格物论,theory of investigating things
1)theory of investigating things格物论
2)theory of personality人物性格论
1.Theory of concentrating on human nature——The core of Jin Shengtan s theory of personality;至情至性之论——真:金圣叹人物性格论的核心

1.An Analysis of the Aesthetic Psychological System of Jin Sheng-tan’s Creation of the Personalities;论金圣叹人物性格论的审美心理机制
2.Theory of concentrating on human nature--The core of Jin Shengtan s theory of personality;至情至性之论——真:金圣叹人物性格论的核心
3.The Two Basic Types of Characters in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms;论《三国演义》人物性格的两大基本类型
4.On the Description of Non- natured Characters in Shout and Wander;论《呐喊》《彷徨》的无性格人物描写
5.Complying with to Personality Characteristics Vigilance Look at Hegel's Personage Character Theory Re-read Hegel's Aesthetics从对个性特征警觉看黑格尔的人物性格理论——重读黑格尔《美学》
6.By "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Character Disposition Contradiction and Complexity;论《三国演义》人物性格的矛盾性和复杂性
7.To Depict the Specialty and Unity of Character;论文学作品中人物性格的特殊性和整体性
8.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格观
9.On the Duel-Personality and Tragedy of Fugene O Neill s Characters;论奥尼尔戏剧人物的双重人格与悲剧性
10.On Education in Moral Personality of Subjectivity in Defiance of Materialization of Human Beings;论主体性道德人格教育对人的物化的抗拒
11.Depicting the Refutation of Double Characters on the Law of Excluded Middle of Formal Logic;论小说人物多重性格对形式逻辑排中律的反拨
12.On the Orientations of the Characters in Desire Under the Elms and the Root of Tragedy;论《榆树下的欲望》中人物的性格取向与悲剧根源
13.The role of dream description in the portrayal of the figure s personality in Dreams in Red Mansion;论《红楼梦》中梦境在人物性格刻画方面的作用
14.On Heathcliff s Character From The Angle Of Psychoanalysis In "Wuthering Heights;略论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的人物性格
15.Interpretation of the Characters in Dill Pickle under the Framework of Conversational Analysis运用会话分析理论解读《莳萝泡菜》的人物性格
16.His performance agreed with the disposition of the character.他的表演符合人物性格。
17.Analysis of the Personality of the Heroine in the Novel of Jane Eyre in Light of the Appraisal Theory;从评价理论的角度看小说《简·爱》女主人公的人物性格特征
18.The Personality Differences and Culture Connotation of The Old Man and the Sea and Old Man Move the Mountain论《老人与海》与《愚公移山》的人物性格差异及其文化内涵

theory of personality人物性格论
1.Theory of concentrating on human nature——The core of Jin Shengtan s theory of personality;至情至性之论——真:金圣叹人物性格论的核心
3)psychological theory of personality人格心理生物理论
4)On Alain Robbe-Grillet s Object Description Theory of Writing格里耶的写物理论
5)Lattice theory格论
1.Mathematical comprehension of the intersecting cortical model using the lattice theory交叉视觉皮质模型的格论分析
6)Ge Wu格物
1.The Doctrine of “Ge Wu” in Ming-Qing Era and the Development of Science in China;明清“格物”说和中国科学的发展
2.On Yan Yuan s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi Thought;颜元的“格物致知”思想
3.During this time, scholar of ZHU XUE gave several opinion different from ZHU Xi at LI QI Theory, XIN XING Theory, GE WU Theory and so on.此一时期的朱学者在理气论、心性论、格物说等理论问题上都提出过一些不同于朱熹的看法,这些修正对于明清之际的学术趋向的转变产生了一定影响,也在一定程度上为此后的理学的总结批判思潮提供了思想资料。
