知性主体,intellectual subject
1)intellectual subject知性主体
1.However,with the internal confliction between moral,knowledge and contribution(the opposition between ethical subject and intellectual subject,harmoniousness and contending for profit),Confucian sageliness within has the tendency of despising knowledge and depreciating contribution,it can\'t directly achieve kingliness without.虽然仁义的落实需要知识与事功,但由于道德和知识事功的内在冲突,即德性主体与知性主体、和谐与争利的对立,儒家的内圣之学长期存在轻智与贬功的倾向,不能直接开出外王。
2.Although virtue needs knowledge and contribution to complete itself,because the internal confliction between moral and knowledge,contribution(the opposition between ethical subject and intellectual subject,virtue and contending for profit),Confucian sageliness within has the tendency of despising knowledge and depreciating contribution,it can\'t directly achieve kingliness without.虽然仁义的落实需要知识与事功,但由于道德和知识事功的内在冲突,即德性主体与知性主体、仁义与争利的对立,儒家的内圣之学长期存在轻智与贬功的倾向,不能直接开出外王。
2)the subjectivity of intellectual知识分子主体性
1.This text will discuss the subjectivity of intellectual to compare Ni Wu-cheng in people change in activity and Wen Zhong in dandiprat.文章从探讨知识分子主体性的视角切入,来对《活动变人形》中的倪吾诚和《侏儒》中的文仲进行比较。
3)thinking of cognitive subject认知主体性思想
1.The thinking of cognitive subject stresses the following aspects of a human being: independence,self-decision,self-awareness,individual freedom,free will and active creativity.认知主体性思想强调人的独立自主、自我决定、个体自由、自我意识、自为自觉、自由意志和能动创造。
4)subject of cognition认知主体
1.The model sticks out that student is the subject of cognition in teaching activity.对计算机辅助教学在教学理念、教学模式、教学层面、教学手段、教学语言和教学氛围等方面的问题进行了分析,提出了基于认知的计算机辅助教学设计的模型,该模型突出学生是教学活动中的认知主体,模型具有开放式的教学理念,智能的教学模式,启发式的教学层面,多媒体的教学手段,双语教学手段和群体教学氛围等特点。

1.Cognitively,man,the subject of cognition,must classify and categorize the objects.从认知学角度来看 ,作为认知主体的人对于认知对象必须进行分类和范畴化。
2.Language in Context:Semantic Variation and the Mode of Information Processing for Human Cognition;语用环境:语义变异和认知主体的信息处理模式
3.Cognition Structure of Subject and Its Influence on Recognition Activity主体认知结构及其对认识活动的影响
4.Study on One-agent Cognitive Logic;单主体认知逻辑的研究——全知性和真知性
5.The Interact Among Agents Must Be Considered to Constitute the Cognize Reasoning Model of Multi-Agent主体间的互动性与多主体认知推理模型的建构
6.I have to say that cubism is not something I know very much about .我得承认我对立体主义知道得不多。
7.The Interpositions of the Translators Subjective Cognition in the Translations of the Ancient Chinese Poems;汉语古诗英语中译者主体认知的介入
8.A Study of Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;认知语言学视阈下的译者主体性研究
10.Cognitive Style and Second Language Acquistion学习主体的认知风格与第二语言习得
11.A tentative analysis on the Function of Subject s Cognitive Structure in the Process of Cognition;试论主体的认知结构在认识过程中的作用
12.Research on Knowledge Reasoning in Multi-Agent System Based on Dynamic Epistemic Logic基于动态认知逻辑的多主体系统知识推理研究
13.Cognition is the interactive actions performed by different agents. So constituting the model of multi-agent cognize reasoning must consider the interaction among agents.认知往往是多个主体间相互作用的活动,建立多主体认知推理模型就必须考虑主体间互动问题。
14.On the Decisive Role of Human Subject s Cognitive Understanding in Aesthetic Process;论人类主体认知在审美中的决定作用——从实践美学到认知美学
15.On the Relationship between the Roles of Teacher and Student-the Structure of Dual Subjects and Reciprocal cognitive Objects师生关系中的双重主体及互为认知客体结构
16.The Function of Gymnast Main Body Cognition Structure in the Process of Cognition竞技体操运动员主体认知结构在认识过程中的作用
17.A Study of the Momentum for the Development of Subjective Thought in a View of Today's Cognitive Science现代认知科学视野中的主体思维发展动力研究
18.The cognition-based analysis of the applicability of feedback in the teaching of FL writing从主体认知看外语写作教学中反馈的应用

the subjectivity of intellectual知识分子主体性
1.This text will discuss the subjectivity of intellectual to compare Ni Wu-cheng in people change in activity and Wen Zhong in dandiprat.文章从探讨知识分子主体性的视角切入,来对《活动变人形》中的倪吾诚和《侏儒》中的文仲进行比较。
3)thinking of cognitive subject认知主体性思想
1.The thinking of cognitive subject stresses the following aspects of a human being: independence,self-decision,self-awareness,individual freedom,free will and active creativity.认知主体性思想强调人的独立自主、自我决定、个体自由、自我意识、自为自觉、自由意志和能动创造。
4)subject of cognition认知主体
1.The model sticks out that student is the subject of cognition in teaching activity.对计算机辅助教学在教学理念、教学模式、教学层面、教学手段、教学语言和教学氛围等方面的问题进行了分析,提出了基于认知的计算机辅助教学设计的模型,该模型突出学生是教学活动中的认知主体,模型具有开放式的教学理念,智能的教学模式,启发式的教学层面,多媒体的教学手段,双语教学手段和群体教学氛围等特点。
5)cognitive agent认知主体
1.However,sometimes the correct understanding of a word meaning cannot be reached without the involvement of its cognitive agent: the person in the capacity of the generation of semantic meaning resulting from th.由于词的多义性,人们在言语交际中往往不能单凭字面意思来理解其真正的内涵或外延,语境的研究使人们把视野拓展到词的上下文和情境上下文,但有时单凭语境而没有认知主体的联想参与,也不能达到正确理解词语深层语义的目的,因为语义的产生来自语境与认知主体之间的互动,而联想是互动的主要路径。
6)Cognitive Agents认知主体
1.The proposed method replaces individuals in the traditional Genetic Algorithm with Cognitive Agents, which imitates human decision-making behaviors to obtain the feasible solutions.该算法用认知主体取代了传统遗传算法的基于编码的可行解生成方式;用基于“范式学习与更新”的进化寻优机制取代了传统遗传算法中基于模仿基因的遗传和变异的进化寻优机制,使其计算效率及收敛稳定性均优于传统遗传算法。
