封建意识形态,Feudalistic Ideology
1)Feudalistic Ideology封建意识形态
2)feudal ideology封建意识
1.Tragedy of feudal ideology and its reflection from human nature point of view——the image of Sufang in 《History of an Unstanding》;封建意识的悲剧与人性层面的反思——析《创业史》中素芳的悲剧命运

1.In this article, the author focuses on the anti-feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的反封建意识、悲剧意识和批判意识。
2.LU Xun s From the Backyard Garden to Sanwei Private School: a perfect integration of anti-feudalism and of life;反封建意识与生命意识的完美融合——重读《从百草园到三味书屋》
3.Tragedy of feudal ideology and its reflection from human nature point of view--the image of Sufang in 《History of an Unstanding》;封建意识的悲剧与人性层面的反思——析《创业史》中素芳的悲剧命运
4.Ancient Chinese Female Consciousness--From the Primitive to Confucian Ritualism;中国古代女性意识——从原始走向封建礼教
5.Manifestations,Causes of Formation and Elimination of Feudal Subject Consciousness封建臣民意识的表现、形成原因及其消除
6.On Traditional Cultural Ideas Blocking Chinese Feudal Institution--Reason for the Continuity of Chinese Feudal Ideology;论传统文化理念对中国封建社会的制度锁定——中国封建社会长期延续的意识形态原因
7.The consciousness of hardship was the self-knowledge to the scholar-bureau-crats in feudal society.忧患意识则是古代封建社会士大夫的一种人生自觉。
8.The textual characteristics of trauma& introspection novels reflects the consciousness of servility of the feudal and ignorant writers and public.伤痕—反思"小说的文本特征凸显了作家与民众封建、昧的奴性意识。
9.The Conflict of Ethic Awareness between the Wide World and the Traditional Feudal Society--A Second Study on Song Jiang's Viewpoints of Loyalty & Brotherhood江湖社会与封建正统社会伦理意识之冲突——宋江忠义观再探
10.Behavior of Feudal Political Awareness in Contemporary and Solutions:On Indifference of Farmer Awareness to Politics封建政治意识在当代的表现及其清理——关于农民政治参与意识淡薄的若干思考
11."Shaking off its feudal shackles in ideology and social systems, Europe created a Brave new world for itself."尤其是在意识形态、社会制度方面大大超脱了封建束缚,使欧洲呈现出一个崭新的局面。
12.5. The great division of the Chinese nation. The fall of the feudal dynasty and the ideological stalemate that followed resulted in the Chinese nation being divided for more than half a century.五,中华民族大分裂——封建王朝的覆灭与意识形态的僵持,让中华民族出现超过半个世纪的对峙。
13.The fall of the feudal dynasty and the ideological stalemate that followed resulted in the Chinese nation Being divided for more than half a century.封建王朝的覆灭与意识形态的僵持,让中华民族出现超过半个世纪的对峙。
14.A Trial Probing into the Farming Landlords in Chinese Feudal Society; a Reexamining of Chinese Feudal Landlord Class试论中国封建社会经营地主——对中国封建地主阶级的再认识
15.A New Understanding of the Feudal Monarchies of Western Europe --A Review of Meng Guanglin s Monograph On the Feudal Monarchy of England.;对西欧封建王权的再认识——评孟广林的《英国封建王权论稿》
16.What do you mean by feudal China?你所谓封建时代是什么意思?
17.Owing feudal homage or allegiance.怀有封建的敬意或忠诚的
18.The Implication of Besieged City;试论《围城》批判封建家族制度之意蕴

feudal ideology封建意识
1.Tragedy of feudal ideology and its reflection from human nature point of view——the image of Sufang in 《History of an Unstanding》;封建意识的悲剧与人性层面的反思——析《创业史》中素芳的悲剧命运
3)Ideological Construction意识形态建设
1.The Process of Ideological Construction and the Role of Media in the 30 Years after Reform;改革开放三十年中国意识形态建设的历程与媒体的作用
2.By expounding the challenges that China has to face in the socialism ideological construction under the influences of the modernization and globalization,the paper reveals the actual significance of Marxism ideology in the course of the socialism.文章系统地回顾与总结了马克思意识形态理论,在阐述现代化建设与全球化影响下进行社会主义意识形态建设面临的挑战的基础上,揭示了社会主义进程中马克思主义意识形态的现实意义。
3.This paper starts from the concept and function of ideology and analyzes the relationship between the construction of the administrative ability of the CPC and the ideological construction against the background of the construction of the administrative ability of the CPC.政党执政能力的高低,与意识形态建设的能力紧密联系在一起。
4)Ideology construction意识形态建设
1.Ideology construction is a momentous subject of building socialistic harmonious society;意识形态建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的重大课题
2.Under the network condition,the socialism ideology construction is faced with many challenges.网络化条件下,社会主义意识形态建设面临诸多挑战。
3.In this dissertation, I will study the ideology construction under the background of social transformation, comb.在经济文化相对落后的历史条件下建立的社会主义国家中,意识形态建设具有特殊的紧迫性和重要性。
5)Constructive Ideology建设型意识形态
1.Manipulation of ideology and the translator s subjectivity on "equivalence"of translation;意识形态与译者主体性对翻译“对等”的操纵
2.Olympic Setting and Displaced Ideology;奥运布景与意识形态位移
3.Ideology,the Translator s Ideology and Literary Translation Strategy;社会意识形态、译者个体意识形态与文学翻译策略
