以诚论性,Temperament is based on rationality
1)Temperament is based on rationality以诚论性
1.Wang Chuanshan rectified the idea of"Seperation of matter and rationality",he carried forward the idea of"taking matter and nature as a whole"and Temperament is based on rationality,it was helpfwl to the development of it.王船山纠正程、朱理学“理、气分立”和理欲对立的观念;批判陆、王心学,“销行入知”的“知行合一论”;宏扬周敦颐、张载“气性合一”和“以诚论性”的哲学,把宋明新儒学的性道之学发展到一个新的高度。
2)the nature based on the integrity以诚立性
3)theory of sincerity诚论
4)Kindness is many friends诚以交友
5)To treat people with sincerity待人以诚

1.There should be sincerity and not hypocrisy, large-mindedness and not pettiness, in dealing with people.待人以诚而去其诈,待人以宽而去其隘。
2."to operate with integrity, treat our customers, dealers and employees honestly"诚信经营,诚实待人
3.Services rendered by loyalty to professional pious, sincere collaboration to work with enthusiasm, "sincerity" and then to be.待客以忠诚,专业以虔诚,协作以真诚,工作以热诚,“诚”然后成。
4.We are very loyal people when it comes to working with people who work well with us.我们对在工作中与我们配合默契的人以诚相待。
5.Soldier is expect to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty.人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。
6.Soldier be expect to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领
7.SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.诚实。不以骗术待人,思想要存有良知,生活亦如此。
8.According to ancient legends, King Shun is a divine ruler who influences men with his integrity, his benevolence and his sincerity.古代传说中,舜帝是一位以德化人,以仁感人,以诚待人的圣明君主。
9.You should give him a fair shake.你应该对他待之以诚。
10.We Bing to sincerely awaiting your wholehearted cooperation!我们秉以诚心,等待您的竭诚合作!
11.all the ways of the Lord are mercy and good faith for those who keep his agreement and his witness.凡遵守他的约和他法度的人,耶和华都以慈爱诚实待他。
12.Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master .现在请告诉我,你们是否愿意以诚信待我主人,与他联姻。
13.Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door .宽以待己,严以待人。
14.They got along well Because they always shot straight with each other.他俩总是以诚相待,所以相处得很好。
15.I believe in being candid and open to different points of view.我信奉以诚实坦诚的态度对待不同的观点。
16.Friends know they can count on you to be open with them and they rely on your honesty.朋友们知道你会坦诚待人,故而也信赖你的诚实。
17.Our service concept: customer loyalty to the people, professional devotion to the people, in collaboration with a sincere heart, with enthusiasm heart.本厂的服务理念:待客以忠诚之心,专业以虔诚之心,协作以真诚之心,工作以热诚之心。
18.Oh Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, I pray you be you true to me!啊,前侯爵先生,我祈祷你也以真诚待我!

the nature based on the integrity以诚立性
3)theory of sincerity诚论
4)Kindness is many friends诚以交友
5)To treat people with sincerity待人以诚
6)To be honest with以诚相与

诚是1.犹言如果确实这样。 2.确实正确。 3.犹言实在是。