古文经,confucian classics
1)confucian classics古文经
1.Reestablishment of rites:on Liu Xin s promoting confucian classics;礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识

1.Superficial Comments an Restoring the Book of Changes in Ancient Chinese Prose;《周易》古文经本亟待建立刍议——从费氏易不传古文经谈起
2.In the Han Dynasty, Confucianism fell into two schools: the old Text and the New Text.在汉朝,儒学分为古文经学派和今文经学派。
3.Reestablishment of rites:on Liu Xin s promoting confucian classics;礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识
4.From Interpreting the Guwen Classics Based on Understanding of the Jinwen Classics to Treating the Guwen Classics as History--An Investigation into the Trajectory of Zhang Taiyan s Early Thought on Classical Studies;从援今文义说古文经到铸古文经学为史学──对章太炎早期经学思想发展轨迹的探讨
5.Concerning the Institutional Ideal and the Vision of Literary Theory of the Old Text Confucianism in Han Dynasty;略论汉代古文经学的制度构想与文论视野
6.of or relating to persons who study or deal in antiques or antiquities.属于或关于研究古文物、经营古文物的人的。
7.Senior Chinese Ancient Classic Texts Read Teaching;高中语文古代经典文本阅读教学探索
8.The Controversy between the Stydy of Confucian classics in Classical writing and in Current Calligraphy and XuShen s "Analytical Dictionary of Characters";古、今文经学之争与许慎的《说文解字》
9.Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical.经典的有古希腊和古罗马的文学、艺术和文化特征的;经典的
10.Dealing in or having to do with old or rare books.古文物研究收藏的经营或有关古旧稀有书籍的
11.The Cultural Meaning of Willow Literature in Ancient China and its Cultural Sources in the Sutra;古代柳文学的民俗文化内蕴及佛经文化渊源
12.That ancient city was a centre of culture.那座古城曾经是一个文化中心。
13.In the ancient geography book Shanhai Jing (The Book of Mountains and Seas), there is an account of "Long-Leg Kingdom".古文献《山海经》中有关于"长股国"的记述,
14.The ancient Aztec culture has all perished now.阿兹特克古文化现在已经全部消亡。
15.The Southern Silk Road and the Outward Economic and Cultural Interaction of the Ancient Shu Before the Qin;南丝路与先秦古蜀对外经济文化交流
16.On the Identified Falsehood of Classical Chinese Writing the Book of Filiality Confucian Commentary of Japan by Zheng Zhen;论郑珍对日本《古文孝经孔氏传》之辨伪
17.The Book of History:An Important Literature on Chinese Forestry History;《书经》——中国古代林业史的重要文献
18.Qur an Annotation:Its Cultural Meaning and Practical Significance;《古兰经》注释及其文化内涵与现实意义

Old Text Confucianism古文经学
1.On the Relations of Poetics and Maoshixu from old text Confucianism;由古文经学的渊源再论《诗论》与《毛诗序》的关系
2.Though the argument between the two schools of the text Confucianism in late Qing dynasty almost stopped with the finish of the age of the text Confucianism , as important part of the traditional academy, the legacy of the new text Confucianism and the old text Confucianism were still inhabit ed by modern scholars as important resource of academy and thought.清末的经今古文之争在经学时代结束后虽然基本停止, 但今文经学和古文经学这两份学术遗产,作为传统学术的重要部分,在现代学人那里却仍然 被当作重要的学术思想资源继承下来了。
1.In fact, the majority thinkers at that time were not controlled by Gongyangxue, and Gongyangxue wasn t the master among the numerous academic schools, it stands side by side with Guwenjingxue, Lixue(or Neo-Confucianism) and history.其实,在当时大多数思想家心目中公羊学并不居于支配地位,在当时诸多学术流派中公羊学也不居于主流,至多不过是与古文经学、理学等并列的学术派别之一而已。
4)The Book of Filial Piety by Ancient Writings古文孝经
1.The Book of Filial Piety by Ancient Writings carved on the stone in Dazu copied by Fan Zuyu of the North Song Dynasty and carved in the South Song Dynasty is the earliest edition of the book at present.北宋范祖禹书、南宋所刻的大足石刻《古文孝经》是目前最早的《古文孝经》宋本 ,对认识传世《古文孝经》的文献价值、考察日本流传的《古文孝经》及《孔传》之真伪 ,具有重要意义。
5)Modern Chinese and Ancient Chinese Classics经今古文
