
1.Some will cite this as proof that a policy of sanctions is self-defeating.有些人会引用此言来证明制裁政策是自我挫败的。
2.We must face down the forces of reaction.我们必须挫败反动势力。
3.We will frustrate you, my friends, deep as you think yourselves.我的朋友呀,尽管你们自以为高深莫测,我们会挫败你们的。
4.It's only too natural that he will be thwarted in his ambitions.他的图谋将遭到挫败是很自然的事。
5.The steady rains frustrated our plan.持续不停的雨挫败了我们的计划。
6.The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.这次失败是我们外交上的重大挫折.
7.Our course must thwart those designs.我们的方针是必须挫败他们这种企图。
8.Our army suffered a slight reverse.我们的部队受到轻微的挫败。
9.We should learn from our failures and setbacks.我们应该从失败和挫折中吸取教训。
10.I still feel frustrate...Dame....Who can save me please...?!?依旧持续着挫败感....谁来挽救我?!
11.take [get] a pounding from...大败 [受重挫] 于…
12.China foiled once again the anti-China human rights draft resolutions in the United States我国在联合国又一次挫败反华人权提案
13.We would blunt the offensive and conclude the war on honorable terms.我们将挫败这个攻势,而按体面的条件结束战争。
14.Texans don't bury their failures. They get inspired by them. They take their failures and turn them into rallying cries.得克萨斯人并不掩饰他们的失败,他们愈挫愈奋,他们接受自己失败的现实并将失败转化为动力。
15.The self-abasement of his companion completely got the better of the passing feeling of the personal vanity.伙伴的一番自谦的话挫败了他一时的虚荣心,使他无词可答了。
16.He was getting into his own bones the realization that the defeat was not a defeat, after all.他自己也深深地体会到这次挫折到底并不是一个失败。
17.I humble my soul with fasting.我用禁食一挫自己的热诚。
18.I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity.我懊丧地意识到我已被他们的足智多谋所彻底挫败。

1.Despite the difficulties and hardships,Chinese people successfully frustrated Japan s set plan of invasion of China,and pulled it into the Chinese battlefield,which made it unable to form an alliance with Germany and Italy before the outbreak of European War.中国人民英勇的抗日斗争挫败了日本法西斯既定的侵略计划 ,延缓了法西斯国家的结盟过程 ,粉碎了美英的远东慕尼黑阴谋。
1.Reading it carefully,you will find the mood of this period was commonly a sense of loss of culture and frustration rather than lofty thought of their families and countries.《板桥杂记》虽然是一部冶游之书,但值明清交替之际,却渗透着汉文人普遍的“遗民情怀”,仔细剖读《板桥杂记》会发现,这一时期“遗民文人”普遍感伤的常常不属高尚的家国情感,更多的是一种文化失语和个人的挫败感。
4)come home by the weeping cross后悔自己的行为; 受挫败
5)I acknowledged myself as beaten.我自认失败。

挫败1.挫折,失败。 2.击败。