超越性思维,surmount thinking
1)surmount thinking超越性思维
2)exceeding thinking超越思维
3)thinking way of transcending the present超越性型思维方式
4)transcending dimension超越性维度
1.As the theoretical core of Lukacs\' dialectics,history-totality founds the "transcending dimension" and "existing dimension" for Marxist philosophy.历史总体性作为卢卡奇辩证法理论的核心内容,是马克思辩证法超越性维度和生存性维度的根基。
5)Human Being s Exceeding Thinking Explore人类超越思维探析
6)idea surpassing思想超越

1.He has ideas above his station.他的思想超越了自己的地位.
2.Galileo's ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived.伽利略的思想超越了他生活的时代。
3.Darwin was before his time with his ideas.达尔文思想超越了时代而不能为当代人所接受。
4.Exceeding the Thinking of Western Traditional Subjectivity in Marx s Philosophy;马克思对西方传统主体性思想的超越
5.On the Transcendence of Marx s Humanics over Modern Western Humanics;论马克思人学思想对近代西方人学思想的超越
6.As doth eternity: Cold pastoral!使人超越思想:呵,冰冷的牧歌!
7.On the Transcendence of the People-oriented Ideological and Political Education;论以人为本思想政治教育观的超越性
8.Co-Constructive:A Strategy of Studies Surpass Post-Modern Thoughts;“共建”:超越后现代思想的学术策略
9.Explanation on "fit and beyond" in Ideological Education;对思想政治教育适应超越规律的释疑
10.Animadversion and Transcendence:A New Thought about the Humanism of Kang Youwei;批判与超越:康有为人性论思想新解
11.Miu Yue s Inheritance and Enhancement of Wang Guowei s Theory about Ci;缪钺对王国维词学思想的继承与超越
12.Surpassing·Voluntariness·Self--On Shu Shi s Personality Trend;超越·自动·主我——苏轼人格思想取向阐释
13.The Adaptation and Surpass of Ideological and Moral Education for Students;学生思想品德教育中的"适应"和"超越"
14.On Arts Surpassing Nature from the Thinking of Confucius and Zhuangzi-My Understanding of Chinese Ancient Art Concept;从孔子、庄子的思想谈艺术的超越性
15.Sun Yat- sen s Development and Transcendency OverTraditional Thought of People- based;孙中山对传统民本思想的发展与超越
16.Returning to and Surpassing the Pou Sto of the Diffuser of Confucian Diffisionist Ideology;儒家传播思想的传者本位回归与超越
17.Deng Xiaoping s Transcending Mao Zedong on the Thought of Common Prosperity;邓小平对毛泽东共同富裕思想的超越
18.Analysis of human centered thoughts and ancient Chinese human-centered thoughts“以人为本”对中国古代民本思想的超越

exceeding thinking超越思维
3)thinking way of transcending the present超越性型思维方式
4)transcending dimension超越性维度
1.As the theoretical core of Lukacs\' dialectics,history-totality founds the "transcending dimension" and "existing dimension" for Marxist philosophy.历史总体性作为卢卡奇辩证法理论的核心内容,是马克思辩证法超越性维度和生存性维度的根基。
5)Human Being s Exceeding Thinking Explore人类超越思维探析
6)idea surpassing思想超越

超越性的度量超越性的度量ranscendency, measure of ^ transcendence measure  超越性的度量【transc耐巴cy,皿~of或transcell七nce心asule;TPaHc”e.江eHTH0cT“Mepa」,简称超越度 刻画一个给定的超越数(transcendental number)与高和次数均有界的代数数的集合之间,当这些参数的界值变化时产生的偏差的函数.对于超越数田及自然数n和H,超越性度量是 w。(aJ;H)=mm}p(田)1,其中极小值取自所有次数不超过n且高不超过H的非零多项式.由D训ehiet“抽屉”原理(见D沉d此t原理(Dirichiet pnncinle))可推出下列估值始终成立: ‘,。(田;H)H一’一(‘,”’in·)/in场H,此处c:>0是一个绝对常数,而H)H。(时.对任何固定的n及。>O,对几乎所有(在Lebesgue意义下)实数田有 、。(。;H)>e,H一”一’,c3=c3(。:n,。)(见N肠lller问题(Ma]日er prob肠们)).超越数可以基于在n和H不加限制地变化时、。(。;H)的渐近性状的差别而加以分类(见【3」).