孔子之道,Laozi's Tao ism
1)Laozi's Tao ism孔子之道

1."Confucianism and the Modern Life"--An Exposition on Chen Duxiu's Views of Confucianism“孔子之道与现代生活”——陈独秀儒学观述论
2.On Our Master s Comparing Himself to the Creator and Jesus Looking Himself as the Incarnation of the Word;论孔子之“以天自比”与耶稣之“道成肉身”
3.The “View of Justice and Interests” of Confucius and the Way of Hospital s Management;孔子的“义利观”与医院的经营之道
4.A Comparison on Ethics between Lao-tzu and Confucius from the Perspective of Laozi Chiseled on the Chu s Bamboo Slips;从楚简《老子》看老、孔的伦理道德之争
5.A Study of Lawrence's Ecological Ideas from the Aspect of Confucius' Golden Mean Thought从孔子的中庸之道看劳伦斯的生态观
6.Enlightenment of Confucius s Way to Cultivate Morality to the Training of University Student s Moral Quality;孔子修身之道对大学生道德素质培养的启示
7."Morals and Rites","Decrees and Punishments","Reasoning":Understanding Chinese Traditional Governance Through Confucius's Doctrines of "Reasoning with Morals"“德礼”·“政刑”·“道之”——从孔子的“道之以德”说看传统中国治道
8."Kindness" and "Humanity": Common to Confucian and Socrates Moral Thoughts;“善”与“仁”:孔子和苏格拉底道德思想的共通之处
9.The Comparison between Confucius′Thought of Education in Ethics and That of Socrates;孔子与苏格拉底道德教育思想之比较研究
10.The Meaning of Confucian Theory of Moral Educationas Cultivating One s Morality;孔子的道德修养论作为“为己之学”的意义
11.It relates directly to the doctrine of“ Zi Zhang”.《忠信之道》可能与孔门后学子张之儒有直接的关系。
12.All-embracing power proceeds only through the Way. What is called the Way is elusive and intangible.孔德之容,惟道是从。 道之为物,惟恍惟惚。
13.Philosophic Thought of Greek Myth and Its Comparison with the Confucian Theory of Mean;希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之道的异同
14.Confucius said, "When young, beware of fighting;孔子曰:“少,戒之在斗;
15.The Orientation of Analogy Entity of Confucius and His Followers in the Analects of Confucius;《论语》中孔子及孔门弟子之喻体取向探析
16.Inspiration of Shaping Moral Personality from Gentlemen s Philosophy of Confucius;孔子君子理念对道德人格养成的启示
17.Li or Zhi,Dao or Lu:Confucius cannot agree with Fuzihuyin礼与直、道与鲁:孔子未必赞成父子互隐
18.Growth of Silicalite-2 Zeolite Film in Microchannels of Biomorphic Porous SiC Ceramics多孔SiC陶瓷微孔道内合成Silicalite-2分子筛膜

On Confucius' Ways of Making Friends孔子的交友之道
3)On Confucius's Dao of Humanity孔子的仁爱之道
4)Confucius's Way of Preserving Health孔子的养生之道
5)the thought of Confucius and Mencius孔孟之道
1.What’s more, He Xin-yin’s thought still tallied with the thought of Confucius and Mencius.然而,深入研究就会发现,何心隐并没有走出王学话语,而是深契阳明精神,合孔孟之道。
6)Confucius on making friends论孔子的交友之道

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