行业特色,professional characteristics
1)professional characteristics行业特色
1.We improve talent cultivating mode "combination of work and study",which is characterized by dual-certificate combination,professional characteristics and technical skill competition,and also fulfil professional effect and open characters of talents\' cultivation."机电一体化技术"专业紧紧围绕社会需求办学,进行专业课程体系改革,积极完善"双证融通+行业特色+大赛为引领"的"工学结合"培养模式,实践了人才培养的职业性和开放性。

1.Surveying Specialty Structure Adjustment and Strategies of a University with Industrial Features行业特色高校的专业结构调整及对策
2.Cultural Peculiarity and Its Consistence With Industrial Charactcristics of Business;试论文化特质与企业行业特色的一致性——创建适宜行业特色的企业文化
3.Base on Characteristics of Transportation Industries and Devote Major Efforts to Developing Adult Education;立足交通行业特色 大力发展成人教育
4.Optimization of Safety Discipline Construction with Consideration on the Characteristics of Construction Industry依托建筑行业特色,优化安全学科建设
5.The Research on the Undergraduate Education Goal of Accounting Major for the Characteristic University & College;行业特色高校会计本科专业教育目标研究
6.A Study of Industry-prominent Marketing Education Plan;突显行业特色的营销专业人才培养方案探讨
7.Building the Choice Course with Bright Building Trade Character建设具有鲜明建筑行业特色的精品课程
8.Study on the Construction of University Sci-tech Innovation Platform with Typical Industrial Features;构建具有鲜明行业特色的大学科技创新平台
9.Analysis on China Profession Specialized MBA Education and Its Countermeasures;中国MBA行业特色教育的分析与发展对策
10.Research on GIS course system setting with architecture characteristic;具有建筑行业特色的GIS课程体系设置探讨
11.Apply grey prediction model to predict accidents number of the special equipment trade;利用灰色模型预测特种设备行业事故
12.Industry:The Strong Base for the Characteristics of Higher Vocational Education;行业:承载特色高职教育的坚强基石
13.On the Running of an Advanced Vocational-Technical College;依托行业 突出特色 办好高职
14.Build up the Enterprise Culture of China s Commerical Insurance Industry;建立我国商业保险行业的企业文化特色
15.Agricultural banks should take a regional financial economy policy;农业银行应实行有区域经济特色的金融策略
16.Study on the Mechanism of Characteristic Agricultural Industrialization in Counties of Xinjiane;新疆县域特色农业产业化运行机制研究
17.The Shortage of Specialized Talented Person and some Measuresin Profession Department;行业部门特色专业人才危机与应对措施
18.Research has shown that the Boeing Signature Interior is the industry's preferred airplane interior.研究表明:波音特色内饰受到整个行业的偏爱。

characteristic and advantageous trade特色优势行业
3)trade character of building建筑行业特色
4)arduous industry with spesal features艰苦特色行业
5)colleges with industrial features行业特色高校
1.This article analyses the internal and external environment of competitiveness status for colleges with industrial features by SWOT analytical method,and proposes strategies on enhancing the core competitive power of colleges with industrial features to nurture its competitive advantages.运用SWOT法对我国行业特色高校竞争状况的内外部环境进行了分析,认为培育竞争优势是提出了提升行业特色高校核心竞争力的关键所在,从而实现行业特色鲜明的可持续发展之路。
6)industry characteristic university行业特色型大学
