政治哲学思想,thoughts of political philosophy
1)thoughts of political philosophy政治哲学思想
1.It has the characteristics of postmodernity, diversity and untimeliness in Deleuze s thoughts of political philosophy.德勒兹的政治哲学思想具有后现代性、两歧性和不合时宜性等特点。

1.Political thought concerns groups, not individuals.政治哲学思想关注群体而非个体。
2.The Original Study on Charles·Taylor s Social and Political Thoughts;查尔斯·泰勒社会政治哲学思想初探
3.On Ancient Philosopher Dong Zhongshu about Consolidation of the State Powers;董仲舒的政治哲学思想及其当代意义
4.Developmentalism: Analyses on Deng Xiao-ping s Political Philosophy;发展主义:邓小平政治哲学思想解析
5.On the Research Object of Deng Xiaoping s Political Philosophy Ideology;试论“邓小平政治哲学思想”的研究对象
6.The Impact and the Origin of Huang Zongxi's Political Philosophy黄宗羲政治哲学思想的影响及其根源
7.Mao Zedong s Ideology of Political Philosophy About the Subject on Politics;论毛泽东关于政治主体的政治哲学思想
8.Reflections on College-Level Class Management - from the Perspective of Rolls Political and Philosophical Thinking;当前高校班级管理的哲学思考——罗尔斯政治哲学思想的几点启示
9.Philosophical Interpretation of Effectiveness of the Aim of Ideological Education;思想政治教育目标有效性的哲学解读
10.The Rudiments of Philosophy of Politics: Analysis of the Idea of Heraclitus;政治哲学的雏形:赫拉克利特思想管窥
11.Managing Mind and Governmental Way Wang Ah-Shi' Political Thought and Philosophical Foundation治心与治道——王安石的政治思想及其哲学基础
12.Philosophical Contemplation on Political Theory Teaching in Higher Education;以“哲学精神”反思高校思想政治理论课教学
13.Social-Practice Module in College Curricula of Moral and Ideological Education: A Philosophical Reflection;关于思想政治理论课社会实践的哲学思考
14.Philosophical Thinking on Human Foundation of Traditional Ideological and Political Education;传统思想政治教育人性基础的哲学反思
15.A Philosophical Thinking of the Formalism in Ideological and Political Work;对思想政治工作中形式主义的哲学思考
16.Discussion about Marxist Philosophy Lesson That Includes Ideological and Political Quality Education;马克思主义哲学课内涵思想政治素质教育探微
17.Ideological and Political Work Guided by Marxist Philosophy;思想政治工作要以马克思主义哲学为指导
18.A Philosophical Consideration of Strengthening Political and Ideological Work in a New Situation;新形势下加强思想政治工作的哲学思考

Marxist political philosophy马克思政治哲学
1.Modern scholars pay close attention to Political Philosophy increasingly, and the Marxist political philosophy has become more important in contemporary Marxism as well as the study of political philosophy in school.本文以历史唯物主义为切入点,从历史唯物主义的存在向度、内容向度、方法论向度探讨了历史唯物主义在马克思政治哲学中的地位,进而从马克思原始文本中就解放理论、国家理论和自由理论还原马克思政治哲学的历史唯物主义向度,并且在这种向度中实现了马克思政治哲学本身的特点,折射出当代意义。
2.The Marxist political philosophy is in practice a spirit of materialism concerning how proletariat take,organize and improve their political system.马克思政治哲学在本质上体现为一种实践的唯物主义精神,它是一种关于无产阶级应当采取何种政治组织形式、怎样实现政治统治权力以及如何完善政治运行机制,最终实现"人类解放"的实践智慧。
1.On Deng Xiaoping s philosophy of the characteristics of;简论邓小平哲学思想的特点
2.On book YANG Xian-zhen—great philosopher and characteristics of YANG s philosophy;为后人留下珍贵的精神财富——介绍《一代哲人杨献珍》并兼论杨献珍哲学思想的特征
3.The Philosophy of Jin Yong s Martial Arts Fictions;试论金庸武侠小说中的哲学思想
4)philosophical thought哲学思想
1.On Confucian “one-divides-into-three” philosophical thought;论孔子的“一分为三”哲学思想
2.Mullā Sadra and His Philosophical Thought;穆拉·萨德拉伊斯兰哲学思想
3.This paper deals with the philosophical thought of this hypothesis, in order to establish the important position of this complex scientific system in the integration of traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.着重论述了该假说蕴含的哲学思想 ,旨在阐明该假说这个复杂科学体系在中西医结合领域的重要地
5)philosophical thinking哲学思想
1.Whitman s Philosophical Thinking Reflected in the Main Images in Leaves of Grass;论《草叶集》中主要意象所反映的哲学思想
2.On the ground of brief explanation of the scientific basis,scientific method and philosophical thinking of linear science,those of nonlinear science are studied in the paper.在简述线性科学的科学基础、科学方法和哲学思想的基础上,研究了非线性科学的科学基础、科学方法和哲学思想,其中较为详细地探讨了非线性科学的哲学范畴和哲学思想,认为要多角度观察事物,要从变化中认识主要矛盾,事物的发展是多元竞争与协同的统一,这一结果将对非线性科学的哲学思想的进一步研究有一定的启发和借鉴作用。
6)philosophy thought哲学思想
1.The application of Chinese traditional philosophy thoughts in architectural design;浅析中国传统哲学思想在建筑设计中的应用
2.Comparatively analyzing philosophy thoughts of Confucians vs. Mohist in the early Qin Dynasty;先秦儒墨哲学思想比较分析
3.On Philosophy Thought of Idiom Stories in Mao Zedong Anthology;浅谈《毛泽东选集》中成语故事所含哲学思想

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀