1.The implication of modernism inkling in Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》蕴涵的现代主义艺术端倪

1.(4) Initial appearance of civilization conflict frontline .(4)结成文明冲突阵线初露端倪
2.Signs of the predicted troubles have begun to appear.人类预测的麻烦已经开始处露端倪
3.The pocket watch first emerged in the early 1600s.初现端倪的怀表在1600年代初期.
4.The implication of modernism inkling in Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》蕴涵的现代主义艺术端倪
5.A professional career was looking very promising.一个大有前途的职业网球生涯已经初露端倪
6.The first shades of evening were showing themselves when Bathsheba reached home.巴丝谢芭到家的时候,傍晚的阴影已初露端倪
7.afraid that these few reported cases of the disease might only be the tip of the iceberg.恐怕这几个被报道的病例只是一个端倪
8.Recently, two independent groups of researchers have found evidence of one.最近,两个独立的研究小组已经发现了一些端倪
9.It's only a matter of time before he stumbles on the seeds of an inside drug operation.时间不长,他就发现了警察内部贩毒的端倪
10.Last night something in my heart began to surface.昨天夜里,我心中的那一变化刚刚露出端倪
11.But a short list of scientific rules for the game of love is emerging.但是某些有关爱情游戏的科学法则已渐露端倪
12.Details of the continuing probe are just now emerging.这项调查工作仍在进行,有关细节刚刚露出端倪
13."I see dawning..."Grant wrote,"the beginning of a change"格兰特写道:“我看到了曙光…看到了变革的端倪。”
14.Knowledge economy has started to take shape, and new industries have kept emerging.知识经济已初见端倪,新兴产业层出不穷。
15.In a few hours the tactical problem began to fall into shape.会议开始几小时后,策略问题已露出了端倪
16.Such a pullback may already be taking shape.消费者购买力受损的情况或已初见端倪
17.Business is good at the moment, but there are one or two problems on the horizon.目前营业状况很好, 但有一两个问题已露端倪
18.The command economy was approached gingerly, or so it looked on paper.中央管制经济初见端倪,或者说在名义上如此。

reveal its importance for the first time初露端倪
3)Having not the least clue毫无端倪
4)the opening of ritual studies礼学端倪
6)Ni Zan倪瓒
1.Comparing Jian Jiang and Ni Zan’s Differe nt Ways in Learning from the Tradition;渐江与倪瓒取法传统的比较研究
2.A Degage and Natural Writing Brush,New and Graceful Calligraphy——Ni Zan s calligraphy and landscape;逸笔草草——倪瓒书法与其山水画
3."Carefree pen" "carefree energy of life" "carefree style" ——the limited view of the inner meaning connection in the painting of NI Zan;“逸笔”“逸气”“逸格”——蠡测倪瓒绘画中“逸”的内蕴关联
