用人观,personnel strategy
1)personnel strategy用人观
1.There are many factors about victory or failure in case of the Taiping Heavenly,among which Hong Xiuquan s personnel strategy has been considered as one factor.洪秀全用人观演变的原因是由于受传统教育的影响、痴迷于宗教和其多疑性格等原因造成的,其根本的局限在于其用人观是一种传统的帝王驭人之术。

1.Research on the Relationship between Enterprise Managers Management Humanity and View of People Usage;企业管理者管理人性观与用人观关系研究
2.Training High-Level Technical Personnel through Changing Idea of Making Use of Personnel;转变用人观念 培养高级技术人才
3.Function of Art Education in world outlook and philosophy;美育在世界观、人生观教育中的作用
4.Adoption of Western Academic Achievements and Application of Pragmatic Theories:SHENG Xuan-huai’s View on Education and Talents;论盛宣怀“西学中用”、“实学实用”的教育观和人才观
5.There's a sidewalk for pedestrians and visitors.有供行人和参观者使用的人行道。
6.Ethnographic Interviews: Interviewing and Observing Users人种学调查:用户访谈和用户观察
7.Nature and Humanity in Landscape Design of Expressways;自然与人文景观在高速公路景观营建中的应用
8.Analysis of Human from the View of System:Mind-body Relationship of Qian Xue-sen用系统论的观点看人——钱学森心身观思想研究
9.Guiding the University Student with the Marxism Theory to Set Up the Correct World Outlook, Outlook on Life and the Values;用马克思主义理论引导大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观
10.something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares.用来趁人不防捕捉人或物的东西(通常外观诱人)。
11.The Enlightenment of Identifying and Using Talent from the Talent View of Ancient China in New Period;中国古代的人才观对新时期识人、用人的启示
12.Emancipate the Mind and Scientifically Select and Appoint Talents:On Hu Jintao's Talent View解放思想科学选人用人——论胡锦涛的人才观
13.The bird-watcher raked the trees with his binoculars.观察野鸟的人用双筒望远镜扫视树木.
14.The man swept the shore with the glass.那个人用望远镜观察了岸上的动静。
15.Appearance and Supply of bath towels / face towels / toiletries浴巾/面巾/个人清洁用品供应及观感
16.Men have observed and inferred in all sorts of ways.人们已用各种方法进行过观察和推论。
17.The bird - watcher raked the trees with his binoculars.观察野鸟的人用双筒望远镜扫视树木。
18.Application in Circularly Purifying Landscape Water with Constructed Greenland;人工绿地在景观水循环处理中的应用

concept for making proper use of personnel用人观念
3)choose talents选人用人观
4)enterprise views on employment企业用人观
5)appointments concept of talent人才的任用观
6)Comments on Cao Cao's View on Personnel试论曹操的用人观
