1.The Discussion of language usage in multiracial co-residence regions——a case study in Mosha, Xinpin;多民族杂居区语言使用情况探究——新平漠沙个案调查

1.China's ethnic groups live together over vast areas while some live in individual concentrated communities in small areas.中国各民族分布的特点是:大杂居、小聚居、相互交错居
2.Many races are mixed together in Brazil.在巴西, 有多种民族杂居在一起.
3.An Investigation and Analysis of the Status Quo of Urban Multi-national Contacts Psychology in Areas Inhabited by the Huis and the Hans;回汉杂居地区民族交往心理调查研究
4.On the Guarantee of Right and Interest of Mixed Community Ethnic Groups in Hebei Province;河北省散杂居少数民族权益保障研究
5.On Ancester-Worship by Dong People Who Inhabite Together and Dispersedly in Hubei对散杂居湖北侗族的祖先崇拜的阐释
6.Second, over a long period of time China's ethnic groups have lived together over vast areas while some live in individual concentrated communities in small areas.二是长期以来中国的民族分布以大杂居、小聚居为主。
7.Study on Cultural Life Situation of Kazakans Scattered and Mixed in Towns浅析当代新疆散杂居城镇哈萨克族居民的文化生活现状
8.The Research on the Changes of Marriage Concept of Hui Nationality in Interracial Neighborhood Since the Modern Times;近代以来散杂居回族婚姻观念变迁研究
9.A Study of the Status Quo of Yugur and Multi-nations in the SuNan Area;肃南地区裕固族与其他民族杂居现状研究
10.Research on the Correlation of Nationality and Regionality of Education in Multinational Areas;民族杂居区教育的民族性与地域性关系研究
11.On the Tu Folk Songs in Hehuang Nationalities Inhabited Area of Qinghai and Gansu Province;青海、甘肃河湟地区民族杂居地土族民歌研究
12.The Ethnic Relations in the Multi-national Areas and their Development;云南民族杂居地区的民族关系及其发展
13.A Review of Researches into Bai Nationality Inhabited in Sangzhi County,Hunan Province;湖南桑植散杂居白族研究现状及存在的问题
14.On the Ethnic Identity in Hui Culture of Yunnan Through the Angle of Cultural Transplantation;从文化移入谈云南杂居回族的民族认同
15.Influences of Building a Harmonious Society on Relationship between Nationalities in Areas Inhabited by Many Ethnic Groups;论和谐社会构建对散杂居民族关系的影响
16.Language Accumulation of Multi-Nationality Seen in Geographic Name in Yili Area of Xinjiang;新疆伊犁地区地名中多民族杂居的语言积淀
17.A Cross Culture Study on the Non-intellective Factors of Middle School Students of Nationalities Living Together;杂居地区初中生非智力因素发展的跨文化研究
18.Its populace was a hybrid assortment.这里的居民是个大杂烩。

migrating and living together with different nationalities迁徙杂居
3)co-existence pattern of Mongolians and Han nationality蒙汉杂居
5)dispersed and mixed散杂居
1.On the basis of this analysis, the author hopes to identify the new problems as well as the old ones with new phenomena appearing in the process of lifestyle change, to explore the mode of and the practical ways in constructing the new lifestyles for dispersed and mixed e沔城回族镇是长江中游一个具有典型意义的散杂居多民族社区,其民族多元性和宗教生活多样性,决定了生活方式的多样性和民族关系的复杂性。
6)a village inhabited by several nationalities杂居村落

杂居1.谓交错配合而居。 2.混杂而处。 3.特指两个或两个以上民族聚居在一处。