油船,oil tanker
1)oil tanker油船
1.Analysis of ultimate strength and sensitivity for oil tankers based on IACS common rules;基于IACS共同规范的油船极限强度及敏感性分析
2.Safety Management Knowledge for Oil Tanker;油船安全管理知识(十五)
3.Systematic Design of Cargo Oil Handling Simulator for Oil Tankers;油船货油装卸操作模拟器的系统设计

1.marine fuel oil船用燃料油船用燃油
2.International Association of Independent Tanker Owners国际独营油船船东协会
3.The ship was a large tanker which was full of oil.这船是一条大油船,里面装满了石油。
4.The oil tanker soon got out of sight.油船不久就看不见了。
5.International Tanker Owners Pullution Federation国际油船污染联合会
6.atomic submarine tanker原子能动力潜水油船
7.ship-to-shore pipe line油船到岸的装卸管线
8.Allied Tanker Coordinating Committee油船了合协调委员会
9.LOGISTRIP automatic system油船自动装卸压载系统
10.London Tanker Broker's Panel伦敦油船经纪人委员会
11.ETanker blacklist from Brussels布鲁塞尔的油船黑名单
12.International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO)国际独立油船东协会
13.A ship that burns oil as fuel.油轮以油为燃料的船
14.oil and bulk carrier石油和散货两用船石油-散货运输船石油与散装货船
15.Petroleum products--Fuels (class F)--Specifications of marine fuelsGB/T17411-1998船用燃料油
16.MARPOL oil interim船舶防油污染临时检验
17.MARPOL oil renewa船舶防油污合格证更新
18.a ship designed to carry oil in bulk.设计来运送桶装油的船。

1.Simulation study on cargo oil system of tanker;油船货油系统的仿真研究
2.Trend analysis of the world tanker transportation market;国际油船运输市场的走势分析
3.Modeling and simulation on hydraulic system of tanker cargo oil valve;油船货油阀液压系统的建模与数值仿真
3)oil tankers油船
1.Study on in-depth treatment of dirty ballast water from oil tankers by ozone oxidation;应用臭氧氧化技术深度处理油船含油压载水的实验研究
2.A kind of FEM (Finite Element Method) applied to the analysis of longitudinal and horizontal intensity of large scale oil tankers is proposed.提出了一种大型油船结构纵向强度和横向强度分析的有限元方法,能比较精确地求得纵向强力构件与肋骨框架平面构件的内力,并开发了大型油船结构分析程序系统OTSAP。
5)fleet oiler船队油船
6)tanker fleet油船船队
