天地境界,The transcendent sphere
1)The transcendent sphere天地境界
1.In this paper, the historical place and thought of Chang Tsai s Western Inscription, as well as the evolution and content of Fung Yu-Lan s the transcendent sphere are investigated respectively.本文分别考察了张载《西铭》的历史地位及思想内容,以及冯友兰天地境界思想的形成过程与内容;在此基础上,着重从形上学、人生观等两个方面,展开了《西铭》与天地境界的比较研究,疏理了天地境界“接着”《西铭》讲的线索、方法与内容。

1.Implications of environmental morality in Feng Youlan s theory of "earth s being in harmony with heaven";冯友兰“天地境界”说的环境伦理意蕴
2.Disscussion on Feng Youlan s Saying about Heavenly Level of Living and Chan School Thought;论冯友兰的“天地境界说”与禅宗思想
3.Heaven-earth Realm in the "Concerned" Consciousness--Aesthetical explanation of Xu Fuguan s "concerned consciousness";“忧患”中的天地境界——徐复观“忧患意识”的美学解读
4.Ecologic ethics consciousness and modern value of "The world state";“天地境界说”的生态伦理意识及现代价值
5.Feng Youlan s Theory on Universal Real to the Significance of Ecological Ethics;冯友兰“天地境界”说对生态伦理学的意义
6.The Ideal State Which Ji Is Brilliant But Dao Is Mean;极高明而道中庸的“天地境界”——试论陶渊明《癸卯岁始春怀古田舍二首》之思想价值
7.A Thorough Study of Both China and W est, Ancient and Present, An Ideal Realm of Thought--on the penspective method and state of Feng Youlan s philosophy;学贯中西,道通古今,境臻天地——论冯友兰哲学的眼界、方法与境界
8.Comprehensive Utilization of Land Resources aod Optimization of Pit Limit土地资源的综合利用与露天开采境界的优化
9.Trilogy Composed of Hell、Purgatory and Heaven地狱、炼狱、天堂三步曲——析广告人生存环境的三种境界
10.Fourth: desire of the Great Harmony-The heaven, the earth and the people will all like it once it stands to the feeling, reason and law.第四、大同境界——欲理和仁,适乎无心:情理法适度天地人自然喜欢。
11.On The “Great” Soul State Of Man Carrying Out “Tao” In “Lao Tzu” And “Chuang Tzu”;慈悲刚智 逍遥天地——论老庄文中体道者“大”的心灵境界
12.Morality and the World:the Possibility of Neo-Jurisprudence "Realm"--An Response to a Question from Dr. Deng Lianhe道德与天地:论新理学“境界”之如何可能——兼答邓联合博士的一个问题
13.a world of visiting cards, a universe of duplication.名片世界,复印天地。
14.The geographic environment is richly endowed By nature.地理环境得天独厚。
15.And if by chance that special place如果你有一天登上你追求的新境界,
16."You are about to go by ar, the limit of the country of Moab;"你今天要从摩押的境界亚珥经过,
17.You are to pass through the territory of Moab, through Ar, today.18你今天要从摩押的境界亚珥经过。
18.The terminator is the boundary between day and night.地影界线就是白天和黑夜的边界。

The heavenly level of living said天地境界说
3)Open-pit boundary露天境界
4)open-pit mining realm露天矿境界
5)theory of heaven-human oneness天人境界论
1.Ideas of "cherishing non-being","worshipping being" and "self-transformation" emerged successively in the Wei and Jin Dynasties,which,in a process of affirmation,negation,and double negation,develops Lao Zi’ s cosmology from cosmos-ontology to the monist theory of heaven-human oneness that integrates subject and object.有无之辩是魏晋玄学的中心论题,魏晋玄学先后出现的贵无、崇有与独化三论,经过一轮正-反-合的过程,把老子自然哲学的宇宙论,经由宇宙本体论发展为主客一元的天人境界论。
6)surface ground boundary地面境界

《天地会》  中国档案汇编。中国人民大学清史研究所、中国第一历史档案馆合编。中国人民大学出版社1980年起陆续分册出版。全7册,约250万字,平装。所辑史料绝大部分是有关天地会创立及其1840年前反清斗争的档案文件,少量为有关天地会起源和有关人物传记的文献资料。凡档案文件均全文公布。文献资料则据内容酌情节录选编,对所录原文文字不作改动。该书依史料内容分为 4个部分:①天地会的起源。辑录有关天地会创立于晚清说、康熙甲寅年或雍正甲寅年说、乾隆二十六年说、乾隆三十二年说等说法所依据的主要史料。②林爽文起义。系统辑录清政府镇压起义的文件,并收录起义军的告示、军令、委任状、书信及天地会的会簿、结盟誓词等珍贵史料。③乾隆五十三年(1788)至六十年期间天地会的活动。记录林爽文起义被镇压后天地会在台湾、福建等地复兴、发展和发动起义的情况。④嘉庆、道光年间天地会的活动。记录添弟会、小刀会、三点会、三合会、仁义会、双刀会、阳盘会、阴盘会、平头会、洪莲会等天地会新支派。在台湾、福建、浙江、广东、广西、云南、贵州、湖南、江西、江苏、新疆等地的频繁活动以及发动武装起义的情况。