尊孔,the worship of Confucius
1)the worship of Confucius尊孔
1.The early Republic of China Contension on “the worship of Confucius” and against Confucius”;民初“尊孔”与“排孔”之争

1.Commitments on the Activity of Esteeming and Sacrifices Confucius in Hunan in 1930 ;20世纪30年代湖南尊孔祀孔活动述论
2.Dilemma of Adhering to Confucianism and Deducing Confucianism--On Han Yu and Confucian orthodoxy;“尊孔”与“释孔”的悖论——兼及韩愈与道统
3.On the Activities in Honor of Confucius Held by Nanjing Government in 19341934年南京政府尊孔祀孔活动述评
4.Between Worship and Criticism of Confucius: Self-lost of Academic Research;在尊孔与批孔之间:学术研究的自我迷失
5.1930s Counterattack on Confucian Returning;20世纪30年代反击尊孔读经复古逆流
6.Made the Law Under Temporal Situation Homage Confucius and Confucianism --The Emperor Kangxi s Religious Policies;经世立政,尊孔崇儒——康熙大帝的宗教政策
7.Center on YanFu:A Summarize on thoughts of respecting Confucianism and reading the Confucian classic after 1911 revolution;辛亥后尊孔读经思潮平议:以严复为中心
8.The changes of the fate of the Confucian school around the 1911 Revolution focused on the problem of Honoring Confucius and Reading Scriptures.辛亥革命前后儒家文化命运的变迁聚焦于“尊孔读经”问题。
9.They advocate old ideas, social systems and ethics, respecting Confucianism, restoring ancient ways, preserving the "quintessence" of Chinese culture and saving the nation by means of the classics.他们提倡旧思想、旧制度、旧道德,主张尊孔、复古,保存“国粹”,读经救国。
10.Their nationalism at that time was also reflected in their worship of Confucius.民族主义的思想内涵在这一时期同时表现出鲜明的尊孔倾向。
11.Reflection on the Failure in the Northern Warlords Government s Moral Education in the Early Period of the Republic--Centering on the Movement of Worshiping Confucius;民初北洋政府德育教育失败的反思——以尊孔运动为考察中心
12.The response of christianism to tbe worship of Confucius in early Republic;试论基督教对民初尊孔活动的反应——以基督教报刊为中心
13.The Fate of the Confucian Culture around the 1911 Revolution-Historic Research on the Problem of Honoring Confucius and Reading Scriptures;辛亥革命前后儒家文化的命运——对清末民初“尊孔读经”问题的考察
14.Their worship of Confucius to some degree reflected that occidentals began to scan merits of Chinese culture and western culture renewedly after the First World War.他们主张尊孔在一定程度上反映了欧战爆发后西方世界对中西文化价值的重新审视
15.During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, a "controversy of rites" erupted, as a result of the Pope's forbidding Chinese Catholics to venerate Confucius and ancestors, leading to a "century of ban."康熙时期,因罗马教廷不允许中国教徒“尊孔祭祖”而爆发“礼仪之争”,导致“百年禁教”。
16.Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai?孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?
17.Pitiable Defence and Merciless Refutation to Self-esteem:A New view on Kong Yiji;对自尊的可怜维护和无情驳斥——《孔乙己》新论
18.The dignified and elegant peacock, when it opens its mouth, screams like a stuck pig.这只尊贵而高雅的孔雀一张嘴时,叫出来的竟像是一种杀猪声。

activities in honor of Confucius尊孔祀孔
1.After Nanjing government was set up,the guard esquire and local governments advocated and developed activities in honor of Confucius.南京政府成立后,民间保守士绅和各地方政府积极倡导和开展尊孔祀孔活动,1934年,在蒋介石等人的提议下,国民政府通过尊孔祀孔提案,并在山东曲阜举行南京政府成立以来第一次由政府出面组织、主持的规模宏大的尊孔祀孔活动,推动了全国大规模尊孔祀孔活动的开展。
3)worshipingconfucius and returning to the past尊孔复古
4)worship for the Confucianism尊孔崇儒
1.Kong Shangren has a pious worship for the Confucianism while the distinguishing value of his thought lies in the face that he could get free from the constrain of Confucianism and surpassed the original essence gem of Confucianism.孔尚任诚然有尊孔崇儒虔诚自觉的一面。
5)worshiping Confucius and Confucianism崇儒尊孔
6)esteeming Confucius and reading classics尊孔读经

第二孔(继发孔)型缺损第二孔(继发孔)型缺损ostium secondary defect 是心房间隔在形成上发生障碍,一般缺损较大,多在卵圆孔附近称第二孔(继发孔)型缺损。