民德,min de
1)min de民德
1.At all times is basically consistent the explaining of the chapter that "shen zhong zhui yuan",the explaining of "shen zhong"is to make funeral arrangement sadly and formally,the explaining of "zhui yuan"is to do fete respectfully and cordially,the explaining of "min de gui hou"is that the people s moral has been meliorated under the monarch s "shen zhong zhui yuan".古今对“慎终追远”章的解释基本上是一致的,以尽哀尽礼治丧解“慎终”,以尽敬尽诚祭祀解“追远”,以“君能行此二者”,“下民化之”,其德归厚,解“民德归厚”。
2)citizen morality公民道德
1.The self-esteem and autonomy,the idea of justice and the public spirit which are the central elements of the citizen morality should become the important implications of the school moral education.作为公民道德中的核心要素,如:自尊自治、公正观念和公共精神等应成为学校道德教育的重要内涵。
2."Citizen Morality" was established in Compendium of bringing citizen morality construction into effect> which is promulgated by centrality of CCP in September 20th, 2001.2001年9月20日,中共中央颁布的《公民道德建设实施纲要》中提出了“公民道德”的概念。

1.Moral Education,Civic Education,Civic Moral Education;道德教育、公民教育和公民道德教育
2.Public and Private Morality in the Area of Present Civil Morality Construction;论公民道德建设视域中的公德与私德
3.civic ethics, civic virtues文明礼貌,公民道德
4.Civil Morality: A Discussion on the Perspectives of Morality Construction s institutionalization;公民道德:道德建设制度化的视域探讨
5.On How to Build the Moral Standards fo r Citizens in Contemporary China;正确对待传统道德 建设现代公民道德
6.Social Ethics: the Core of the Construction of Social Mondi ty;社会公德:公民道德建设的重要“着力点”
7.Implementing to Govern with Morality and Enhancing Civism Construction;贯彻落实以德治国 加强公民道德建设
8.The Traditional Filial Piety Morality and Modern Citizen's Moral Quality Education传统孝德观与现代公民道德素质教育
9.Research on Harmonious Development Path of Religious Morality and Civil Moral Construction;宗教道德与公民道德建设和谐发展路径研究
10.Anticipation of Citizen s Moral Return to the Right Track--Analysis on the Phenomenon of "Moral Bank";公民道德回归的期待——“道德银行”现象分析
11.Citizen Morality:The Contemporary Transformation of the School Moral Education;培养公民道德:学校道德教育的现代诉求
13.Civil Morality Construction and Criticism and Inheritance of Confucian Tradition of Morality我国公民道德建设与儒家传统道德的批判继承
14.On Confucian Moral Education Thought and Contemporary Civic Moral Construction孔子道德教育思想与当代公民道德建设
15.Transfer from Class Morality to Citizenship Morality;从阶级道德到公民道德的德育转向——关于德育研究的系统方法论
16.The Civic Virtues Construction in the Interweaving Age of the Traditional and Modern:Civic Virtues Quality Investigation in Zhengzhou;传统与现代交织中的公民道德建设——郑州市公民道德素质调查
17.A comparative study of ethical construction between Chinese and Westerners;中西方公民道德建设横向比较——《公民道德建设实施纲要》现实性认识
18.Formation and Internalization of Morals and Implications for Minor Citizens′ Ethical Development;道德养成、道德内化及其对未成年公民道德建设的启示

citizen morality公民道德
1.The self-esteem and autonomy,the idea of justice and the public spirit which are the central elements of the citizen morality should become the important implications of the school moral education.作为公民道德中的核心要素,如:自尊自治、公正观念和公共精神等应成为学校道德教育的重要内涵。
2."Citizen Morality" was established in Compendium of bringing citizen morality construction into effect> which is promulgated by centrality of CCP in September 20th, 2001.2001年9月20日,中共中央颁布的《公民道德建设实施纲要》中提出了“公民道德”的概念。
3)National moral国民品德
4)Citizen Morals公民道德
1.Construction of the Citizen Morals and Contemporary Transformation of Confucianism Ethical Resources;公民道德建设与儒家伦理资源的当代转换
2.On the study in subject of "citizen morals;试论开展"公民道德"主体的研究
3.Citizen Morals refer to moral standard that the citizen should follow and moral quality that the citizen should have.公民道德作为公民应遵循的基本道德规范和应具备的道德品质,具有公共性、强制性和有限度性。
5)moral democracy道德民主
1.It holds the idea that the citizen morality commission is a natural product and an important expression of China s moral democracy,and one of the important means of reshaping moral authority.本文总结了我国公民道德委员会这一社会现象的产生及其运作规程,公民道德委员会是道德民主的必然产物,是我国道德民主的重要表现形式,是重塑道德权威的重要途径之一。
2.The concept of moral democracy is put forward, which regards that the nature of socialist democracy is moral democracy.本文简要分析了民主制度的发展历程和民主模式,指出当前世界民主有只注重形式、丢弃本质、不顾道德的趋势,提出道德民主的概念,认为社会主义民主本质是道德民主,只有道德民主才能保障和谐社会及和谐世界的建设。
6)Civic Virtue公民品德
1.By locating the concept of civic virtue in a broader context of a regime with characteristics of social contract, Cooper summarizes the principle of civic virtue as the principle of “self interest rightly understood".当代美国公共行政学者特里·L·库柏在发展公共行政的民主伦理时 ,通过历史追溯而将公民品德概念置于更为广阔的带有社群主义倾向的民主社会和契约性政体之中 ,并总结出公民品德的总则 ,即“正确理解的自我利益”。

民德1.民众的道德。 2.指有德之人。 3.犹民力。