1.Diagonal Register and Automatic Control System Based on Image Processing for the Sheet-fed Offset Press;基于图像处理的单张纸胶印机对角线套准及自动控制系统
2.A simpleand easyway of using diagonal law to measure determinants;对角线法则计算四阶行列式的简便方法
3.The rotational inertia of arbitrary polygonal uniform rigid sheet around arbitrary diagonal;均质多边形薄板绕任一对角线转动的转动惯量

1.From corner to corner;diagonally.对角地从角到角地,对角线地,对顶地
2.a single stitch at a diagonal.对角线处只有一条缝线。
3.diagonal straightening roller对角整纬辊(校正对角线纬斜)
4.diagonal microprogramming对角线型微程序设计
5.a diagonal line across the page.一条对角线横过书页。
6.slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line.以对角线斜跨多边形的。
7.diagonal displacement对角线形纬斜(织物疵点)
8.vertical diagonal time section对角线垂直时间剖面
9.diagonal line of a complete quadrilateral完全四边形的对角线
10.Orthogonal Semi pandiagonal Latin Squares and Pandiagonal Magic Squares正交半泛对角线拉丁方与泛对角线幻方
12.The values calculated at population levels are above the diagonal, the average values at taxon level are below.对角线上为居群水平的计算值,对角线下为以物种为单位的平均值。
13.This can be extended to nxn tridiagonal matrix with L, U bidiagonal.把它推广到nxn三对角线矩阵使具有两对角线的矩阵L、U。
14.Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangle画一条对角线,把正方形分成两个三角形
15.Use the vector dot product to find the obtuse angle between two diagonals of a cube.用矢量点积求立方体的两条对角线所夹的钝角。
16.Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles.画一条对角线,把正方形分成两个三角形。
17.Diagonal Devolution:the New Visual Angel of Channel Right Theory Research;对角线转移:渠道权力理论研究的新视角
18.set off in a catty-corner direction across the vacant lot.朝着空地的对角线方向出发。

diagonal line对角线
3)diagonal lines对角线
1.There were four plane geometric figures, such as right triangles, diagonal lines, Paralle lines and points in the tabel of Mendels laws of segregation and independent assortment.孟德尔分离规律、自由组合规律的棋盘式[1 ] 中事实上存在着四种平面几何图形 ,它们是RtΔ ,两条对角线 ,平行线段以及最简单的几何图形———点 ,前三者相应的代数式是 :2 n - 1,2 ,4 (2 n- 1 - 1) 此二函数的定义域[2 ]为n≥ 1,(n为亲本杂交时相对性状的对数 ) ,这就给我们用这些几何图形表达F2 基因型数 ,表现型数 ,杂合度 ,分离比提供了几何基础和现实的可能 ,从而使问题的解决得以从
5)diagonal field of view对角线视角
1.The research results reflect the controllability of the twiddler is more difficult,and is affected by the vision input devices,the degree of the influence increases with decrease of the diagonal field of view,which the vision input device can afford.通过将3种情况下的Twiddler点击绩效模型对比分析,反映出Twiddler的操控比较困难,同时受视觉输入设备的影响较大,影响程度随着其所能提供的对角线视角的减小而增大。
6)body diagonals体对角线
1.Based on the vector relationship between volumetric position errors and displacement errors, a new errors measurement method was put forward with sequential steps along the four body diagonals.通过分析机床沿4条体对角线的位移误差与空间位置误差间的矢量关系,提出了利用体对角线多步运动测得的位移误差分离机床运动轴位置误差的矢量分析方法。

对角线对角线  对角线汇血笋‘;几,arooa几‘] 连接多边形(多面体)的不处于同一边(面)上的两个顶点的直线段.如果一个多边形的顶点个数为九,则它的对角线的条数为n扭一3)/2.