言意之辩,debate between language and meaning
1)debate between language and meaning言意之辩
1.During the time of WEI and Jin dynasty, the criticism of man gave birth to the debate between language and meanings.魏晋之际,浩荡的名理之学催生了言意之辩

1.On Comparison between Language s Meaning and Linguistics Turn;“言意之辩”与“语言学转向”的若干比较
2.The Debate of Word and Meaning and Achievements of Wei-Jin Dynasty s Literature Theory;“言意之辩”与魏晋文学理论的新成就
3.On the Debate Between Wangbi and Ou Yangjian:a Further Comment on the Semiotic Characteristics of Chinese Culture;得意忘言与言意之辩──兼论中国文化的符号学特征
4.An Comparative Study of Wittgenstein s Unspeakable and Zhuang Zi s Differentiation of Word Meaning Opinion;维特根斯坦“不可说”与庄子“言意之辩”比较
5.View about the Chinese Tradition Poems and Painting Art to Surmount the Medium of Itself from the Debate between Langue and Meaning;从言意之辩看中国传统诗画艺术对自身媒介的超越
6.The Metaphysical Essence of “the Argumentation on Word and Meaning” and Its Global Influence on Chinese Classical Theory of Literature and Art;论玄学“言意之辩”的宗致及其对古代文论的全方位影响
7.On Gong Sunlong s Theory and its Significance in Contemporary Linguistics and Aesthetics;好微眇之言 持无穷之辩——公孙龙学说及其在当代语言学—美学的意义
8.Opinions on human nature, good or evil, differed from person to person in the past.过去,人的性“善”、性“恶”之辩都是各家之言。
9.Discussion on "Words" and "Ideology" of Chinese Classical Literature;中国古典文论中的“言”“意”辩考
10.Embodied,Cognitive and Dialectical View of Language by Xunzi--Rethinking the Philosophy of Language:The Fifth Paper on Linguistic Embodiment;荀子论语言的体验认知辩证观——语言哲学再思考:语言的体验性(之五)
11.The Meaning is Clear,the Realm is Empty and the Style is Elegant--The correction of clearness,emptiness literacy and elegancy in Jiang Kui s li-poetry;意之清、境之空、风之雅——姜夔词“清空骚雅”辩正
12.Yi Hwang and Ki Myong-Yon s Dispute over "Four Origins and Seven Emothions" vs Its significance;退溪与奇明彦四端七情之辩及其意义
13.Oneness of Heaven and Man in Modern Mediatation;对“天人合一”观之现代意义的辩证反思
14.A Comparison of the Roles of the Defendant Lawyers in Italy and China in the Process of Investigation;中意律师在侦查阶段辩护职能之比较
15.On the Aesthetic Mearing of Zhuangzi s Argumentation over Smallness and Bigness;论《庄子》“小大之辩”的审美意义
16.Aesthetic Ideal State beyond Language:On Aesthetic Orientation of Discrimination between Language and Intention;“无言”之美——试论“言意之辨”的美学取向
17.There is True Idea Herein Want to Argue to Have Forgotten the Speech--Talk about the clear nature life in Yuanming_Tao;此中有真意 欲辩已忘言——论陶渊明的自然人生
18.Dialectical Relations Between Arbitrariness and Iconicity of Linguistic Signs;语言符号的任意性与象似性的辩证关系

Differentiation of Word Meaning Opinion言意之辩
1.An Comparative Study of Wittgenstein s Unspeakable and Zhuang Zi s Differentiation of Word Meaning Opinion;维特根斯坦“不可说”与庄子“言意之辩”比较
3)the "Debate on the Relationship Between Language and Meaning"言意之辨
1.Viewpoints of Language Shown in the "Debate on the Relationship Between Language and Meaning";论“言意之辨”中的语言观
1.The article attempts from pragmatics angle to adopt Cooperative Principle of Grice and context theory to carry out investigation and discussion on implicature.小说中人物对话是现实话语的模拟,《围城》蕴涵言外之意、弦外之音的人物对话比比皆是。
2.A pun itself has the nature of ambiguity, so it violates the maxim of manner in CP and products implicature.双关本身就含有歧义,有双重意义,即有言外之意。
3.This thesis is divided into three parts: the first, the summary of the implicature; the second, the cause of formation of the implicature; the third, the realization of the implicature.言外之意是普遍存在于书面语和口语中的一种语言现象,本论文以此为切入点,来深入探讨一下这一语言现象背后的深层的东西。
1.This paper intensively analyses implication composed by context factors and the close relation- ship between them.本文重点论述了构成言外之意的语境因素,认为语境可分为语义语境和语用语境。
2.In the verbal communication of reply,the speaker sometimes deliberately disobeys the principle and the norm of cooperation,and his reply doesn t show the information that the other party asks,however,his reply does convey some implication,and tactfully realizes the certain goal of communication.在问答式言语交际中,答者有时故意违反合作原则与准则,答以不承载问者所需信息的话语却能传达言外之意,从而巧妙地实现其特定的交际目的。
1.Subaudition and Amae of Japanese;言外之意与日本人的娇宠心理
2.Many forms are shown in the semantic transition,semantic reconstruction and the use of rhetorical devices of E-C numerals,which helps produce large numbers of subaudition and implications.英汉语数词的语义转换、语义重构与修辞手段的运用呈现出不同方式,从而产生出大量的“言外之意、弦外之音”。
3.Indirect speech act mainly study to discuss expression of euphemism, and subaudition.日语是间接言语行为高度发达的语言,研究间接言语行为主要是探讨婉转的表达方式,研究言外之意。

言意之辩  见言意。