民智,the wisdom of the people
1)the wisdom of the people民智
1.Jiang Zemin believes that a scientific and democratized policy should be made on a deep insight into the feelings of the people,on the reflection of the will of the people,on the wide collection of the wisdom of the people,and on valuing highly of the power of the people.江泽民认为科学化、民主化决策必须以“深入了解民情”为依据,以“充分反映民意”为价值取向,以“广泛集中民智”为源泉,以“切实珍惜民力”为动力。

1."Actually, the most effective way is to raise the intellect of the people."其实最有效的方式,应该是民智的提升。
2.Growth of Vernacular Writings in Late Qing Dynasty and Intensification of Consciousness of Mass Wisdom;清末白话文的渐兴与“民智意识”的强化
3.The people were governed by the wise man.居民都听命于一位智者。
4.a native or inhabitant of Chile.智利的本地人或居民。
5.her sane, democratic views她的理智、 民主的见解.
6.Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Ethnias de Chile智利农民和少数民族团结运动
7.ANAPEVIACH Chilean National Committee for Aid to Refugees智利援助难民全国委员会
8.The Hidden Treasures of Wisdom among Minorities少数民族中蕴藏着的智慧宝藏
9.Quite a lot of peasants know well that they should make some investments in the intellectual development of their children.不少农民是懂得智力投资的,
10.Annie de Roo and Rob Jagtenberg, Mediation in the Netherlands: Past, Present, and Future.黄宗智:《中国民事判决的过去和现在》。
11.Asamblea Espiritual Nacional de los Baha'is de Chile智利巴哈教民族精神大会
12.This showed that they were not only rational but were also "loyal".看来,选民不仅是理智的,也很讲义气哩。
13."When there is no helping suggestion the people will have a fall, but with a number of wise guides they will be safe."无智谋,民就败落。谋士多,人便安居。
14.Chile's native population have been resisting outside rule for most of their history.智利史上,原住民一直在抵抗外来政权。
15.It demonstrated the intelligence of the Chinese working people.这表现了中国劳动人民的智慧。
16.The Chinese people are industrious; frugal, intelligent and quick to learn.中国人民勤俭机智,善于学习。
17.Research for the RMB Intelligent Scorter Based on ANN;基于ANN人民币智能分捡机的研究
18.On Ecological Wisdom of Dwelling Houses of Wulingshan Miao Nationality;试论武陵山区苗族民居中的生态智慧

Xinmin Enlightenment新民启智
3)folk wisdom民间智慧
4)inspiring wisdom开启民智
5)reasonable democracy智性民主
6)the development of people's intelligence民智开发
