1.Application of Geranyl Glycoside in Cigarette Flavoring;糖苷类香料前体的卷烟加香和缓释效果
2.Stability control over flavoring,casing and tobacco blending in cigarette manufacture process;卷烟加香加料和混丝掺配工艺过程的稳定度控制
3.The volatile oil in Tussilago farfara L was extracted with simultaneous distillation, analyzed by GC/MS, and tested as a cigarette flavoring.采用同时蒸馏萃取-GC/MS法对款冬花挥发油进行了分离鉴定,并用该挥发油进行了卷烟加香试验。

1.essential oil obtained from cloves and used to flavor medicines.从丁香中获取的香精油,用于给药物加香味。
2.Have you spiced this cake?这蛋糕中加香料了吗?
3.a clear seasoned broth.清澈的加香料的肉汤。
4.spiced or medicated mead.加香料和药的蜂蜜酒。
5.Actually they even have vanilla powder.实际上还可以加香草粉。
6.Societe des plantes a parfum de Madagascar, en Mayotte马达加斯加香料植物公司(马约特岛)
7.(British) a ready-cooked and highly seasoned pork sausage.(英国)加很多香料的速食猪肉香肠。
8.highly seasoned fatty sausage of pork and beef usually dried.加很多香料的肥猪肉和干牛肉香肠。
9.Add sugar, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary," it read.再加糖、牛至、紫苏、百里香、迷迭香即可。"
10.Food additive--VanillinGB3861-1983食品添加剂香兰素
11.First champagne and then this!"香槟酒,再加上口涎
12.chive, fresh or preserved细香葱,鲜的或加工过的
13.Please add more spice to the cake.请给蛋糕多加点香料。
14.cookie flavored with spices.用多种香料加味的饼干。
15.Food additive-Oil of geraniumGB11959-1989食品添加剂香叶油
16.THE TALE of two cities-Singapore and Hong Kong-goes beyond their competition in the economic arena.新加坡与香港何其相似!
17.The cook stuffed the chicken with sausage meat.厨师给鸡加填了香肠肉。
18.This dish has been spiced up.这盘菜已加了香料。

Flavoring and casing加香加料
3)precision of flavouring加香精度
1.The technical improvement base on this scheme can improve measuring precision of flavouring obviously.本文分析了影响烟丝加香精度的几种原因,并详细地给出解决该问题的技术方案。
4)Flavoring system加香系统
5)Flavoring filter加香滤嘴
6)tobacco flavoring卷烟加香
1.Study on extracting oil condition of Xinyi by steam distillation and its application in tobacco flavoring;水蒸气蒸馏法提取辛夷精油及在卷烟加香中的应用研究
