节选本,the condensed version
1)the condensed version节选本
1.In an effort to correct the misleading and erroneous bilingual form,this essay points out two textual problems in the condensed version.杨宪益和戴乃迭的《红楼梦》英译本ADreamofRedMansions有多种印本,其中有一种节选本

1.It's an abridged edition of the original one.这是原来版本的节选本
2.A Critique of the Condensed Version of Hongloumeng (The Yangs Translation A Dream of Red Mansions);外文出版社《红楼梦》英译“节选本”纠谬
3.This extract is an example of the style of the entire book.本篇的节选是整书风格的一个范例。
4.Comparative Appreciation of the Two Extracted English Versions of the Dream of Red Mansion;《红楼梦》两种英译本节选之比较赏析
5.The gospel of this Sunday is from the holy gospel of Luke, chapter13 th,1 to9.本主日的弥撒福音选自路加福音,13章1至9节。
6.Selection and Cultivation Experiment of Standard Chrysanthemum Varieties for Out-season Production独本菊反季节生产品种筛选及栽培技术研究
7.Improvement in Graduated Project Topic Selection for Electronic Information Specialty电子信息类专业本科毕业设计选题环节的改进
8."Basically there are three kinds of VOD service. First, it is near VOD. With it you can tune in to scheduled predetermined broadcast programs."基本上有三类。一是近似的VOD。你可挑选预先安排好的节目。
9.The substitute font will be used for this session only. The original font selected in the file will not be changed.替换字体仅在本节使用。文件中所选原字体不改变。
10.Learn Every Detail of the Business--How to become an expert in your chosen field.学会掌握本行业的每个细节--努力成为所选定领域的行家能手。
11.This section enables you to specify crawling options for sites in the Site Directory.本节使您可指定对“网站目录”中的网站进行爬网的选项。
12.Roback says the selection of a more efficient AES will also result in cost savings and better use of resources.Roback说,选择一个更高效的AES也会带来成本的节省和资源的更好利用。
13.The snakeheads often choose the toughest route for the stowaways, for the economy of smuggling costs蛇头们为了节省偷渡成本,往往为偷渡客们选择的是最艰难的路线。
14.Your story isn't original, you took it from a book.你的故事并不是你的独创,而是从一本书中节选来的。
15.MPLS nodes can then provide basic QoS to that LSP and the chosen data within.然后,MPLS节点可以给那个lsp和其中选择的数据提供基本的QoS。
16."Suffocation" will also run in the Italian Eastern Film Festival on 22nd of this month.《窒息》同样将入选在本月22日举行的意大利远东电影节。
17.Long segment of fusion is more suitable for the patients of5-15 age group.本术式应用于5-15岁年龄组的患儿时,宜选用长节段融合策略。
18.A Study of Mode Selection of Tourism Areas Management:A Trade-cost-based Perspective;基于交易成本节约视角的旅游景区治理模式选择研究

1.On anthology of traditional opera of China;中国古典戏曲选本研究刍议
2.Canon is related to anthology activity,self-anthology activity is a process of canonization,decanonization and recanonization.选本活动是一种特定的文学活动方式,一种特定的文学史运作方式与文学批评方式。
3.Based on the birth of the early Qing Dynasty Tang poetry anthology TangPoetry 300,the main study, in its China in the Tang Dynasty of the election havetremendous influence on the causes.本文以清代前期诞生的唐诗选本《唐诗三百首》为主要研究对象,对其在中国唐诗选本中产生巨大影响力的原因进行探讨。
3)Selected works选本
1.This paper reviews thoroughly the eleven selected works of parallel prose after liberation,analyses the merits and demerits in the selection and in the conception of parallel,and points out that the anthology of parallel prose after liberation has made considerable headway both in spread and in study,and has reevaluated parallel prose in the Chinese literary history.对建国以来的 11本骈文选本作一全面地回顾 ,评析其在选文、骈文概念等方面的得失 ,指出建国以来的骈文选本在普及性和研究性上都取得了一定的成就 ,为骈文在中国文学史上的地位作了重新的评价。
2.And sort out the anthologies from some aspects such as compilation, comment, publish and spread of the selected works.本文以清人编选的文章选本为研究对象,对选本的编选、评点、刊刻、流传进行了文献方面的梳理,并结合时代背景、社会文化、政治思想、学术风气、文学创作、文学思潮等因素对清人编选的文章选本进行了文学批评方面的研究。
3.Their arrangement of the whole collection of Jian nan Poem Manuscript,compilation of the selected works,criticism of the works and imitation of composition,formed a series of diverse and magnificent scene of acceptance history of Luyou.本文深受接受美学思想的启发,立足于审视、梳理曾经与社会史、政治话语、意识形态、庸俗社会学观点深深纠缠的近百年的陆游研究以及八百年来的陆诗阅读活动:通过中世纪诗歌选本的产生、复制、流传、消亡和选目的增减、聚散考察中世纪陆诗传播的深度、广度和特点;通过明清“绅士”读者的阅读活动揭示陆诗对于中世纪读者的价值所在,对近代以前的陆游隐士、“清客”形象作出解释;通过近代、民国社会思潮、伟人巨匠的影响揭示近代以来陆游志士、战士形象的确立过程及其动因;通过追溯“文学史”对陆游其人其诗的陈述话语的形成过程,反思近代社会环境下确立起来关于陆游、陆诗的常识。
1.Research on high-quality, high-yield, cost-saving and synergy cultivated technique to the rice of Jilin province;吉林省水稻优质高产节本增效栽培技术的研究
5)base joint;knuckle本节

本·本绍本·本绍教授ben bensaou 中欧国际管理学院客座教授,欧洲商业管理学院资讯技术专业的教授,世界著名的管理领域的专家。曾经以对美国和日本汽车行业中的供求关系的研究所作的论文获得最佳博士论文奖。