1.Application of CAI in Mathematic Teaching;运用电教手段辅助数学教学初探
2)electrified education电教教材
1.The action of electrified education in teaching process;浅谈电教教材在教学过程中的作用

1.Reflections on the Materials of Party Member s Education with Electrical Audio-visual Aids to Serve the Whole Party s Situation;党员电教教材服务全党工作大局的思考
2.The role of specialized teachers in the process of making audiovisual teaching material;谈专业教师在制作电视教材中的作用
3.The Making of Video Teaching Material "Leaening is the Basis;“以学为本”教学模式的电视教材制作
4.Design and implementation of the serial TV teaching material Analogous Circuit Experiment;《模拟电路实验》电视教材的设计与实现
5.The Constraction and Research on Textbooks in Electric and Electronic Experimental Technique“电工电子实验技术”教材的建设与研究
6.retention of subject matter教材的保持 教材的保持
7.This is also essential. Teaching materials should be uniform.教材很重要,要统一教材。
8."Teaching Textbooks" or "Using Textbook":A Perspective of Improving Teaching Materials Function;“教教材”还是“用教材教”——兼论教材使用功能的完善
9.Keyword: Curriculum, computer aided instruction, Internet, website design, key-in.关键字:教材,辅助教学,电脑网路,网站,输入法.
10.Features of the Textbook of “Principles of TV Set” and Some Teaching Measures《电视机原理》的教材特点及教学中的意见
11.Bringing classroom-teaching under controland teaching students according to their aptitude--Also on teaching features of TV university;驾驭课堂,因材施教——也谈广播电视大学教学特色
12.Design and Practice of Scene Teaching for ‘Procedure and Stuff of Making TV Teaching Material’;《电视教材编制过程与人员》情景教学设计与实践
13.Analysis and the application pattern of televised teaching material in instruction based on its use in one class;从一节电视教材使用课探析其教学应用模式
14.Training of Students Producing Skills;教育技术专业学生电视教材制作技能的培养
15.A Tentative Discussion on the Application of Audio and Visual Language Teaching Material Used in Teaching;浅谈电视教材画面语言在教学中的应用
16.The Current Situation and Countermeasure of the Construction of the E-teaching Material in the Professional Education;职业教育电子教材建设的现状与对策研究
17.Study of Audio-visual Application in Gymnastics Class of Physical Education Colleges and Universities;体育院系体操教学中电化教材的应用研究
18.The function and applied pattern of TV teaching materials in the practical training of higher vocational education;电视教材在高职教育实训中的作用与应用模式

electrified education电教教材
1.The action of electrified education in teaching process;浅谈电教教材在教学过程中的作用
3)electronic teaching plan电子教案
1.Humanistic education and principles of designing electronic teaching plan;人本主义教育观与多媒体课堂电子教案的设计原则——以“新世纪大学英语系列教材”《综合教程》第一册为例
2.Two New Technical Methods Used in Project Teaching Activities with Electronic Teaching Plan;电子教案投影教学活动新技法二则
4)electronic teaching materials电子教材
1.The compilation of electronic teaching materials for mechanical & electrical specialty of technical school should consider the practicality,contingency,wide base,and students′ characteristics of mechanical and electrical specialty.编写技校机电专业电子教材要考虑技校机电专业的实践性、应变性、宽基础性以及机电专业学生的特点,编写过程可以分为初期建模、中期研发、后期测试、评定完成等阶段。
5)electronic lesson plan电子教案
1.A study on multimedia electronic lesson plans for physiology teaching based on campus intranet;基于校园网的多媒体电子教案在生理教学中的应用探讨
2.The function of electronic lesson plans is analyzed,and the main making technology is described.分析了电子教案的功能,并介绍了研制的主要技术通过开发计算机绘图课程的电子教案实例,说明制作电子教案的方法可行对开发相近功能的系统具有较强的参照性。
6)modern technology centre电教中心
1.Construction of the information technology platform of modern technology centre at universities;谈高校电教中心信息技术平台的构建
