高深知识,advanced knowledge
1)advanced knowledge高深知识
1.From the perspective of advanced knowledge,academic profession specialization can be evaluated from four aspects:advanced knowledge training,professional power,academic ethic and spiritual pursuit.从高深知识的视角出发,我国的学术职业专业化程度还不高,还不是一个成熟的专业。
2.From this perspective,complexity system is the research object of advanced knowledge.“高深知识”是大学教育的基础理念,复杂性思维以非线形思维、整体思维、关系思维、过程思维为特征。
3.The value contained in advanced knowledge is displayed by the activities of academic profession and endows the practitioner with social identity and status,so the different values of advanced knowledge are embodied by the differences of the identity and status of practitioners.高深知识所蕴藏的价值通过学术职业的活动得到彰显,并赋予学术职业从业者社会身份和地位,通过其身份和地位的不同来体现高深知识的不同价值。

1.On Superiority and Inferiority of International Competition of Chinese Academic Profession--From View of Advanced Knowledge中国高校学术职业的国际竞争优势与劣势分析——基于高深知识的视角
2.To Concern Tacit Knowledge and Deepen Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational Education;关注缄默知识 深化高职教学改革
3.Facing the Challenge of Knowledge Economy & Deepening the Reform of Higher Education;面向知识经济挑战 深化高等教育改革
4.Investigation on English Majors Acquisition of In-depth Lexical Knowledge;高职高专英语专业学生词汇深度知识习得调查
5.From Universal Knowledge to Advanced Scholarship--the logic of knowledge and its evolution从普遍知识到高深学问——大学观念的知识论逻辑及其变迁
6.Converting Knowledge ana Fostering the Ability of Osing Knowledge to deepen the Teaching Reform of Modern Chinese Course转化知识 提高分析能力 深化现代汉语教学改革
7.His knowledge fails to go very deep.他的知识不很精深。
8.A: It needs to be emphasized that KBE is nothing far removed from ordinary people and life.答:值得表明的是,“知识经济”绝非什么高深莫测的特殊体系。
9.It needs to be emphasized that KBE is nothing far removed from ordinary people and life.要强调的的是,"知识经济"绝非什么高深莫测的特殊体系。
10.Helps you to learn how to create wealth in your life without a deep study of metaphysics or financial theories.即使你不具备高深的金融知识,这本书也一样能帮你致富。
11.The Application of Literary Reading on the Improvement of the Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge of the Vocational College Students;文学阅读在高职学生词汇深度知识增进中的运用
12.Depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning.深奥知识、感情或意义的深处
13.Deepening Cognition to the Labor-value Theory in Knowledge Economy;知识经济中对劳动价值论的深化认识
14.Knowledge Economy And The Understanding Of Labor Theory Of Value;知识经济与深化对劳动价值论的认识
15.Unique Perspective, Unique Comprehension -A New Exploration of Literary Reviews·Bosom Friends;深识鉴奥见“异”知“音”——《文心雕龙·知音》新探
16.As an academician, she is thorough in her knowledge of her subject and constantly updates herself with new information.作为大学生,她对自己的课题认识相当深厚,并且不断吸取新知识来补充提高自己。
17.And it's bringing about the opportunity to transform vision, curiosity, and wonder into practical knowledge.它正在创造机会使幻想、求知欲和高深莫测的事情转化成实实在在的知识。
18.Influence of the personalized education in health knowledge and blood fat of hyperlipidemia patients of people form high socio-economic class in Shenzhen个性化教育对深圳市高层次职业人群高脂血症患者健康知识和血脂的影响

profound knowledge高深知识
1.Profound knowledge:the Approach to the Cognition of University;高深知识:识读大学的一个角度
2.As the logical starting point of the discipline of higher education, profound knowledge conforms to three conditions: in the activities of higher education, it is the most basic and popularized existence; it fits the principle of the unification of logic and history; it indicates all the contradiction or the "e."高深知识"作为高等教育学理论体系的逻辑起点符合三个条件:在高等教育活动中,它是一个最基本、最普遍的现实存在;符合逻辑与历史相统一的原则;内在地蕴涵着高等教育学对象的一切矛盾或一切矛盾发展的"胚芽"。
3.However,if we take the particularity of profound knowledge into consideration and take the intellectual as its humanity hypothesis,the pedagogy of higher education would be a kind of social science specialized in profound knowledge\'s production,spreading and application.如果同样以学生的可塑性作为人性假设,高等教育学最终仍然难以避免地会成为高等学校的"教学之学";如果考虑到大学里高深知识的特殊性,以知性人作为本学科的人性假设,高等教育学便有可能转型为一门专门研究如何在大学里进行高深知识生产、传播与应用的社会科学。
3)deepening knownledge知识深化
4)deep knowledge base深知识库
5)deep knowledge深知识
1.Due to the application of the theory of artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering, the traditional system for trouble shooting has become the deep knowledge-based expert system.运用人工智能(AI)理论和知识工程技术,使传统的设备故障诊断系统成为基于深知识的知识中心型专家系统。
2.This paper presents a diagnosis model based on deep knowledge.该文提出一种基于深知识的诊断模型,结合统计数据、专家经验利用模糊数学的方法,利用不确定性推理技术对不完备的知识进行不确定推理,在问题尚不明确的时候快速缩小范围,按概率推导出故障对象,最终得出最可能的故障原因、解决方案或给出最合适的维护人员,大大缩短了应急响应的时间。
6)deep knowledge深层知识
1.All kinds of deep knowledge are discussed in detail.讨论了基于知识的故障诊断系统所用的各种深层知识,并认为:系统的深层知识是基于系统结构的功能模型和行为模型,它们既可以用定性方式,也可以用定量方式描述。
2.Recently, the highly advanced computational technology has led to the development of the signed directed graph (SDG) deep knowledge model based qualitative approach.近年来,随着现代计算机技术的日新月异,使得基于符号定向图(SDG)深层知识模型的定性仿真研究和应用取得了显著进展。
