登记程序,registration procedure
1)registration procedure登记程序
1.The article points out our country movable property registration system s deficiency on the registration potency,the registration institution,the registration procedure as well as the registration responsibility .通过对我国动产登记制度的分析,指出了我国动产登记制度在登记效力、登记机关、登记程序以及登记责任的不足之处,提出了关于如何完善我国动产登记制度的一些思考和建议,希望能为动产登记制度的健全提供一些理论上的分析和指引。

1.Condition of Owner ship registration Procedure船舶所有权登记程序条件
2.The Current Legislative Conditions and System Defects of the Procedures of Commercial Registration in China;我国商事登记程序立法现状及其制度缺陷
3.Renewal of Conception of Administration Law--from the angle of procedure of martial registration;论行政法理论的更新——以婚姻登记程序为视角
4.Via weekend voting, simple registration procedures, and the creation of a centralized, professional bureaucracy concerned with all aspects of election administration.通过周末投票、简单登记程序和一个处理所有选举事务的中心化、职业化机构,
5.Data processing--Procedure for registration of escape sequencesGB/T12054-1989数据处理转义序列的登记规程
6.Discussion on the Framework of Procedure in Revoking the Corporate Registration关于撤销公司登记的程序构架的探讨
7.ror log manager (ELM)出错登记管理程序;出错记录管理程序;错误记录管理
8.she left some of her personal effects in the house; I watched over their effects until they returned.请你遵循企业动产抵押物登记工作程序。
9.{}Setup has encountered a problem updating your system registry.{}安装程序在更新您的系统登记时遇到了问题。
10.The following applications are registered to run when the system starts.系统启动时,下列应用程序已登记要运行。
11.Several issues about procedures for affirming creditors registered rights under maritime procedure law;海事诉讼法登记债权的确权程序中的几个问题
12.On Registration of Real Rights in Ships: An Adjective Approach of Realization of Substantive Law船舶物权登记论——实体法实现的程序进路
13.A company may change its Business scope by amendments to its articles of association in accordance with procedures provided by law and after changing its registration with the company registration authority.公司依照法定程序修改公司章程并经公司登记机关变更登记,可以变更其经营范围。
14.The application checks with the Windows NT registry to locate the remote ORB, and then it invokes its services.应用程序检查Windows nt的登记,以确定远程ORB,然后它就调用其服务。
15.The act or process of enrolling.登记,注册登记注册的行为或过程
16.The registration authority may, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, ask the bank at which the enterprise has an account to transfer from its account the sum to be fined or confiscated as penalty登记主管机关可以按照规定程序通知其开户银行予以划拨。
17.The registry entry for the Favorites folder is damaged or missing. Run Windows Setup again to correct this problem.“收藏夹”的登记项已被破坏或丢失,重新运行安装程序可解决此问题。
18.register of lift engineers升降机工程师登记册

procedures of divorce离婚登记程序
3)error logger出错登记录程序
4)procedures of registration of vessel for property rights船舶物权登记程序
5)error log manager,ELM出错登记管理程序
6)processing program for outstockroom registration出库登记处理程序

香港房地产交易登记程序香港房地产交易登记程序  【香港房地产交易登记程序】香港有关房地产转让的文件经过鉴署和律师见证之后,必须要在规定的时间内到港府田土注册署登记,否则转让文件的法律效力将受到影响。为了促进房地产发展、杜绝诈骗行为,港府田土注册署的登记资料全部是公开的,查册人交付一定的费用后就可以查阅和复印。香港房地产交易登记程序有如下规定:1.缴纳印花税。有些文件必须缴纳印花税,先到港府印花税局核定印花税额后再缴纳印花税。 2.缴纳登记费。3.填写备忘表格并经律师鉴署,然后和文件一起送交港府田土注册署且领取编号。4.每份文件在取得编号后,按时间日期在日记册上登记,以便紧急时查阅。这个程序可以确认文件的优先权。5.登记索引表。每一地块,如果有文件送呈登记,注册署要把这一地块的性质登记在索引表上,并且写上地段编号放在索引表箱内,以便市民查阅。6.文件登记。在记录表格上记录地段、大厦及街道名称、地税、业权持有人姓名及一切有关登记文件,文件由业权持有人保存。