象山文化,Xiangshan Culture
1)Xiangshan Culture象山文化
1.Yu Ji's On the New Memorial Temple for Lu Jiuyuan and Its Value to Xiangshan Culture Construction虞集《新建陆文安公祠堂记》对象山文化建设的价值
2.Regarded as the hallmark of Xiangshan Culture,Lu Jiuyuan Memorial Temple in Jingmen is significant in showcasing the development and prosperity of Xianghsna Culture.中国荆门陆夫子祠是象山文化的重要标志之一,它的肇建与兴衰,展示着理学和象山文化发展的状况。

1.Yu Ji's On the New Memorial Temple for Lu Jiuyuan and Its Value to Xiangshan Culture Construction虞集《新建陆文安公祠堂记》对象山文化建设的价值
2.Study on Literary Imagination and Narrative of Shandong Cultural Image;山东文化形象的文学想象与叙事研究
3.An Analysis of Variations of Hydrologic and Meteorologic Elements after Kangsan Polder Was Reclaimed康山围垦后水文、气象要素变化的分析
4.The Civil Residence Architecture of LiangShan Yi and Rerserch on Its Architecture Culturl Phenomena;凉山彝族民居建筑及其文化现象探讨
5.Ethereal and Unrestrained Beauty:Intepreting the Mutuality Between Chuanshan s Aesthetics and Hu-Xiang Culture Gene;船山美学湖湘文化基因互补现象解读
6.On the Existing Way and Historical Trend of "Foshan Cultural Phenomenon"“佛山文化现象”的存在方式及历史走向
7.Evolution and Cultures of the Image of Lishan Mother the Fairy Tale in Classic Stories;古代小说中骊山老母形象的演化及文化阐释
8.Always the Other: The Image of the "Guests of the Golden Mountain" from the Intercultural Perspective;永远的“他者”:跨文化视野中的金山客形象
9.Imagery Perspective of the Architectural Culture of the Ancient Villages at Xiamei, Mount Wuyi;武夷山下梅古村落建筑文化的意象透视
10.Image of Wilderness in \%Shan Hai Ching: \%A Cultural Analysis;“大荒”意象的文化分析——《山海经·荒经》的观念背景
11.Reflections on the Scientific Development of the Ocean Culture Industry in Xiangshan County象山县科学发展海洋文化产业的实践与思考
12.Discourse Right and Cultural Deconstruction:a Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Shanzhai Phenomenon话语权与文化解构:“山寨”现象的精神分析
13.On Graded Image of Phoenix Reflected Ancient Chinese Culture from ShanHaiJing to Shuowen-Jiezi;从《山海经》到《说文解字》——论“凤”在中国先民文化中的形象流变
14.An Image-theory Study on Cultural Tourism Imagery Positioning and Industry Development of Historical city--Taking Jiaxiang country Shandong Province as an example基于意象理论的历史文化名城文化旅游形象定位与产业发展研究——以山东省嘉祥县为例
15.Is it true that the three-rings stone altar is Gai-Tian conformed to real celestial phenomena?红山文化三环石坛真的是一幅与实际天象相符的“实用盖图”吗 ?
16.Three Major Constitutive Modes of Shandong Culture Image and Its Modern Succession and Changes;山东文化形象的三大建构模式及其现代传承与嬗变
17.Assumaption on Creating Essence of Jiu Yi Mountain Shun Cultural Tourism;内练“内功”,外塑“形象”——打造九嶷山舜文化旅游精品的构想
18.The Tang Poetry and the Architectonic Civilization of the City of Chang’an in the Tang Dynasty in Terms of an Interpretation of the Imagery “from the North Palace to the South Mountains”;唐代诗歌与长安城建筑文化——以“北阙—南山”的意象解读为中心

Shandong culture image山东文化形象
3)Foshan's cultural phenomenon佛山文化现象
4)Symbolic culture象征文化
1.The research of symbolic culture of the traditional unique local houses in Jingchu areas;荆楚地区传统民居的象征文化初探
2.The hakka earth building complex, which has prolific symbolic culture, has been the distinguished one in the art of architectural world.客家土楼以其鲜明的风格成为世界建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着丰富的象征文化。
5)cultural image文化意象
1.Differences of cultural images of English-Chinese animal words and translation;英汉动物词文化意象的差异与翻译
2.On the cultural image translation of the Chinese into English from information perspective;从信息论角度看汉语习语英译时的文化意象处理
3.Semiotics and cultural image;符号学在文化意象传输中的介入
6)cultural imagery文化意象
1.By analyzing the structural patterns of speech, the loss and distortion of cultural intention in the translation of literary works, this paper expounds to the hardship and difficulty in the translation of literary works from the aspects of cultural imagery, linguistic style, etc, and elaborates the limitation of the translatability of literary works.通过分析话语信息的结构模式、文学翻译中文化意向的失落和歪曲等,从文化意象、语言风格等角度阐述了文学翻译的艰辛,说明文学作品的可译性不是无限的。
2.In this article,some Chinese-English examples are employed to demonstrate the important role cultural imagery plays in representing the spirit of the original and depicting the character;some methods are suggested in translating cultural imagery-related sentences and finally,the author calls for more attention to the transfer of cultural imagery.文化意象是中华民族文化中的一朵语言奇葩,包含着丰富的文化底蕴,在翻译中,尤其在文学翻译中,是应着力转换的。
3.Words are the most active part in a linguistic system,and the cultural imagery implied in language is expressed in concrete word which contains abundant national cultural connotation.文化意象寓于语言当中,并在具体的词汇上得以体现,它承载着丰富的民族文化内涵。

国土杯中国现代农村文化形象摄影大赛奖项名称: 国土杯中国现代农村文化形象摄影大赛创办时间: 2001主办单位: 中国摄影家协会 江苏省江都市人民政府奖项介绍为了贯彻落实江总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,用优秀的文艺作品鼓舞人,中国摄影家协会、江苏省江都市人民政府联合主办,江都市委宣传部、江都市国土局、江都市文化局、《中国摄影报》社承办“'国土杯'中国现代农村文化形象摄影大赛”。本次大赛以中国现代农村文化形象为主题,旨在通过摄影的形式反映今日农村的新风尚、新面貌,展现农民、土地和文化三者之间的联系。历时近一年的“国土杯”中国现代农村文化形象摄影大奖赛经过9名评委的认真评选,316个奖项各归其主,其中辽宁郑培君以一幅《治黄沙保家园》摘得万元大奖。从2001年10月起至截稿之日,大赛共计收到了来自全国25个省、市、自治区3600余位作者创作的13987幅(组)作品,再加之大赛设置的万元大奖,可以说这是一次名副其实的“大奖”赛。大赛无论是稿数量和稿件质量在近年来的历次赛事中均处于较高的水平。参赛作品题材广泛,表现手法多样,视角独特,紧紧围绕着农村文化的主题,多角度、多侧面地反映了现代农村生活。本次大赛的万余幅作品向我们展示了那丰富多彩的乡村生活,从万里冰封的北疆到四季如火的海南黎寨;从东海之滨的现代化村镇到神秘迷人的雪域藏乡;有丰收土地上人们欢乐的笑脸,有祖孙三代婆媳难舍的深情,有人们与沙暴抗争的身影,有浩瀚海面上捕鱼人的号子。这万余幅作品使人感受到了浓浓的乡土气息,让我们深切认识到农村是摄影人不可忽视的摄影资源,这一题材还有待更多的摄影人去关注和挖掘。本次大赛的许多参赛者来自于农村基层,拍摄到了许多真实感人的精彩画面,初步向人们展示了这支摄影队伍的实力。