道通为一,being one body with Dao (Dao Tong Wei Yi)
1)being one body with Dao (Dao Tong Wei Yi)道通为一

1.A Study of the Technical Idea in Zhuangzi;从“道艺合一”到“道通为一”———庄子技术思想初探
2.A study of Zhuangzi s thoughts on techonolgy;从“道艺合一”到“道通为一”——庄子技术思想初探
3.Harmonious Society,the Tao-for-one--A Brief Research on Laozi s Philosophy of Harmony;和谐社会道通为一——老子和谐哲学研究
4.The Modeling Arts and Aesthetic Characteristics of the Carving Sculpture in the State of Chu;诙诡谲怪 道通为一——楚雕刻艺术的造型与审美
5.a room that is entered via a door.有门作为通道的一个房间。
6.The road to the village branch off on the right通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路
7.The road to the village branches off on the right.通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路.
8.They are digging a tunnel through the mountain for the new railway.他们在为新铁路开凿一条通山隧道。
9.A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.道路为从一地到另一地提供通道的马路、小道或高速公路
10.the act of running away with a lover (usually to get married).与情人一道逃离的行为(通常是为了结婚)。
11.some researchers propose that terrestrial life might have originated there,一些研究者认为,地球上的生命是源于这些通道,
12.a passageway between buildings or giving access to a basement.一种在建筑物之间或为地下室提供入口的通道。
13.Distribution channels provide a general structure for distributing goods.分销渠道为分销产品提供了一个通用结构。
14.Long track speed skating usually is an open-air sport with the length of the track 400m.在户外进行的长道速滑,通常为400米一圈。
15.Short track speed skating is an indoor -sport on a rink with the length of the track 200m.在室内溜冰场进行的短道速滑,通常为200米一圈。
16.The Corridor Effects of Rail Transporation on Urban Land Using;轨道交通的廊道效应与城市土地利用分析——以上海市轨道通明珠线(一期)为例
17.In addition, for temperature stabilization, the cuvette holder's base plate has internal channels that can connect to a circulating, constant-temperature water source.另外为了达到稳定的温度,试管支架的底架有内部通道,通道与一个循环的、恒温的水源连通。
18.The Tate's Cairn Tunnel was opened to traffic in 1991, providing an additional direct road link between the north-eastern New Territories and Kowloon.大老山隧道在一九九一年通车,为九龙与新界东北部提供另一条直接连接通道。

unity of the way and action与道为一
1.The ideal of ZHUANG Zi s "inaction" is the unity of the way and action.庄子"无为"的理想是"与道为一"的境界。
3)Difference between channels通道不一致
4)Data channel average通道归一化
5)Consistency of all Channels通道一致性
6)Channel Communication Behavior渠道沟通行为

道通【道通】  道即道理,谓证中道之理,而能起用,无心应物,缘化万有,犹如影像,水月空华,无有定体,是名道通。