马意象,image of horse
1)image of horse马意象
1.From the view of traditional motifs, Dufu expressed his heroic affection and frustration in political areas with the image of horse.杜甫创作的各个阶段诗人心象与马意象存在内在联系。

1.The Images of Sick, Old and Slow Horses and Stories in Buddhist Curipture病马、老马、慢马意象与佛经故事——文学意象家族与文人心态史探佚
2.An Aesthetic Explanation of Horse Image and the Enmity between a horse and His Owner in Ancient China;马意象与中国古代马与人恩怨的审美阐释
3.Horse Image and Aesthetics Meaning of Su Shi's Painting Poetry论苏轼题画诗中的骏马意象及其审美意蕴
4.An Explanation of Life Implicity Lying in Horse Images in Dufu s Poems;从龙媒骏骨到石聿兀老马——杜甫诗歌中马意象的人生蕴藉阐释
5.On the Symbolization of Horse and Eagle in Du Fu's Poems横行思神骏,腾举企高远——对杜甫诗歌中鹰、马意象的解读
6.Humans and Horses-A Discussion on Horse Images in Su Shi s Poems and Articles;人与犬马之间——谈苏轼诗文中马的意象
7.The Seeking of Marlow--Marlow s Symbolism of Heart of Darkness;马洛的寻求——浅析《黑暗的中心》中马洛的象征意义
8.The Influence of Jesus and Prometheus on Karl Marx;耶稣形象和普罗米修斯形象对马克思的意义
9.Image Interpretation of Horse in Short Lyrics of Hai Zi;海子抒情短诗中“马”意象的深度解读
10.On the Image of Zigong and Its Reality Meaning from Sima Qian s Works;司马迁笔下的子贡形象及其现实意义
11.Speeding Horse, Untrammelled Life;疾驰的骏马 奔腾的生命——从马的意象分析红柯小说中的生命意识
12.Comprehending The Soul of An English Poem - Imagery through The Analysis of Spring Written by Thomas Nashe从托马斯·纳什的《春》解读英语诗歌中的灵魂-意象
13.Marxian Theory on Objectification and its Significance for Aesthetics马克思的对象化理论及其对美学的意义
14.Marx s Critique to Abstract Nature Viewpoint and Its Modern Meaning;马克思对抽象自然观的批判及当代意义
15.The King of Sun On the Sun Imagery of Haizi Poetry;以梦为马的太阳王——论海子诗歌中的太阳意象
16.Living Culture of Customs of Bai Minority --Jiama (Oblation) and its Symbolic Meaning;白族民俗的活态文化——甲马及其象征意义
17.Image of Animals from the Cultural Perspective--Taking Horse as a Creative Symbol文化视野下的动物意象——以“马”为创作标记
18.The typical images are "wind" image, "cloud" image, "dew" image, "stone" image.典型意象是“风”意象、“云”意象、“露”意象、“石”意象。

the image of the running horses奔马意象
3)horse image骏马意象
1.There are 14 poems associated with horse image in Su Shi\'s painting poetry.苏轼题画诗涉及骏马意象的篇章共14篇,这些诗篇具体生动地描绘了各类骏马多姿多彩的形象和风神独具的精神面貌,蕴涵着值得关注的美学意蕴,既展示了诗人高超的描写技巧,寄寓着作者复杂的感慨,又透露了诗人精彩的艺术见解,是一组题画诗精品。
4)A Study on Horse Image of Tang Poems唐诗马意象研究
5)The Horse Images Reflected in the Tang poetry唐诗中的骏马意象
1.Typology:Behavior,Image and Culture Content;类型:行为、意象与文化内涵
2.The Landscape of Dynamic State with a Part of the Great Canal in Hang Zhou:The Image and Development;杭州运河动态景观意象及发展探析
3.The sense of reality reflected by the images in poetry s ideorealm of Song Dynasty: in comparison with that of Tang Dynasty;宋词词境中的意象质感——兼与唐诗意象质感比较

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