德性主体,ethical subject
1)ethical subject德性主体
1.However,with the internal confliction between moral,knowledge and contribution(the opposition between ethical subject and intellectual subject,harmoniousness and contending for profit),Confucian sageliness within has the tendency of despising knowledge and depreciating contribution,it can\'t directly achieve kingliness without.虽然仁义的落实需要知识与事功,但由于道德和知识事功的内在冲突,即德性主体与知性主体、和谐与争利的对立,儒家的内圣之学长期存在轻智与贬功的倾向,不能直接开出外王。
2.Although virtue needs knowledge and contribution to complete itself,because the internal confliction between moral and knowledge,contribution(the opposition between ethical subject and intellectual subject,virtue and contending for profit),Confucian sageliness within has the tendency of despising knowledge and depreciating contribution,it can\'t directly achieve kingliness without.虽然仁义的落实需要知识与事功,但由于道德和知识事功的内在冲突,即德性主体与知性主体、仁义与争利的对立,儒家的内圣之学长期存在轻智与贬功的倾向,不能直接开出外王。
2)subject virtue主体德性
3)Moral Subjectivity德性主体性
1.A Social Constructive View of the Interpretation of Moral Subjectivity;德性主体性解读之社会建构论视角
4)moral subjectivity道德主体性
1.The Construction of Students Moral Subjectivity in Ideology and Political Course in Middle School;中学政治思想品德课教学中学生道德主体性的建构
2.On the basis of generalizing the features of network youth,the article makes an exposition of the problem of the loss of moral subjectivity ,shown in the relations between human being and his own object of creation ;between the real self and the fictitions self;and between the real behaviour and the free behaviour ,and the loss of the formers.本文在概括网络青年特点的基础上 ,论述他们在人与自己的创造物的关系中人的失落 ,虚拟的自我与真实的自我中我的失落 ,自由的行为与现实的行为中自我行为的失落等道德主体性失落问题 ,认为加强网络青年主体性的建设是解决这一问题的关键。
3.According to this article,the lack of present-day university students moral subjectivity is manifested through the aspects of the poor consciousness for moral-requirement,the poor sense of dignity for self-morality,the weak sense of responsibility for social morality,the poor autonomy for the inclination of moral value,and the moral activities serious tendency towards utilitarianism and so on.本文认为,当代大学生道德主体性缺失主要表现在道德需求意识淡薄、自我道德尊严感淡薄、自觉的社会道德责任感淡化、道德价值取向自主性差、道德行为功利化倾向严重等方面。

1.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微
2.Subjective Moral Education:New Moral Education Idea Based on Confucian Subjective Moral Consciousness主体性道德教育:基于儒家道德主体性意识的德育新思路
3.On Confucian Subjective Moral Consciousness and the Cultivation of Moral Study Ability of College Students;儒家道德主体性意识及大学生道德能力培养
4.Losing and reshaping of main body of cyber morality;网络时代道德主体性的失落及其重塑
5.WangYang-ming's Theroy of "Innate Knowledge" in Field of Vision of Moral Subjectivity道德主体性视域里的王阳明“良知”学说
6.Practice Teaching and the Moral Independence Cultivation of University Student实践教学与大学生道德主体性的培养
7.On Cultivating the Student s Morality in the Course of Educational Reform in Universities;论高校德育改革进程中学生道德主体性的培育
8.Comparative Research about Moral Subjective Ideas of Wang Yangming and Kant王阳明与康德的道德主体性思想比较研究
9.The Causations of Social Morality Which Block the Exertion of Youth Morality s Active Capability;阻碍青年个体道德主体性实现的社会道德因素探析
10.On Social Moral Education and Subjective Moral Education;论社会性道德教育与主体性道德教育
11.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person's quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。
13.Kantian subjective ethics philosophy and its pedagogic meaning;康德主体性道德哲学及其教育学意义
14.Moral Education on Development of the Subject: Realistic Necessity of Moral Education;主体发展性道德教育:道德教育的现实需要
15.Traditional Sources of Subjective Morality--On the Relations between Chinese Tradition And the Subjective Morality主体性道德的传统之维——论我国传统与主体性道德的源流关系
16.Subjective Moral Education of Adolescents and Their Creativity Fostering;青少年主体性道德教育与创造性培养
17.A Subjective Consideration to the Subjective Moral Estimation of the College Students;主体性大学生道德素质评估之主体性思考
18.Perceiving the Reform of the Moral Education in Universities from the Subjective and Normative of Morals;从道德的主体性和规范性看高校德育改革

subject virtue主体德性
3)Moral Subjectivity德性主体性
1.A Social Constructive View of the Interpretation of Moral Subjectivity;德性主体性解读之社会建构论视角
4)moral subjectivity道德主体性
1.The Construction of Students Moral Subjectivity in Ideology and Political Course in Middle School;中学政治思想品德课教学中学生道德主体性的建构
2.On the basis of generalizing the features of network youth,the article makes an exposition of the problem of the loss of moral subjectivity ,shown in the relations between human being and his own object of creation ;between the real self and the fictitions self;and between the real behaviour and the free behaviour ,and the loss of the formers.本文在概括网络青年特点的基础上 ,论述他们在人与自己的创造物的关系中人的失落 ,虚拟的自我与真实的自我中我的失落 ,自由的行为与现实的行为中自我行为的失落等道德主体性失落问题 ,认为加强网络青年主体性的建设是解决这一问题的关键。
3.According to this article,the lack of present-day university students moral subjectivity is manifested through the aspects of the poor consciousness for moral-requirement,the poor sense of dignity for self-morality,the weak sense of responsibility for social morality,the poor autonomy for the inclination of moral value,and the moral activities serious tendency towards utilitarianism and so on.本文认为,当代大学生道德主体性缺失主要表现在道德需求意识淡薄、自我道德尊严感淡薄、自觉的社会道德责任感淡化、道德价值取向自主性差、道德行为功利化倾向严重等方面。
5)moral educational subjectivity德育主体性
1.What is the basis of the moral educational subjectivity is a basic question about the theory and practice of the moral educational subjectivity.德育主体性思想的根据何在?这是关系德育主体性理论和实践的根本问题。
6)subjectivity moral education主体性德育
1.Basis of Constructing Subjectivity Moral Education Mode in Universities高校主体性德育模式的建构依据
2.The subjectivity moral education must be carried out to promote the all-round development of students.要高扬人的主体性,建设和发展科学的德育理论,开展主体性德育,促进学生的全面发展。

德性1.指人的自然至诚之性。 2.品性;品质。 3.方言。指不入眼的模样﹑品行。含有轻蔑意。