公私之辨,Distinction between public and private
1)Distinction between public and private公私之辨
1.Distinction between public and private is one of important problem in Chinese traditional political philosophy.公私之辨是中国传统政治哲学的重要问题之一。

1.Analyze Zhang Ju Zheng s Economic Reform from Distinction between Public and Private;论公私之辨维度下的张居正经济改革
2.Logical Evolution of Nature s Law and Desire Proposition from the Public and Private Discrimination;“公”“私”之辨与“理”“欲”演变的内在逻辑
3.Between Freedom and Order;在自由与秩序之间——私法、公法与经济法责任制度的价值辨析
4.Lu Xun in the Series of "Eloping"-An Analysis of Regret for the Past;“私奔”套中的鲁迅:《伤逝》之辨疑
5.Analyzing the publicity of Chinese public administration and public management;中国公共行政与公共管理之“公共性”辨析
6.On the "Limited Liability" of Subject in Private Law;私法主体“有限责任”辨──兼谈我国自然人破产制度建立之必要
7.To Distinguise the Meaning of “run through it by action” from Wei Linggong chapter of Analects;《论语·卫灵公》“予一以贯之”义辨
8.It is Wrong to Consider GONG Sunni is the Author of The Book of Music;《礼记·乐记》作于公孙尼之说辨误
9.The Private-public Duality of Economic Law and Its Dialectical Relationship--Also Discussion about the Independence of Economic Law Department;经济法的公私二重属性及其辨证关系——也论经济法部门的独立性
10.A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Validity of a Citizen s Basic Rights and Privatization and Judicialization of the Constitution;论公民基本权利效力的结构特点——兼辨宪法私法化与宪法司法化
11.State-owned farmland is within occupied farmland which is both public and private in character.课田在占田之内,占田的性质有公有私。
12.Private companies will have to follow suit in 2005.私营公司也必须在2005年之前照此执行。
13.It was difficult to strike the right balance between justice and expediency.在公正与私利之间很难两全.
14.Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.公德与私德均在衰落之中。
15.Study on the constitution status and value of private property right of citizens;论公民私有财产权之宪法地位与价值
16.The Change of the Chinese Judicial Concepts in Terms of Public Law and Private Law;从公私法分类看我国司法观念之转变
17.Public Product Theories with Public Choice Theories Relations’Differentiate and Analyze;公共产品理论与公共选择理论关系之辨析
18.Between Public Property and Private Property:The right of village-crew members and its institutional logic when people s communes were broken up;公产与私产之间——公社解体之际的村队成员权及其制度逻辑

1.Studies of Separating and Syncretizing between Public Law and Private Law;公私法之分与合的理论思考
1.Studies of Separating and Syncretizing between Public Law and Private Law;近代以来,公私法之合的强劲走势,导致了传统公私法之分的危机,形成了社会法等新领域。
1.Distinguishing between Chinese and Western Suburbanization:Discussion Concurrently on whether Chinese Cities having been in Suburbanization Stage;中西方城市郊区化之辨——兼论中国城市是否进入郊区化阶段
5)public and private公私
1.The simplicity and one-sidedness of traditional concept of public and private influence people s developing a practical and reasonable idea of public and private, thus bringing a negative effect on people s realistic social life.传统公私观念简单化和片面化的特点,影响着人们形成适应现实需要的合情合理的公私观念,给人们现实的社会生活带来了一定的消极影响。
2.At present, the distinction of public and private interests should precede the realization of social justice. 当前,实现社会正义首先是要实现公私划界。
6)the private prior to the public私之优先
