绩效体系,Performance system
1)Performance system绩效体系
2)performance appraisal system绩效考核体系
1.According to the above analysis,the performance appraisal system,the appraisal indication,the appraisal implementation process and the utilization of the appraisal result have been designed based on WBS&KPI.在此基础上,结合工作分解结构和关键业绩指标,进行了建筑企业绩效考核体系、考核指标、考核实施过程以及考核结果运用的设计。
2.The text heavily carry on research about the problem of the employee performance appraisal system of shui Gang if has a chieved some sighi ficance research out comes.本文对水城钢铁集团公司员工绩效考核体系的问题进行了深入系统的研究,取得了一些有意义的研究成果。
3.Because the influence factor of the performance appraisal system is very complicated, the usefulness of the performance evaluation usually is subjected to query.本文研究了各种绩效考核体系的构建与实施模型,在深入分析了当前民营企业的绩效评估低效误区的基础上,界定了其构建和实施绩效考核体系有效性的内涵;并形成了将平衡记分卡、目标管理、关键绩效指标体系、PDCA循环综合运用的提高绩效考核体系有效性的设计与实施模型,以一个典型民营W公司为例,验证提出的理论框架。

1.Research on Performance Evaluation of Double-Layer Performance Appraisal System;双层绩效考核体系的绩效考评模式研究
2.Design of Performance Review System for PE Teachers in GG UniversityGG大学体育教师绩效考核体系设计
3.An Initial Research On Executives Performance Appraisal Based On Corporate Performance Value (CPV);基于企业绩效价值的经营者绩效考核体系初探
4.The Improvement & Study of Employee Performance Appraisal System in DaJianMeiKuang;大建煤矿员工绩效考核体系改进研究
5.Diagnose and Design of the Performance Evaluation System for DY Electric Power Bureau;DY电业局绩效考核体系的诊断与设计
6.The Design of Performance Appraisal System of RDC.TIEFA Coal Industry Group Corporation Limited;铁煤集团热电厂绩效考核体系的设计
7.Research on Performance Assessments System of Xinjiang Sanye Pipelines & Technology Duty Co.Ltd;新疆三叶管道公司绩效考核体系研究
8.The Research on Performance Evaluation System in Electricity Power Enterprise Based on KPI;基于KPI的发电企业绩效考核体系研究
9.Study on Enterprise Performance Appraisal System with KPI;基于KPI的企业绩效考核体系研究
10.Performance Appraisal System Design of Zhongce Decoration Co.,Ltd;中策装饰有限公司绩效考核体系设计
11.Existing Performance Evaluation System Reform Research for the People s Bank of China;人民银行现行绩效考核体系改革研究
12.Design of Performance Evaluation System in Bank of China GL Sub Br.;ZG银行GL支行绩效考核体系设计
13.Design of Salary System and Performance Appraisal System in an IT Enterprises;某IT企业的薪酬和绩效考核体系设计
14.The Design of Employee Performance Assessment Architecture in GN Heating Supply Company;GN供热公司员工绩效考核体系的设计
15.Research and Design of XG Performance Appraisal;XG公司绩效考核体系的研究与设计
16.The Performance Evaluation System Research Based KPI of XingWang CO.LTD;兴旺公司基于KPI的绩效考核体系研究
17.System Research and Design of Performance Assessment in XZ Mobile Co.;XZ移动公司绩效考核体系研究与设计
18.Scheme Design of Performance Appraisal of Jinhui Industrial Science and Technology CO.LTD;金辉科技有限公司绩效考核体系设计

performance appraisal system绩效考核体系
1.According to the above analysis,the performance appraisal system,the appraisal indication,the appraisal implementation process and the utilization of the appraisal result have been designed based on WBS&KPI.在此基础上,结合工作分解结构和关键业绩指标,进行了建筑企业绩效考核体系、考核指标、考核实施过程以及考核结果运用的设计。
2.The text heavily carry on research about the problem of the employee performance appraisal system of shui Gang if has a chieved some sighi ficance research out comes.本文对水城钢铁集团公司员工绩效考核体系的问题进行了深入系统的研究,取得了一些有意义的研究成果。
3.Because the influence factor of the performance appraisal system is very complicated, the usefulness of the performance evaluation usually is subjected to query.本文研究了各种绩效考核体系的构建与实施模型,在深入分析了当前民营企业的绩效评估低效误区的基础上,界定了其构建和实施绩效考核体系有效性的内涵;并形成了将平衡记分卡、目标管理、关键绩效指标体系、PDCA循环综合运用的提高绩效考核体系有效性的设计与实施模型,以一个典型民营W公司为例,验证提出的理论框架。
3)performance evaluation system绩效评估体系
1.Research on Performance Evaluation System Based on Bsc;基于平衡计分卡的企业绩效评估体系研究
2.Seeking the economic increase in a one-sided way,the lack of cost consciousness and scientific government performance evaluation system are the main reasons of high administration cost.片面追求经济增长、缺乏成本意识、缺乏科学的政府绩效评估体系是导致行政成本过高的主要原因,为此必须树立科学发展观,强化成本意识,建立科学的政府绩效评估体系。
3.This paper analyzed the meaning of local government performance evaluation systems and its path choice,described the characteristics of it with two evaluation activities which are called Top-down and Bottom-up evaluation,and concluded that changing the system elements is a way to achieve the function of Local Government Performance Evaluation System.本文分析了地方政府绩效评估体系的内涵及其路径选择的实质,并从自上而下绩效评估与自"下"而上绩效评估两类活动的角度,勾勒了目前地方政府绩效评估体系的现状和发展趋势,提出通过调整评估系统的构成要素组合来发展与完善地方政府绩效评估体系。
4)EVA performance management systemEVA绩效管理体系
5)performance evaluation system绩效评价体系
1.Research on the China's Commercial Bank Performance Evaluation System;中国商业银行经营绩效评价体系研究
2.Tentative Research into Performance Evaluation System for Municipal Tobacco Companies in China;我国市级烟草公司绩效评价体系探索
3.Research on Public Projects Performance Evaluation System and Performance Realization Mechanism公共项目绩效评价体系及绩效实现机制研究
6)performance evaluation system绩效考评体系
1.In this paper,the author also designs the effective criteria,process,and requirements of performance evaluation system,which will be helpful for the library leaders to assess their staff s comprehensive makings and work achievements.本文从探讨学科馆员的学术研究现状着手,论及学科馆员的绩效考评原则、岗位职责、人才保障措施,重点设计了绩效考评体系有效性的衡量标准、评价过程及其要求,对图书馆界的领导考核学科馆员的综合素质和工作业绩具有一定的参考价值。
