1.On Special Education and Employment Problems of the Blind Youth;视障青年的特殊教育及就业问题探析

1.Compare of SCL-90 between Inborn and Postnatal Visual Disable Students先天视障与后天视障学生SCL-90的测试比较
2.Network Interface Accessibility Design for the Visually Impaired Users针对视障用户的网络界面无障碍设计探索
3.A Study of Accessible Website Construction and Evaluation for Visual Impaired针对视障人士的Web无障碍网站建设与测评研究
4.This organization provides equipment for the blind and visually impaired.这个组织提供设备给盲人及视障者。
5.eye diseases and visual disorders眼的疾病与视力障碍
6.The television camera frizzed out电视摄影机发生了故障。
7.protection against anti-union discriminations职工会不受歧视的保障
8.visual spatial disorientation视觉性空间定向障碍
9.Observation on《Security Administration Punishment Act》from the Point of Right Assurance;从权利保障视角审视《治安管理处罚法》
10.The relationship between pituitary adenomas and optic chiasma and visual disturbance垂体瘤和视交叉的关系与视功能障碍
11.Or depends on the legal safeguard according to the constitutionsafeguard--Looks at the citizen basic right from the constitutional governmentfield of vision the safeguard;依宪法保障还是依法律保障——从宪政的视野看公民基本权利的保障
12.Systematic Discrimination and the Function of Equal Rights Protection Institutions;制度性歧视与平等权利保障机构的功能——以农民权利保障为视角
13.Retinal hemorrhage, and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances.视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。
14.The significance of ERG detecting for prognosticating post-operative vision in patient of cataract.视网膜电图对预测白内障术后视力的意义
15.Analyzing the Lacking of Migrant Workers Social Security Right From Perspective of the Justice ;从公正的视角审视农民工社会保障权的缺失
16.Perspective on Asian Welfare Economy and Social Security: an East-West Comparison;透视亚洲福利保障经济:一个东西方比较的视角
17.Disabled students to participate in sunshine sports from perspective of fairness公平视域下残障学生参与阳光体育的透视
18.Evaluation of the retinometer examination for predicting senile cataract postoperative visual acuity视网膜计预测老年性白内障术后视力评价

Vision disorders视觉障碍
3)Visual disturbance视力障碍
1.Objective To provide the pathogenic evidence for patients with visual disturbances,the origin,branches and inner diameters of the anomalous ophthalmic artery were investigated.目的 研究眼动脉的起点 ,重点调查异常眼动脉的起始、分支及口径 ,为临床视力障碍提供病因资料。
4)Elders Suffering from Eye Diseases视障老人
5)sight obstruct视线障碍
1.Using integral calculating the paper derives the integral formular of calculating the coordinate value of spiral curve arbitrary micro-length,by which can ensure contin- uous surveying of the transition curve and overcome the difficulties caused by sight obstruct.本文采用微分计算,推导出迥旋线任意微弧段坐标值计算的积分公式,当采用迥旋线作为道路的缓和曲线时,利用此公式可以保证缓和曲线的连续测设,从而克服因测设视线障碍带来的困难。
6)visual obstruction视野障碍
1.A method was presented based on the principle of the Eyellipse for describing systematically driver s visual field and visual obstructions, discussed the measurement of the direct ambinocular view, direct binocular obstruction, indirect ambinocular view, indirect monocular or binocular obstruction and steering wheel obstruction and drew the principles of how to apply the Eyellipse in this method.系统地阐述了驾驶员视野及视野障碍的确定方法,论述了应用驾驶员眼椭圆确定驾驶员的直接双边视野、直接双眼视野障碍、间接双边视野、间接视野障碍和方向盘引起的视野障碍区的方法及其原理,并总结了其中应用眼椭圆的原则。

三障──修定三障【三障──修定三障】  ﹝出释禅波罗蜜次第法门﹞  [一、沉昏闇蔽障],谓行人修定之时,沉昏瞪瞢,无所别知,由是障诸禅定,不得开发,名为沉昏闇蔽障。  [二、恶念思惟障],谓行人修定之时,虽不沉昏,而恶念忽起,欲毁禁戒,作诸不善等事,因是障诸禅定,不得开发,是为恶念思惟障。  [三、境界逼迫障],谓行人修定之时,虽无如上沉昏、恶念等事,而身或卒痛,魔恼竞起;或自见身陷入于地,火来烧身;高崖坠落,猛虎奔逐;乃至罗刹诸恶相现,逼恼行人,令生惊怖,障诸禅定,是名境界逼迫障。