现代培训,modern training
1)modern training现代培训
1.In the process of organizing and implementing enterprise training,we must really set up modem training theory on the basis of fully holding adult study features and modern enterprise training development trend,and direct the enterprise training to innovate and develop con- stantly with modern training idea.在组织和实施企业培训过程中,必须在充分把握成人学习特点和现代企业培训发展趋势的基础上,真正树立起现代培训理念,以现代培训理念引领企业培训不断创新发展。
2.Furthermore, this paper gives a brief introduction of some new methods and some new inspirations about the management of modern training projects.本文还简要介绍了有关现代培训的一些新方法及有关现代培训项目管理的新启示。
3.Curriculum development is the core of modern training,whose fundamental tasks are improving employees working skills,abilities,efficiency and vocational development abilities.课程开发在现代培训活动中居于核心地位。

1.Modern Training Idea and Successful Training Result;树立现代培训意识 切实提高培训效益
2.The Study of Teaching System for the Training of Safety Education from the Perspective of modernistic Teaching现代培训理念下的安全培训教学体系研究
3.Improve the Goal of Training and Form the Mode of Modern Training--Goals,Courses and Organization of Modern Staff Training for Primary and Middle School Teachers;提高培训目标层次 建构现代培训模式——论现代中小学教师培训的目标、课程与组织
4.Strengthening research to the modern training theory and enhancing the ability on the tax training;加强现代培训理论研究 提高税务教育培训教学能力
5.Studying and Exploring on the Model and Mechanism of the Modern Enterprise Training;构建现代企业培训模式和培训机制的研究
6.Behavioral OBjectives of The Training现代专业秘书培训的行为目标
7.Dancing in the Sun Project“舞出艳阳天”〔现代舞培训计划〕
8.Development and Research on Innovative Teaching Material of Modern Technicians Training;现代技师培训创新教材的开发与研究
9.Promoting the Development of Rural Economy by Speeding up Training of Modern Farmers;加快现代农民培训 服务农村经济发展
10.The Research of Modern Educational Techniques Training System for Teachers in University;高校教师现代教育技术培训系统研究
11.Predicament & countermeasure against Personnel Trainingin Modern Hotels;现代旅游饭店员工培训的困境及对策
12.Requirements Analysis of Developing and Training Modern Human Resources;现代人力资源发展与培训的需求分析
13.Strengthening teaching staff training and advancing modern long-distance open education;加强师资培训 推进现代远程开放教育
14.Designs and Application of Effective Training System in Modern Hotels;现代饭店有效培训系统的设计与运用
15.Modern Apprentice-system: The Important Way of Teachers Training in China;现代学徒制:我国教师培训的重要途径
16.New Way of Further Education Provided by Modern Remote Training Courses;现代远程教育为企业培训提供新途径
17.Medium medical and health care personnel training, medical clinics clinical operations, computer training and modern technology.中等医药卫生保健人员培训、床门诊部医疗业务、机及现代技术培训。
18.Analysis on the Current Situation about Modern Education Technical Application at Training Schools;中小学现代教育技术应用与培训现状探

modern trainers现代培训者
3)modern industrial training现代工业培训
1.Development of new equipments and new contents in modern industrial training;现代工业培训新设备新内容的开发
2.One of the transformations of modern industrial training is from the traditional training, which only focuses on technical factors, into the comprehensive engineering training, which lays stress equally on both technical and non-technical factors.因此,把现代经济学教育有机地融合在现代工业培训过程中,对于学生的综合素质培养具有重要意义。
4)modern professional training现代职业培训
5)modern management training现代管理培训
1.Being an integrated training, modern management training is different from traditional management training in philosophy, contents and methods.现代管理培训作为一种整体培训模式在培训理念、内容、方法和手段等方面做了创造性的变革。
6)mod ern enterprise training现代企业培训
1.So estab lishing good training mech anism and appropriate training objectives,constructing training mod el based on school-enterprise cooperate and the mechanism ensuring it are the only way to develop mod ern enterprise training.因此,建立良好的培训机制,确立符合企业实际的培训目标,构建校企合作的培训模式,建立校企合作的保障机构,是搞好现代企业培训的必由之路。

《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》  为统一各国的海员培训、发证和值班标准,以确保海运船舶的航行安全而制定的国际公约。分析历年来船舶发生海损事故的原因,人的过失大约占80%。因此,提高海员的技术业务水平,严格执行培训和发证规定,明确船上值班要求,将会大大减少海损事故的发生。为此,政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1978年6月14日至 7月7日在伦敦召开海员培训与发证国际会议,讨论通过了《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》以及有关推动海员培训工作的23项决议。公约包括17条法律条款和25条技术规则。法律条款的内容主要包括:一般义务、定义、适用范围、船员证书、监督程序、等效措施、修正程序等。技术规则对各种船员的值班职责和发证的标准及证书格式等均有详尽的规定。公约已于1984年4月28日生效。截至1984年8月31日,公约共有33个缔约国。中国于1979年6月3日对公约作了"有待核准"的签字。1981年6月8日,中国外交部长致函海协秘书长,正式核准该公约,中国成为缔约国。