荆公新学,Jinggong New Theory
1)Jinggong New Theory荆公新学
1.Jinggong New Theory s Historical Status;“荆公新学”的历史地位

1.The Comparisons among Neo-Confucianism, the New Learning of Wang Anshi and the Shu Learning of Su Shi;从《四书》学看北宋理学、荆公新学、苏氏蜀学的异同
2.The conflicts and divergences between the Jing Gong New Theory and the Luo Theory of the Chent Brothers in the field of ideology;荆公新学与二程洛学在经学领域的对立与分歧
3.Going out of "Jinggong Xinxue"--redraw Wang An-shi s scholarship forms;走出“荆公新学”——对王安石学术演变形态的再勾勒
4.Two Stages of New Learnings of Wang Anshi and Their Theoretical Characteristics;荆公新学的两个发展阶段及其理论特点
5.The Criticism of Shu Xue on Jing Gong Xin Xue;正统与政见之争——论北宋中后期苏氏蜀学对荆公新学之批评
6.On Ideology Features and Historical Position of Wang Anshi s New Theory and Its Relationship with Rationalistic Confucian Philosophy;论荆公新学的思想特质、历史地位及其与理学之关系
7.But with incomplete research object-Jinggong-Xinxue, both have misread the real historical complete research object-the Wang scholarship.但是,二者皆以残缺不全的对象“荆公新学”误读了历史真实的整体对象?“王学”。
8.An Essay on the Academic Value and Limitations of Notes and Commentary on Poems of Wang Anshi;论《王荆公诗笺注》的学术价值与局限
9.The No.1 Poet of Using Acquirement in the Song Dynasty--On Literary Allusions in Wang Anshi's Poetry宋“以才学为诗”第一人——略论荆公诗之用典
10.Jingmen United General Aviation Corporation荆门联合通用航空公司
11.Epidemiology of public health emergencies in Jingzhou,Hubei,2006-20082006-2008年湖北省荆州市突发公共卫生事件流行病学分析
12.Economic Thought on System Innovation of Farm Land Management;农地经营制度创新的经济学思考——基于荆州市农地经营现状的调查
13.Development Strategy of Newly Founded Universities新建本科院校发展战略初探——以荆楚理工学院发展战略为例
14.Rose and Thorn: Interpretation on Hero s and Heroine s Perception of Love in The Thorn Birds Based on Gender Characteristics;玫瑰与荆棘——从性别特征解读《荆棘鸟》中男女主人公的爱情观
15."JingShi" (荆尸) found in the section ofZhuang Gong Year Four does not mean "the first moon", but it actually means "the strate-gies of battle array formatlon";庄公四年的“荆尸”,非“正月”,而是“军阵之法”;
16.Jing Men Petroleum Chemical Machine Company s Marketing Tactics Research;荆门炼化机械有限公司营销策略研究
17.LI Bi Wang Jing Wen Gong Poetry Paper Note Receives by Mistake Five to Test States;李壁《王荆文公诗笺注》误收五首考述
18.Tests of the Notes to Wang Jing Wen Gong's Poetry by Li Bi Receiving Other People's Three Poems by Mistake考《王荆文公诗李壁注》误收他人诗三首

Jing Gong school荆公学派
1.Going out of "Jinggong Xinxue"——redraw Wang An-shi s scholarship forms;走出“荆公新学”——对王安石学术演变形态的再勾勒
4)Jinggong style荆公体
5)Wang Jinggong style王荆公体

荆公新学  中国北宋时期政治家、哲学家王安石提倡的一种学说。后来围绕这种学说形成了学派。"荆公"是王安石的封号。 "新学"指《三经新义》, 即王安石所撰的《周礼义》及其子王雱所撰的《诗义》、《书义》。此外,王安石所撰《字说》亦是新学基本著作。新学以义理解经,改变了汉儒章句传注之学,富有革新精神。熙宁年间(1069~1077)王安石执政,通过设"经义局"训释经义、颁《三经新义》于学校、以新经义取士等措施,使新学成为当时的统治思想。元祐时(1087~1094),"荆公新学"一度受排挤,但在不久后的绍圣年间,又恢复了其在思想界的统治地位。荆公新学"独行于世者六十年",是北宋中后期有影响的政治思想派别和学说。    荆公新学是北宋中期普遍兴起的社会改革思潮的产物,它不仅指导了熙宁、元丰年间的变法运动,而且也是经学发展的一次重大改革。