1.An Assessment Approach for Halon substitute technique;哈龙替代技术的应用选择方法
2.The analysis of the state of the replacement technology of Halon extinguishing system;析哈龙灭火系统替代技术现状
3.The Present Situation and Development of "Halon" Alternatives;“哈龙”替代物的现状和发展趋势

1.direct Halon replacement agent直接替代哈龙的灭火剂
2.clean agent halon replacement替代哈龙的清洁灭火剂
3.Halon Technical Options Committee哈龙技术方案委员会
4.halogenated hydrocarbon [halon]卤代碳氢化合物〔哈龙
5.dibromotetrafluoroethane [halon 2402] [C2F4Br2]二溴四氟乙烷〔哈龙2402〕
6.bromotrifluoromethane [halon 1301] [CF3Br]溴三氟甲烷〔哈龙1301〕
7.bromochlorodifluoromethane [halon 1211] [CF2BrCl]溴氯二氟甲烷〔哈龙1211〕
8.reduction schedule (for halon)减少使用哈龙的时间表
9.Discussion on the problems in the construction of the Halon Bank in Guangdong province;广东省哈龙银行建设若干问题的探讨
10.UNEP Halon Technical Optimum Committee联合国环境规划署哈龙技术选择委员会
11.Applied and Cost Comparative Study of Halon Substitute Fire-extinguishing System;哈龙替代灭火系统应用及造价对比研究
12.You got the Fire Extinguisher! It uses halon canisters to put out fires.你得到了灭火器!它通过消耗哈龙(一种化合物)瓶扑灭大火。
13.I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.我也买发一些哈蜜瓜. 龙眼和葡萄.
14.Ariel Sharon is gone and Hamas has won the election for the Palestinians.沙龙去世了,哈马斯赢得了巴勒斯坦人的大选。
15.Harbin, often referred to as the city of Ice, is situated on the Songhua (Sungari) River in the southern part of Heilongjiang Province.冰城哈尔滨,位于黑龙江省南部,松花江畔。
16.Study on Technology of Vibration Reduction in Demolition Blasting of LongHai Mansion in Haerbin哈尔滨龙海大厦拆除爆破中的减振技术研究
17.Investigation of coccidia fauna in chickens in Harbin Prefecture of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省哈尔滨地区鸡球虫的区系调查
18.Ha, ha, ha. No, he isn't.哈,哈,哈。不是。

halon replacement哈龙替代
1.It is an important aspect of Halon replacement technology and strongly cared by researchers.气溶胶灭火技术是近年来国际上发展起来的新型灭火技术,作为哈龙替代技术的重要方向之一,备受国内外消防行业科技工作者的关注。
3)Halon Bank哈龙银行
1.With the developoment of the halon phase-out,the construction of halon bank becomes the key matter of the current work.广东省是我国开展淘汰哈龙工作的示范省 ,随着淘汰哈龙工作的不断深入 ,建设哈龙银行已成为了当前工作的重点。
4)halon alternative哈龙替代
1.Since the subscription of Montreal Protocol in 1987, the study on the halon alternatives (clean gas fire extinguishing agent) and the corresponding fire extinguishing systems has been lasted for more than 10 years.从1987年蒙特利尔公约签署以来,关于哈龙替代物灭火剂(洁净气体灭火剂)和相应的灭火系统的研究已经历了10余年的时间。
6)Halon recovery哈龙回收
