尚志,concentrated will
1)concentrated will尚志
1.we conclude the way of spirit cultivation:few desire,introspection,concentrated will,cultivation of qi,and so on.通过对孟子的精神修养方法的分析 ,总结出孟子的精神修养方法有寡欲、自反、尚志、养气等 ,并对孟子的精神修养方法予以现代解释。

1.The city was named Shangzhi in memory of the martyr named Zhao Shangzhi.这个城市叫尚志,是为了纪念赵尚志烈士而命名的。
2.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是精神高尚的标志。
3.Consumer Culture Feature of Woman Fashion Magazine in 《COSMOPOLITAN》;从《时尚》看女性时尚杂志的消费文化特征
4.Woman Fashion Magazines and Study of Consumerism--The Vogue as a Case;女性时尚杂志与消费主义研究——以《时尚》为个案
5.Analysis of the Joint-venture Female Customer' Magazine's Influence on Chinese's Fashionable Cultural论合资女性时尚杂志对中国时尚文化的影响
6.Being the cooperative product between Trends Group and Hearst Group of the US,《时尚·伊人》是《时尚》杂志社与世界名刊COSMOPOLITAN杂志版权合作的结晶。
7.The database '%s' does not seem to be involved in log shipping.数据库 ''%1!'' 可能尚未纳入日志传送中。
8.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. --Aesop感激是高尚灵魂的标志。——伊索
9.I have discussed it with Comrade Yang Shangkun, and we have agreed that the simpler it is, the better.我同杨尚昆同志谈过,越简单越好。
10.Never falter in noble resolution.决定高尚的志向时不要踌躇。
11.Fashion is a very popular magazine in America.《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。
12.You can find the latest fashion and hairstyle magazines.你可以找到最新的时尚与发型杂志。
13.The Construction to the Identity of Middle Class in Man s Fashion Magazines;男性时尚杂志对中产阶层身份的建构
14.On Female Role of Female Fashion Magazines;试论女性时尚杂志中的女性角色问题
15.A Study on Prototypes of "Monk Jin" and "Candidate Jin" in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio;《聊斋志异》中“金和尚”与“金举人”本事考
16.The Cultural Denotation of Middle Class:the Unscrambling of the Magazine Fashion;中产阶级的文化符号:《时尚》杂志解读
17.From the Jin Bonze (金和尚)See the Language Features of Liaozhaizhiyi(聊斋志异);从《金和尚》看《聊斋志异》的语言特色
18.Research on Female Fashion Magazine's Guidance for Women Consumption女性时尚杂志对女性消费引导的研究

Shang Zhijun尚志钧
1.Overview of Professor Shang Zhijun’s Researches on Materia Medica Literature;尚志钧教授本草文献研究述要
3)Xu Shangzhi徐尚志
1.Thousands of Mansions and Endless Passion——An Interview with Master Architect Xu Shangzhi;广厦千间情未了——建筑大师徐尚志访谈录
4)Shangzhi City尚志市
1.Evaluation on Agricultural Sustainability of Shangzhi City,Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省尚志市农业可持续性评价
2.The author introduced the soil and water erosion in Mayan Village of Shangzhi City.详细介绍了尚志市马延乡小流域水土流失治理工程措施,水土保持特点及经济效益与社会效益,为今后水土流失治理积累了经
3.Shangzhi city is a representative area of low coteau located at forest region.尚志市代表了一类处于林区的浅山区县域,浅山区作为一个特定的地理单元,其农业的可持续发展状况直接影响到中国县域农业可持续发展的水平。
5)fashion magazine时尚杂志
1.On Women in Fashion Magazine——Taking World Fashion——Elle as an example;时尚杂志的女性论述——以《世界时装之苑——ELLE》为个案
2.Status Quo and Developing Strategies: A Study on Female Fashion Magazines in Mainland China;国内女性时尚杂志现状与发展策略研究
3.This article discusses how fashion magazine,as the intermedia of the transmission process,constructs the mimic environment by using symbolical language and images as well as how the mass,as another major part of the medium,interpret the environment,and makes a summarization of the social influences caused by this interaction.时尚杂志作为传播过程中的传者,是运用符号化的语言和图像对拟态环境进行建构的。
6)fashion magazines时尚杂志
1.The writing,based on the form and contents of fashion magazines,attempts to make an interpretation of them from the perspective of popular culture.本文从时尚杂志的形式和内容出发,以大众文化的理论对之进行具有当代性意义的解读。
2.In this theies,author discusses the three types of women s images in the fashion magazines:images of stars, images of successful enterpriser , images of rebel female.20世纪90年代后兴起的中国时尚杂志在女性杂志中异军突起,以全新的办刊理念和运作模式冲击了女性杂志市场。
3.The domestic research on fashion magazines since the 1990s can be separated into two stage.20世纪90年代以来国内对时尚杂志的研究可分为两个阶段。
