委曲,Tactful "grade"
1)Tactful "grade"委曲
1.The similarity and difference between Reserved "grade" and Tactful "grade" will be discussed too.文章对司空图《二十四诗品》中的含蓄一品的内容作了分析和阐述,总结了含蓄品的主要特色,并对含蓄品与委曲品作了比较。

1.You have an injured look.你象是受了委曲的样子。
2.I' m certain that he has wronged me.我确信他委曲了我。
3.Whenever she was reprimanded she would put on an aggrieved look.她只要受到谴责,就会装出一副受委曲的样子。
4."Truly, I make an outcry against the violent man, but there is no answer: I give a cry for help, but no one takes up my cause."我因委曲呼叫,却不蒙应允。我呼求,却不得公断。
5."Even if he was treated unfairly, he shouldn't have told her. ""就是你受了一万分的委曲,也不该向他说才是."
6.His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness.他的妻子委曲求全来报答他的无情无义。
7.His Honor the Grand Scribe and Contemporary Power Politics:Sima Qian s Depiction of the Policies of Emperor Wu of the Han;史公和时势——论《史记》对武帝时政的委曲批评
8.. These words twist and turn like snakes squirming through my head, till I'm so muddled I can't remember a thing.这个:委曲拐弯的,好像长虫爬在脑子里,越爬越糊涂,越爬越记不
9.Burgess(collapsing into an abyss off wounded feeling): Oh, well, if you're determined to be unfriendly, I suppose I'd better go柏格斯(感到十分委曲):哦,好吧,既然你存心要跟我为难,那我只好走了。
10." She felt as though she should be better served, and her heart revolted.她自以为似乎还不应该落到这个地步,心里觉得很委曲
11.He asked one of his helpers to borrow some hammers and tear down the Buddhist sculptures.他吩咐帮手去借几个铁锤,让原先几座塑雕委曲一下。
12.Chinese Contribution towards Comedy -An Analysis on Comedy of Manners She Stoops to Compromise of WANG Wen-xian;中国人对于喜剧的一种贡献——析王文显的世态喜剧《委曲求全》
13.After lunch Hung-chien returned to his room, complaining that Hsin-mei was too soft in the way he had given in to Li at every, turn."Your tendency to concede in order to accommodate everyone is really getting us nowhere!午饭后,鸿渐回到房里,埋怨辛楣太软,处处让着李梅亭:“你这委曲求全的气量真不痛快!
14."And Jia Rui, afraid of being incriminated if this went any further, had to pocket his grievance and ask Qin Zhong and Baoyu to forget it.""此时贾瑞也怕闹大了,自己也不干净,只得委曲着来央告秦钟,又央告宝玉."
15.They form genre of folksongs with exquisitely subtle tunes.它们节奏规整,曲调细腻委婉。
16.The place of tender opening: Xi an Qujiang newly developed area Management committee.开标地点:西安市曲江新区管理委员会。
17.The understated melody, the fluid rhythmical meter, the ingenious subtlety, together with random orchestration,乐曲通过委婉的曲调,流畅的节奏韵律,巧妙细腻、配合错落的配器,
18.This work has two themes, which complement and intertwine, and finally melt into each other subtly and smoothly.全曲在两个主题的相互对应中展开,主题旋律委婉流畅,简洁凝炼。

implicit criticism委曲批评
3)compromise to avoid debade委曲求全
4)1.to suffer a wrong or humiliation; 2.to be troubled or inconvenienced受委曲
5)To speak in a specious manner and in a crooked-way委婉曲折
6)An indirect statement委曲之辞
