,我们旨在阐明拉康主体理论中的“镜像阶段”理论,并试图以其来探讨庄子思想中的“至人”、“神人”和“圣人”形象的形成过程、心理特征以及庄子追求“至德之世”的深层心理原因这一方面能够帮助我们深入探讨庄子思想的文化内涵,另一方面也能帮助我们深切了解拉康“镜像阶段”理论的有效性和有限

1.The car swung over to the curB.汽车侧转至人行道旁
2.The Truest,the Most Kind-Hearted and the Most Beautiful--The Humanistic Glory of Su Shi;至真 至善 至美——苏轼人性化的光辉
3.white supremacyph.1. 白人至上
4.They're humans! One of 'em is, anyway.“是人!至少有一个是人。
5.Officials say at least thirteen deaths are reported so far.官方称截至目前至少有13人死亡。
6.Water which is too clean has few fish; he who is too critical has few friends.水至清则无鱼,人至察则无友。
7.The pure The dreaming--share Thomas Hardy′s "The Well–Beloved";至纯至朴 且梦且幻——哈代《意中人》解读
8.A discussion of Liyu Ci s features;至情至性真词人——李煜词特色管窥
9.At least there are 1000 men on can.会上至少有一千人。
10.In view of personal communication,至于说到个人通信,
11.To tarry until another catches up.停留滞留直至别人追上
12.Add Sender to Address Book把发件人添加至通讯录
13.concerning or connected with sb/sth关于或至于某人[某事物
14.for they got into unfrequented places,竟逃进人迹罕至的地方,
15.People thronged the church to hear the sermon.人们涌至教堂听讲道。
16.a dreary forsaken beach in winter冬季人迹罕至的海滨.
17.The mass result is impressive.最终结果让人印象至深
18.room for 75 people at the outside至多能容75人的地方

Supreme patient病人至上
3)the superiority of mankind人类至上
4)real sentiments至性之人
5)people supremacy人民至上
1.To represent the fundamental interests of the masses of the people is one of “three representatives" by General Secretary JIANG Ze-Min, which is also the development and practice of Deng Xiao ping thought of people supremacy.这一思想是对邓小平人民至上思想理论的发展和实践。
6)supreme ethical relations人伦之至

至人【至人】 (杂名)释迦如来之尊号也。资持记上一之一曰:“释迦如来,道成积劫,德超三圣。化于人道,示相同之。是以且就人中美为尊极,故曰至人。”