气性合一,taking matter and nature as a whole
1)taking matter and nature as a whole气性合一
1.Wang Chuanshan rectified the idea of"Seperation of matter and rationality",he carried forward the idea of"taking matter and nature as a whole"and Temperament is based on rationality,it was helpfwl to the development of it.王船山纠正程、朱理学“理、气分立”和理欲对立的观念;批判陆、王心学,“销行入知”的“知行合一论”;宏扬周敦颐、张载“气性合一”和“以诚论性”的哲学,把宋明新儒学的性道之学发展到一个新的高度。
1.Combining “Yi-Cheng-Lun-Xing”proposed by Zhou Dunyi, “Yi-Qi-Lun-Xing”by Zhang Zai and “Yi-Xin-Zhu-Xing”by Ceng Hao,he creates its “Xing”ontology with “Yi-Dao-Lun-Xing”, “Xing-Qi-He-Yi”as its core.他吸收周濂溪“以诚论性”、张横渠“以气论性”与程明道“以心著性”等思想,创造性地开出了“以道论性”、“性气合一”的性本论哲学体系。
3)gas detection combined with fire detection火气合一
4)unity of Li and Chi理气合一
5)the unity of nature and energy性气统一
6)unification of nature and kismet性命合一
1.It has rich connotation,and the main meaning was reach the unification of nature and kismet by education,engaging in scholarship and Self-cultivation."学达性天"有着丰富的内涵,主要是指通过教育,通过做学问,通过"养性",达到"性命合一",达到"性"与"天"齐,达到"性"和"天"的统一。

1.A Contrast Between Xi-You-Ji and WANG Ji s Mind-oriented Philosophy;修心与修命——《西游记》“心性修持观”与王畿“性命合一论”比较
2.A revolutionary and new chip dissolves technology and life一个革命性的新晶片溶合科技与生活
3.A UN Satellite committee and non-lethal weapons inspectors.一个联合国卫星委员会和非致命性武器监察官。
4.Your destiny is interwoven with mine.你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了.
5.uniform resource name统一资源命名,[台]一致性资源命名
6.Revolutionary Motif s Integration of Perceptual Life--A Tendency in Fiction Writing in the "Seventeen Years";革命主题对感性生活的整合——论十七年小说创作的一种倾向
7.Rethinking On the Practical Meaning of Marx s Thesis of “the People s Transformation of Nature”;“人化自然”命题现实意义再思考——兼论“主客二分”与“天人合一”的互补性
8.This is the real sexual revolution.这是一场真正的性革命。
9.The Curative Effect of Xiaoxuming Decoction on the Content of Nitric Oxide and the Activity of Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Serum of Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction小续命汤对急性缺血性中风模型大鼠血浆一氧化氮和一氧化氮合酶的影响
10.One of the components of a conjunction.合取支合取式的一个命题
11.Multiply unsaturated compounds are usually best named by the IUPAC nomenclature.多重不饱和化合物一般最好用IUPAC命名法来命名。
12.On logical Property of Analytic Proposition and Synthetic Proposition from Quine s Critique on Distinction of the Two Propositions;论分析命题与综合命题的逻辑性质——从奎因对分析命题与综合命题之区分的批判谈起
13.but when a new viral mutation combines contagiousness and lethality, a pandemic ?但是碰到新种的突变病毒把传染性和致命性结合在一起时,结果就会产生大流行──
14.But those which are admired by men who are a little more reasonable are referred to the things which are held together by a living principle, as flocks, herds.稍微有一点理性的人羡慕的是由生命原则组合到一起的事物,比如羊群、群。
15.Nature Comes From Ming: Comprehesive Doctrine With Zisi-Mencius School As Main Stream;《性自命出》:以思孟为主流的综合学说
16.Change in Personality and Integration of Iife --Recent comment on poetry about immortals in the Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty;性格裂变与生命整合——魏晋游仙诗新论
17.Thermomechanical fatigue performance and life prediction in superalloy IC10IC10合金热机械疲劳性能与寿命预测
18.The exact character of a proposition in reference to its universality, singularity, or particularity.(命题的)量关于某一命题的普遍性、独特性或特殊性的正确属性

1.Combining “Yi-Cheng-Lun-Xing”proposed by Zhou Dunyi, “Yi-Qi-Lun-Xing”by Zhang Zai and “Yi-Xin-Zhu-Xing”by Ceng Hao,he creates its “Xing”ontology with “Yi-Dao-Lun-Xing”, “Xing-Qi-He-Yi”as its core.他吸收周濂溪“以诚论性”、张横渠“以气论性”与程明道“以心著性”等思想,创造性地开出了“以道论性”、“性气合一”的性本论哲学体系。
3)gas detection combined with fire detection火气合一
4)unity of Li and Chi理气合一
5)the unity of nature and energy性气统一
6)unification of nature and kismet性命合一
1.It has rich connotation,and the main meaning was reach the unification of nature and kismet by education,engaging in scholarship and Self-cultivation."学达性天"有着丰富的内涵,主要是指通过教育,通过做学问,通过"养性",达到"性命合一",达到"性"与"天"齐,达到"性"和"天"的统一。

冻干多价气性坏疽抗毒素【通用名称】冻干多价气性坏疽抗毒素【其他名称】冻干多价气性坏疽抗毒素 冻干多价气性坏疽抗毒素 拼音名:Donggan Duojia Qixinghuaiju Kangdusu 英文名:Lyophilized Mixed Gas-gangrene Antitoxin 书页号:2000年版二部-1105 本品系用多种气性坏疽类毒素免疫的马血浆,经酶消化、盐析,并按一定比例混合、冻干制成。 【制法】照多价气性坏疽抗毒素项下的方法制备,灌装后立即冷冻干燥制成。 【性状】本品为白色或乳白色的疏松体。加入规定量的灭菌注射用水,应于15分钟内溶解成无色 或淡 黄色的澄明液体。 【鉴别】取本品,照《中国生物制品规程》加入适量灭菌注射用水溶解后,进行毒素中和试验或 免疫扩散 试验,应能中和气性坏疽毒素或显免疫沉淀反应。用兔抗马血浆的免疫球蛋白作免疫扩散试验,应显 示免疫 沉淀反应。 【检查】照《中国生物制品规程》规定的方法检查。除水分检查项外,按规定加入一定量灭菌注 射用水溶 解后进行。 水分 不得过3.0%。 pH值 应为6.0~7.0。 氯化钠 应为0.75%~0.95%(g/ml)。 硫酸铵 不得过0.1%(g/ml)。 防腐剂 如为氯仿,不得过0.5%(ml/ml)。 总蛋白质 不得过17%(g/ml)。 白蛋白 将本品稀释至2%蛋白浓度,进行琼脂糖电泳分析,应不含或仅含痕量白蛋白迁移率的蛋 白。 F(ab’)2 取本品,依法测定,预防用抗毒素的F(ab’)2含量不低于50%,治疗用抗毒素的F (ab’)2含量 不低于60%。 类A血型物质 用血凝抑制法测定,每1ml含类A血型物质不得过4μg。 异常毒性 取本品,依法检查,应符合规定。 热原 取本品,按家兔体重每1kg注射3ml,依法检查,应符合规定。 无菌 取本品,依法检查,应符合规定。 【效价测定】取本品,照《中国生物制品规程》规定的方法测定。每1ml中含气性坏疽抗毒素不得 少于 1000国际单位。 【类别】抗血清。 【规格】10000国际单位 【贮藏与效期】在2~8℃的暗处保存。20%超量分装者,有效期7年;10%超量分装者,有效期5 年。