今古文之争,dispute of the studies of Confucian classics of current and ancient Chinese character
1)dispute of the studies of Confucian classics of current and ancient Chinese character今古文之争
1.As the dispute of the studies of Confucian classics of current and ancient Chinese character is more of economic nature than academic nature,it is totally possible for Dai Sheng to collect the ancient classic writing in The Book of Rites.经籍志》的相关记载并不能成为《礼记》并非戴圣所纂集的证据;汉代今古文之争多为利禄之争,而非学术之争,所以戴圣纂集《礼记》时收入古文经作品是完全可能的;《汉书。

1.Han Dynasty s Dispute Between Contemporary Classic and Traditional Classic Schools: The Influence on its Contemporary Classic Study;论汉代今古文之争对汉代今文经学的影响
2.Hermeneutic Meaning of the Dispute on Confucius Studies in Han Dynasty;论两汉“今古文之争”的解释学意义
3.The Referents of Poems and Their Ability to Do So-A long dispute on "The Book of Songs" in this regard;诗之所指与能指——谈谈《诗经》的今古文之争
4.The Controversy between the Stydy of Confucian classics in Classical writing and in Current Calligraphy and XuShen s "Analytical Dictionary of Characters";古、今文经学之争与许慎的《说文解字》
5.The two schools weren't in no sense sharply divided and could not in no sense coexist like water and fire, only focused on Zuo Zhuan.今古文之间绝非壁垒森严 ,水火不容 ,其争点仅在《左传》。
6.Lessing and His Laocoon in the Debate Between the Ancient and the Modern“古今之争”中的莱辛及其《拉奥孔》
7.Liu Fenglu's Discussions on Zuo Zhuan and the Qing Dynasty's Debates on the Two Confucian Schools of the Han Dynasty刘逢禄论《左氏》之得失与晚清今古学之争
8.Identifications about East,West,Ancient and Nowadays--Analysis of Chert Duxiu s Cultural Ideas;“古今东西”之辨——陈独秀文化观述论
9.Present Talking on the Yi Fa(义法) of the Ancient Chinese Literature Developing XU Fu-Kuan s Study of “Historical Records”;古文义法今论——徐复观“《史记》研究”之扩展
10.The Cultural Heritage between Modernity and Renaissance“取今”、“复古”之间的文化穿越
11.Studying the Relationship between Heaven and Man and the Changes from the Ancient to Today --the Full Development of Chinese Ancient Humanistic Spirit from Han to Tang Dynasty;究天人之际 通古今之变——汉唐人文精神之拓展
12.The Disputes between Guwen Classics and Jinwen Classics:Liao Ping and Liu Shipei in Sichuan Academy of Traditional Chinese Learning“今”“古”之争:四川国学院时期的廖平与刘师培
13.The Status and Destiny of MaoShi in the Study of Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty;论《毛诗》在两汉今古文斗争中的地位和命运
14.The debate between Zhao and Li in the later Jin Dynasty s literary world;法古与师心:金末文坛的赵、李之争
15.There are many kinds of culture in Chinese history.今、文之争贯穿中国传统文化发展史,今文经学多以经世标榜。
16.A cultural approach to the translation of Chinese imperial nostalgic poems阅千古得失,明古今之鉴——古诗词曲英译中的亡国咏怀诗文化浅析
17.The Development of Imperature Official Document and the Comparison of the Examples;命令(令)体公文形式之古今演变及个例比较
18.All writers of the hsingling school are against imitation of the ancients or the moderns and against a literary technique of rules.性灵派之作家反对模拟古今文人,亦反对文学之格套与定律。

Controversy over Confucian classics in versions in ancient and modern languages今古文经学之争
1.The first phase was the years before the May 4th NeoCultural Movement with,as its manifestation the repercussions of Controversy over Confucian classics in versions in ancient and modern languages.第一个阶段是五四新文化运动以前,表现为今古文经学之争的余波;第二个阶段是20至40年代,表现为实证主义、疑古思潮和唯物史观兴起并产生重大影响。
3)clasic and modern古今之争
1.Comparison between Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Gadamer Philosophical Hermeneutics --from the angles of "human and nature" "clasic and modern" and "speech and idea";中国传统哲学与伽达默尔哲学诠释学的比较——从“天人之辩”、“古今之争”和“言意之辩”谈起
4)conflict between ancient and present literature古文之争
5)the debate on"the Ancient V. the Modern and the Chinese V. the Westem""古今中西"之争
6)the difference of the past and the present古今之别
