
1.an intolerable humiliation [heat]无法忍受的屈辱 [热度]
2.She had to eat the leek then.当时她只得忍受屈辱
3.He felt utterly humiliated.他感到莫大的屈辱
4.The defeat was a bitter pill.这次失败是一个屈辱
5.The state of being prostrate.跪拜崇拜或屈辱的状态
6.We'll not carry coals.我们不愿意忍受屈辱
7.To be forced to accept a humiliating defeat.被迫承认屈辱性的失败
8.To cause to feel chagrin; mortify or discomfit.使懊恼,使受屈辱,使窘迫。
9.she is the severe and dishonored figure.她满脸屈辱和怨愤。
10.He sugfers many humiliation before he become a football star他在成为足球名将前受过许多屈辱
11.He felt humiliated by her scornful remarks.他听到她那些嘲讽的话而感到屈辱.
12.He had to choose between death and dishonor.他不得不在死亡和屈辱之间做出选择。
13.He suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.他在成为足球名将前受过许多屈辱
14.Harvey felt Bad when he was obliged to eat the leek.哈维被迫忍受屈辱心里很难受
15.He dislike is humiliate in the presence of his colleagues.他讨厌在同事面前受屈辱
16.He had to choose between death and dishonour.他不得不在死亡和屈辱之间进行抉择。
17.I would as soon die as live in dishonour.与其屈辱地活着,我宁愿去死。
18.I shudder to recall those days of humiliation.想起那些屈辱的日子,真是不寒而栗。

disgraceful hostory屈辱史
3)cut the comb of使屈辱
4)Lie down under an insult甘受屈辱
5)humiliating diplomacy屈辱外交
6)feel [be] mortified at [by]感到屈辱
